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❤Dya❤ the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


❤Dya❤, 28 y.o.


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❤Dya❤ live sex chat

Date: October 9, 2022

10 thoughts on “❤Dya❤ the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You owe it to everybody involved to get the dna testing done, and if she is not your biological child, find the other family.

  2. OP, leave her. You know why? I was in your shoes not so long ago and it gets worse.

    You are studying and working too. Since it's not full time you earn less money. Now, you are paying for everything, that is rent, food, bills etc…Money wise it's already tight. The thing is, the romantic gestures your GF is demanding involve money. Dates, gifts, flowers and so on, require money. And your GF is comparing you to a grown man who works full time probably and makes more money than you.

    So, you're already on a tight budget and now you have to pay for dates. Chances are that she'll throw a fit when you take her to X restaurant because her friend's man took her to a more expensive one. Don't do the same mistake I did back then. I stopped studying and started working full time to afford the dates and gifts. You know where it gets worse? Since I worked more, I couldn't be there as much. So it shifted from “You don't bring me to dates like X person's man is doing” to “You don't have time for me because you are working all the time”. This is what really frustrated me and this is what will frustrate you too. So I changed job so that I would have more free time.

    She then wanted to control my salary, that is, she got her dates, her flowers, her gifts, did her hair and nails and she asked for pocket money because she wasn't working. I'm into gaming and cars. She made me sell my console and my cars because my time gaming should have been spent with her and my project cars involved too much money. So I paid for everything, food, rent, bills, dates, gifts, her makeup and all of her stuff like nails and hair + gave her pocket money. In the end I didn't have money or time left for my hobbies or my life because she made it all about her.

    Then she cheated because she “didn't get what she wanted in this relationship”

    The choice is in you hands bro.

  3. You're only dating 4 months and all this shit is happening. Stop trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

  4. I've had a similar thing happen; please don't get back together with him. If you do, you will NEVER be able to trust him again, and that will eat away at you. You deserve someone who doesn't dump you every time they want to get their dick wet.

  5. IUD’s are BC – but they can fail just like anything else – use a condom if you want – its like belt and suspenders –

  6. Thanks for that context, as it really helps put things into perspective, especially as it relates to your friend's premise; clingy girls usually end up being crazy.

    To focus specifically on her, I'm here to tell you that her being a clingy woman isn't going to result in her being crazy; why? Because she already is.

    The worst part at the moment is you finding it cute, and then at times exacerbating it. I'm truly not trying to be a dick here, so I apologize for coming off as such, but I assure you it's not cute, and you only feel that way due to your immaturity (no judgement – I assure you I was you at 18. It's simply reality). It'll stop feeling cute real quick.

    Why is she crying on her period. Now, you don't need to answer as I logically know what you'll say. But every single month forever? That's cute? Why is she crying after sex? She cries before sleep after a rough day? How often are her days that awful?

    Then let's talk about you being a dick for 12 years. You two were friends. No one put a gun to her head to get into a relationship with you.

    She cries that you don't like her/find her attractive. But you do, no? As such, she cries to you constantly about it? You have to provide constant reassurance that you in fact do like her and find her attractive? Why? If you've told her once, why does she need to hear it over and over? That's her telling you she doesn't trust you.

    Worried about other girls? I get it given past infidelity. But like I said earlier, no one forced her to be with you. If she's going to constantly lose her shit, why torture herself?

    You might leave? Yeah, you might. That's always a risk, but it generally happens due to acknowledging a bad relationship. Asking you to say you won't leave is a guarantee?

    The not paying attention to her is just you being an asshole and quite frankly it's pathetic, but like I said, you're making it worse. In summary, this is guaranteed going to be an absolute nightmare. You're saying you might marry her after confirming the state of the relationship when the training wheels come off. I'm telling you that she can't balance the bicycle with them on.

  7. I think a counselor or a therapist is something I genuinely need. I don't think I can do this alone. But thank you so, so much… seriously. You have no idea. Just knowing somebody out there isn't judging me or mocking me but wanting to actually help… I'm literally crying my eyes out right now… Hopefully by the end of the month, this whole thing can be over with. You're an absolute godsend… thank you.

  8. It’s okay to give yourself time to heal. You don’t have to find someone else right away. You can take that time to focus on yourself and experience new hobbies. Grieving is a tough process so it’s normal if it’s hardp

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