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❤️Lora and Rebecca ❤️ the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


❤️Lora and Rebecca ❤️, 23 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms ❤️Lora and Rebecca ❤️

❤️Lora and Rebecca ❤️ on-line sex chat

Date: October 4, 2022

111 thoughts on “❤️Lora and Rebecca ❤️ the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. It doesn't matter what we think. You two agreed to it, and she didn't follow the agreement. Whether it's cheating or not, not only cannot be defined by anyone outside of a relationship, but doesn't change that she made an agreement and didn't follow through.

    It suggests to me that you two will not be getting back together, and that she never planned for, nor wanted you two to get back together though.

    Tbh, if I held out hope to get back together with an ex, I wouldn't be sleeping with anyone. So you just need to decide if it's a deal breaker or not (if she's attempting to fix things with you, of course. If she's not, then there's nothing to consider).

  2. You can't change the age gap and you don't have any influence on external stressors.

    If you're being genuine, kind, and engaged then you've done your part. If that isn't good enough for her she can kick rocks. As long as you've been true to yourself while being a good boyfriend to her, you'be done your part.

  3. Right I mean grooming by definition is training so its not like it could be the wrong word, I'm just thinking how people are using it here for context like she is inmocent.

  4. He changed himself for you and then he didn't make the effort and you equate your attractiveness to his weight. Your post sounds like that. Yes any person should take care of themselves but if you knew he had mental problems beforehand shouldn't that be addressed with therapy? Have you suggested and encouraged him to go exercise or develop an active hobby or sport together?

    If he doesn't care how he looks and you do. What made him try to change himself back then?

  5. Right off the bat, I'd recommend you be quite a bit more private with your partners sexual preferences than discussing them with your brother. Especially when you're talking about something like pegging.

    If both partners aren't comfortable with a kink though then you drop it. It sounds like you're just a bit nervous though, so talk to him about it, and maybe do a little research.

  6. We appear to have different definitions of “initiating”. I also work and texting my partner is not my priority during that time either, this is not just a man thing. I will take all day to reply if I've had a busy work day. When I say “initiating” I mean literally just being the first person to send the first text that day, even if it is at the end of the work day. I never expect constant conversation during the day or even a good morning text every morning, that's illogical to want imo. But the first text of the day (at any time of day when it becomes convenient) should be a two-way street.

  7. There is too much bullshit and toxicity in this relationship for it to work. It doesn't matter who is toxic because you both are feeding into each others'. It will not get better

  8. Pity you feel… most would call it possessive and too much.

    In the end it's a matter of negotiation. Imo you are wondering a bit far in her territory.

  9. How can I best approach my mother about how this has affected me?

    Don't bother. Your mother sucks and she wanted to hurt you. If you let her know it's still affecting you, she will gain satisfaction from knowing that.

    Confronting her isn't going to do anything. Drop the rope with her.

    Spend the time and energy finding people that like you can care about you.

  10. There are two things that contribute to an erection: mental arousal and physical touch. Ideally both of those are in sync for the guy and things feel amazing. Sometimes the mental is there but it's not enough to get an erection, sometimes the guy isn't into it but he (or another) can physically stimulate the penis to “force” an erection. But if these two elements are working against each other, obviously it's much harder to achieve and maintain the erection. But not impossible. And if you are mentally into it and then something happens that quickly tears your mind out of the mood (i.e. blood or a fart or a had sex move or pain, etc), that can quickly kill the erection. Make sense?

  11. Guys are polyamorous. You can love your main woman and please others. And it feels normal. Yet if you get caught. That may be all for you ☠️

  12. I guess the end game would be to know that it was going on for sure and then ending the relationship.

    This is all too common now days. Gone are the 90s sitcom memes where they guys always want to have sex and the girl always have a headache.

    Porn should honestly be banned because guys don't find regular women anything to look at anymore.

  13. u/Ok-Try-9284, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  14. OP what you’re SO if feeling is normal at 20 years old, I went through the same thing with my now ex. And unfortunately he most likely will do the traveling for a couple years. But eventually when the money dries up he will need to settle into a steady job, and though the traveling might continue into his mid 20’s it slows down and goals change. As for you, I know the idea of having children in the near future sounds amazing but as someone in their mid to late 20’s I see very few young parents that happy about the decision. Not that they don’t love their children but you haven’t lived yet, I’m guessing your in college or something. How about wait a couple years in the real world and see how even your goals will change. You might end up wanting to wait till your 30’s where your more financially stable, btw it’s also better for your future kids. Rather than struggling in your 20’s when you and your SO aren’t fully matured. Just food for thought, hope it helps.

  15. u/slimmy222, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  16. There is nothing sweet or even functional about a 31 year old man dating a 22 year old.

    I am a 33 year old woman and to me, you are a child. A little girl. Not a full grown adult. I don't say this to be insulting. I say this to demonstrate how truly dysfunctional a 31 year old man dating a 22 year old is. He wants to date a child because adults don't put up with his shit.

  17. u/Good-Experience-1210, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  18. 🙂 not at all. That was the point. To give you a smile and a chuckle. Just a bit of a break from being stressed out about it. I’m glad it helped, if even just for a little bit

  19. grow the fuck up and stop destroying a good man heart by acting like an inmature littlel kid

    heal your traumas by yourself and without hurting other people and let him free of your childish actitud

    creating fight with who loves you, making him ruin his years long love lenguage surprise….yep, grow up

  20. Hello /u/ShadowsQueen7u7,

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  21. Stop allowing yourself to be manipulated by flying monkeys. They will keep doing it till you stop letting them.

    This isn't on them, it's on you and your wife to set effective boundaries with her family.

  22. I think there's something deeply disturbed with an individual who wants scenes of suicide marked on them for the rest of their life, what if it triggers some people, why does suicide attract him so much? He really needs help, I mean I fucking love tats but suicide? On your actual body…like either he needs to get help or grow up because the fascination with such graphic scenes seems “edgy” and kinda pathetic as though he wants attention at the risk of everyone else's mental wellbeing and/or he's just fucking sick, I know it'd trigger me and would probably be scared of him.

    Do what's right for you, but I really feel he needs to evaluate why he wants these scenes especially the one I've already mentioned on him …

  23. I would be too emotionally damaged if my cat was killed by my dog. Honestly you need grief counseling because I'm sure it was a horrible thing to witness. I'm so sorry for the pain you and your cat suffered. I love animals. I think most dogs van be trained but this is so personal and graphic…I know it's unfair to punish the dog but a life was taken, unprovoked too. That's awful and the dog needs to put down in a humane manner. It could be you next or another future pet. I'm so so sorry you're going through this. This is my genuine nightmare as a pet owner.

  24. I’m getting the vibe that you’re too young and immature to have an opinion here so respectfully take your leave now

  25. Even more of a reason to end it now. Assuming something it refundable it gives you both the chance to get some of the money back.

  26. I'm probably closer to the dad's age than your age so I'm just going to say – this is weird as fuck.

    We have kids, they're not quite in their twenties yet but if my husband said something like this to a girlfriend, or even a straight up friend of one of our kids, I would be APPALLED!

    What the fuck was this man thinking? Does he even know how creepy he sounds?

    I am reading this situation as dad having a bit of a thing for you. Stay away from him, never be on your own with him. It can't hurt to be careful right? All I want to say is this is NOT normal dad behaviour.

  27. I am usually the advocate on breaking up in these situations because usually the OP never comes clean until they are caught or the guilt finally built to much but she did everything in her power to make sure she put a stop to those attractions. Most of the time the cheating happens but in this case she has morals and understands when she needs to remove herself.I will say you will regret this if you never tell her how you are feeling stop bottling the feelings

  28. CPAP is your husband’s best friend. I sleep with it. It’s really great. No need to embarrass. To be honest, I can’t on-line without CPAP. I love it because I sleep very easy like baby. Best thing I have ever.

    I know people think CPAP is weird but they have no idea how it treats them until they try first. Your husband should check out.

  29. With only 9 year gap? Lol how quaint.

    Try 30. We’ve never been happier.

    Your true friends won’t judge you. They’ll be happy for you. It’s mot their relationship on the line.

    As long as it’s not a boss/subordinate origin story or an abusive relationship your brainwashed into staying it you’re fine.

  30. If he lives near the mountains, an SUV with AWD or 4Wheel Drive would probably be a good thing. A 13 year old car is most likely starting to have maintenance costs that would equal a car payment. Ask yourself – does he need reliable transportation?

    You are going to sound controlling and Nagy by telling a 34 yo what he can/cannot do.

  31. There's plenty of women out there. Approximately 4B. He'll find someone who matches his energy and communication style.

  32. No kidding! He calls himself out as a sociopath in it, and obviously he really is just completely, ruthlessly evil and self-absorbed. I was unfortunately involved with someone like this for 10 years, and he ruined my life.

  33. Well for one good for you for being with someone that turns you on that much. Two just think about the grossest thing you can think of then go get an AI art print of it so whenever you're inappropriately horney you look at the print in your phone & boom you're good.

  34. Being a sahp is mentally challenging. She could just be going through a rough patch of parenting. You need to be supportive and help get to the bottom of her issues.

  35. I've been with my husband for almost 20 years now. We are very attached, (some might say dependent) and work together. If he doesn't answer or text back in 30 minutes or even hours, I assume he's busy since he's an adult with stuff to do. Your BFs rule is Insane.

    No partner should be monitoring or controlling you like that. Tell him no more timer and definitely no more controlling your money. He can coach, educate, assist if you want help but how will you ever improve if he just takes over.

    Sounds like you've internalized his criticism and it's hurting your self esteem. You are competent. You can make your own good decisions. You have the right to make your own choices. He isn't better/smarter than you. He is controlling.

  36. Thank you so much 🙁 I agree, there definitely has to be men who are happily monogamous. It’s just naked because he basically shoved the idea that no man is monogamous down my throat for months on end, now I have to start over and basically retrain my way of thinking since he corrupted it so much:(

  37. Your concerns are valid but if he’s going to cheat then he’s gonna cheat and it’s doesn’t matter where he is. You need to figure out if you trust him.

  38. The snooping question brings some stuff up, and it’s becoming more clear why my wife feels uncomfortable. She’s snooped through our cabinets/drawers before, not to steal but out of curiosity. She used to do this in my room at her house. When my wife was pregnant and we weren’t ready to announce, I remember we had to be careful where to hide the ultrasound photos and prenatal vitamins so they wouldn’t find out early.

    There was also one occasion where my mom left on vacation when I still lived there and accused my wife of taking jewelry while she was gone… my wife doesn’t even wear jewelry, I forgot about this but I don’t think my wife did.

  39. Sometimes I stub my toe and I want to shout. Other times I get tilted during video games.

    But none of that is violent behavior.

    Violent behavior is unpredictable. The destruction of items is a good place to draw the line.

    The head banging on walls is where you check the fuck out.

    The amplification during drunk, is where you block and never look back.

    Its dangerous.

  40. Stop doing stuff for him. Stop cleaning his dishes and clothes. Let it pile up. Stop telling him to brush his teeth. Stop acting like his mother.

    Honestly, this isn’t going to get better. He knows he has you on lock and you’ve established the history of doing stuff for him when it becomes too frustrating for you. You’ve taught him that his weaponized incompetence works.

    If you want to try to save this, or prove a point, quit doing anything for him and see how long it takes him to notice. I’d bet money that instead of doing basic chores for himself, he’ll start whining at you about why you’ve stopped.

  41. Of course not, but seeing a person I really care about get hurt multiple times a month and hearing her cry to me about how worthless she feels does hurt me too. Especially when I warn her in advance that she's gonna get hurt but she ignores me. It hurts me, and also makes me angry at her. That's what I mean by starting to resent her.

  42. Why are you married to someone you can’t trust….? ill never understand people who marry and stay married to people they don’t trust. You are being controlling. And if he’s cheated before then he’s a piece of shit.

  43. So you can never be at home when you're at home?

    Sounds like you're not a person living with him but a fidgit toy.

  44. Drunk, high, and on acid…… I mean he really might not know. Ppl who haven’t blacked out on something probably wouldn’t understand. While I never hooked up wrongly I def woke up in a place I had no memory of going to.

  45. She's forcing her way into a love triangle and he's letting it happen. He's not enforcing the boundaries and obviously doesn't care to, so now the responsibility of the direction of the relationship rests upon you. Relationships only work when both partners make an equal or similar effort, which it seems he is not doing. He also seems not to actually care about your feelings or the weight of his actions. I cannot assume the reality of things as the only information we have is from your personal account of the incidents but it sounds pretty bad.

  46. It seems like you already figured things out but wanted to flag that if the video was real, you could check the meta-data on it. Like my friend just texted me a video from the weekend and I checked the meta data and it had a location and time stamp and the type of phony it was taken on. If it were an original video taken with an iPhone, it’d have all the info

  47. She at least is emotionally involved with him ,to be ignoring you when you are out together is worrying,so you are not wrong about how you feel . I am afraid you have to bring it up in how you feel ,and I'm pretty sure she will say you are just insecure as seems to be be the get go answer at the moment. She may in all honesty not get that she is doing this and is treating him as the FRIEND from work ,but he is most likely not being the friend.

  48. Yea man. Either you trust her or you don’t. If you don’t, get out of the relationship. If you do, don’t project your insecurity onto her. That’s something for you to deal with.

    This is a classic issue for someone your age. Tbh therapy can help. But so can good friends and doing your own introspection work

    Go with her sometimes, but just trust her. Or don’t. But you can’t have both

  49. Yeah, you are cheating. You’re having an emotional affair while she is at home looking after the baby. I’m sure she would like to just blow off being a parent too sometimes, but hey, she’s unwell to the point of disability, so you can just do whatever you like secure in the knowledge she won’t leave, right?

    You are taking advantage, you are cheating, you are sneaking around, you are putting your weasel friend above your marriage. Sort your priorities out.

    If you want a chance of fixing this, flowers and silly little gifts will not cut it. What will cut it is telling this friend that she pressured you into leaving your wife alone to care for the baby while you snuck out, that it was terrible judgement on your part but that she crossed a boundary with the pressure, so you need to take some time to work on your marriage and get some distance from this friendship. Tell her you’ll be back in touch in autumn and if she still wants to be friends you can pick up slowly again then. Cut her off for a few months. Apologise to your wife. Go to counselling. Stop having emotional affairs.

  50. So if you were to tell his exact timeline of their breakup to his current fiancée she would agree without question that they were broken up for sure due to her cheating but 3 months after they're back together you'll just show up pregnant with for sure his baby

  51. We don’t have any assets or even enough money to get a divorce lawyer so im think we might diy but lets see.

  52. She's not ready because her ex, who is actually not an ex, found out. I reckon you were the side piece or monkey branching alternative. The bf found out and she has blocked you and been rude in trying to keep her bf.

    One theory anyway.

  53. She's a people pleaser with everyone else

    Could it be that you're having sex so frequently because she might think that's what you want? Since the beginning of your relationship, you had sex all the time; it actually increased when you moved in together.

    If you're good at communication, as you say, then it shouldn't be an issue in telling her that need a break. Try to give her the benefit of doubt.

  54. Your stars must have been aligned perfectly to get a medical professional to both listen to you and give you an accurate diagnosis for that! I am in awe

  55. Girl this is insane, kudos to you for putting up w it bc I woulda been long gone

    His dick his choice, sure, it'll be yr choice to leave his stupid ass. Besides, women go on birth control so they have fun safe sex so it's not exactly crazy for your partner to be doing smth medical for the relationship

  56. It’s really easy to be a great bf/gf one month in. You literally barely know him so cut your losses if he’s not open to talking about why this was weird with you.

  57. she was a bit relieved when he died

    just putting this in bold to make sure OP sees it. What an awful reaction to your father dying. It says a lot about their relationship. Your poor mother!

  58. No you shouldn't, but neither should fight him for it. He is a waste of your time. It would be best for you to leave him.

  59. Yeah that’s what I’m guessing, she doesn’t feel anything when she sees me trying or hurting. Just going to work out and keep my mind busy, thanks.

  60. Honestly that’s kind of what I’d tell you myself. I sat my gf down here and explained to her to not take this personally as it’s just the sheer fact, and I hate to say it this way, but “her baby moving away.” But it’s just stressful because I feel like everything is my fault.

  61. There was other stuff but this is the main reason why she felt like she needed to breakup with me/ need space to think

  62. This wasn’t a case where the guy just banged the girl . Don’t get me wrong I don’t want him talking to him either but him and the girl fell in love while I was with my ex. They still together and married now , I just can’t get it in my to forgive the dude. While I would love for my best friend to cut him off, I see his logic

  63. It’s an excuse for his actions. He saw me packing and kept apologizing and saying he loves me not her. But I’m now wondering why he’s apologizing if he feels that his actions are justified.

  64. Find a job you want! You’re going to burn out before you ever get licensed by the sounds of it.

    You can’t ruin your life cause you mom wants to brag that you’re a teacher.

  65. No. Leaving is not cowardly. Because you are standing your ground that your daughter is NOT a second-class citizen to her OWN FATHER. But staying with a woman who hates her, who, by your own admission, forces you and your child out of YOUR OWN HOUSE every summer due to her mistreatment, is cowardly. Because you are being passive. You are being complicit. You can tout all this bullshit about “We don't fight in front of her, I stand my ground” but you are just lying to yourself. You are refusing to accept reality. Your wife does not love your child, and my continuing to stay with her, you are telling her that you will accept that.

    You and your wife being married does not avoid 'a broken home'. Do you know what a broken home is? A home with parents who resent each other. A home where children feel excluded and unwelcome. A home where there is mistreatment of ANY kind. That is a home that will fuck up your children a lot more than two homes. Get your head out of the sand.

  66. You don't know what his friends had to go through to help him after your breakup. It may have been amicable on the surface but maybe there are things you do not know.

    In any case, you should let this one go. Let him have the sendoff with his friends, he will have an intimate one with you anyway and since you will join him, he's probably only accommodating his friends. Having a party is all about everyone being happy and celebrating and maybe he feels it can't be that if you are there.

    It's his going-away, let him enjoy, be the great partner that you are and let him have his way.

  67. For your own mental health, and being a responsible adult, you cannot let your dad make these choices for you. It is incredibly controlling, and honestly if a future partner found out your date dictates your life… they might want to not be your partner for long.

    It would set a bad precedent to allow your father to bully you like this. Maybe it is time to support yourself, figure out if you can get grants and loans for schooling.

  68. I don't want to move in with the new guy right away – and we're just talking. I can try and talk to my landlord :/

  69. We was supportive of the idea of bjj, until this morning. Of course I was a little thrown off, as he was. This is my last response to you, as this is literally the least constructive thing I could be doing with my time. Please fuck off now

  70. Sexual compatibility is important in a relationship. You guys don't have it.

    Figure out if it's medical or you are just not into him. If its the later you are probably better off breaking up.

  71. Fiancé runs the risk of the friend calling him a liar, appearing jealous, or often wondered if she does have similar feelings but since friend never mentioned she doesn’t. Fiancé is in a tough spot if that’s the reason for the fight. He also may have been the aggressor in the fight so he could be seen as a violent jealous person. It’s whomever is in the wrong story to tell. However, she’s marrying the fiancé and might need to address why she is asking us not him. They will need to communicate about worse to make the marriage last and if she does want to know he needs to tell her. She also can’t freak out on him for being truthful. They will need to discuss it like adults planning on getting married. If it’s the reason we think, then the friend is a liar and a creep she should take the loss and move on.

  72. So true. C is not a mindless child. She can see what her partner talks about, thinks and publicly declares. If she opposed his opinions she would have issues with him or would’ve been embarrassed to be with him. Instead, she dates him for years and has a child with him. Sounds like she’s nazi also, but OP doesn’t want to believe that.

  73. Thank you so much for your comment. It's great to hear from those who understand.

    I'll try call some therapists, see if I can find one that is great with childhood trauma. Even speaking about it might help, I've told my partner some of it recentmt but not the full extent

  74. I know you're very upset and I'm sorry, but it's my opinion that she is cheating on you and wants to pass it off as being somehow OK because the person she is cheating on you with is a woman and not a man. This is total BS. Cheating is cheating. Gender is irrelevant.

    As far as advice goes, I think that depends on how intertwined your lives are. Are you living together? Do you share finances or debt together? If you are still living relatively separate lives, you need to decide if you want to tell yourself the truth or not. If you do, it's time to tell her you are not going to be in a relationship with a cheater. If you're very intertwined, you need to make a plan to eject.

  75. The level of hypocrisy is outstanding . The guys been fucking around with his ex wife who cheated on him but has the audacity to act as if you’re the one he needs to worry about . Please leave his cheating ass . You deserve better

  76. Maybe you could send him money for the snacks? You don’t “owe” him anything and I doubt he would accept money from you just to pay his bills. If you phrase it like you want to send him some money for the snacks he provided, he might accept it.

  77. Maybe you can find some classes to fill your time, maybe start with a language class so u can communicate and male local friendships.

    Maybe there are other classes available that would interest you and help you so going out and exploring a bit while you are alone.

    You don’t say where you are staying so its naked for me to come up with engaging and fun things to get you out of the home.

    Good luck to you

  78. (according to google maps).

    Unless you've explicitly agreed to access your partner's history, this sort of snooping shit sucks, I wouldn't do this, it's only going to hurt you and reinforce patterns of distrust.

    Humans have brains that are really, really good at looking for patterns, not always good at associating those patterns with reality. You could be right, or you could be looking for confirmation of your fears in unrelated behaviors.

    Instead of torturing yourself wondering, why don't you sit down and give him a chance to be honest. You might not get the answer you want, or the truth, but you'll get an answer

    “I've been worried since you weren't immediately honest with me the other day about (coworker), and so I'm feeling like the trust between us is a little shaky. I want to ask you directly instead of just speculating: Is there anything else you haven't told me?” or something to that degree.

  79. Yeah. OP is saying his family treats his girlfriend fine but seems awkward around her, but his girlfriend is really hurt that they're still friends with the ex. Family seems to be behaving normally – girlfriend is making a problem where there isn't one, and OP sounds like he's feeding into it rather than shutting it down.

  80. Something's going on. Is there something outside of your relationship that may be causing him to break down? Work stress, family issues, health?

    Honestly, this is not sustainable in the long term. You've tried talking and it hasn't worked. You may need to put your foot down. See if he would be down for therapy or couples therapy. If not, then it really seems like he's not here for the relationship anymore and I don't think I would be able to stay.

  81. I think your gf let you know how she wants you to handle it.

    Just ignore.

    If she reaches out again, let your gf know. She may say block. She may say ignore. She may say text her and let her know you’re seeing someone and want her to stop texting you for booty calls.

    This actually can be a trust building exercise in a new relationship.

    My fiancée and I both had recent exes when we became official. We were both contacted by them. We had conversations about it, established the boundaries, let it be known how we both expected such things to be handled. Brought us closer, and also clearly laid out guidelines so if something similar happens we both know what the expectation is, so less room for misunderstandings.

  82. I believe the lie was an error in judgment

    But she lied to you multiple times? I don't understand your willingness to accept her lie. She didn't deny one time, she did deny multiple times.

    Even if you accept her lie as an error in judgement (which you shouldn't), you yourself said that you wouldn't have dated her if you knew her history with Bob. Why are you betraying your own principles my man? You are doing the same exact mistake once again.

    I'm baffled since you seem to be aware of the situation but you want to make the same mistake but this time knowingly. There are women out there who don't have flimsy boundaries with their ex-fwbs. She is not the last woman on earth.

  83. There's a certain occasions where your partner has some say about how you should look (formal occasions, his family gatherings, church, etc.) but what you are describing are samples of controlling and manipulative behaviors. If boundaries are not properly set, this could easily grow toxic and abusive.

  84. He’s an adult that has 3 young kids and a wife with a disability. He’s not stuck, he’s an adult that made choices and has responsibilities.

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