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1good-girl online sex chats for YOU!


Who , ​tips ​1 ​token ​has ​a ​very ​small ​penis!

Date: December 3, 2022

53 thoughts on “1good-girl online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Honestly, if your an hour and a half apart and he’s smothering you, that a problem. What’s going to happen when you are in the same place? And why is he moving so far away? I think that would kill any relationship that’s not already on rock solid ground. It doesn’t mean there isn’t a chance…. You picked up that phone for a reason…. But there’s some huge obstacles, and long distance at this point should be avoided. Can he stay or would you consider going there?

  2. Only thing i know is that i am probably more tolerant of other people behaviour, i can adapt on some cases and I felt that it was not the case with her. When we talked about sports, watching it etc, she said she loved it.. while I said that i was not really into that but every once i a while it could be nice to watch. She almost told me that it was bad that i did not like it as much haha. Another example was one time where I cooked something, sent her a pic and she said Eww, i told her not eww more you don't like it and she kept saying its disgusting. Its sound childish ikr but i felt like she did not care about me and my feels sometimes.

    And for her situation with her mother I understood it clearly. I asked if it was good but barely got any response other than a “yeah lmao” or something like this. And for this i was a bit off because i thought she was free during late evenings and night so we could talk but no she told me after that her mom was with her at her place. I mean, it's just a whole lot of misunderstanding from both of us, but you have me who tries to sort of fix things up because I had a great time with her and her dropping me off like it's nothing.

    So yeah idk, guess i'll wait for a response and ghost her.

  3. I might not speak for all of us, but as someone without kids the idea of having sex while one is a few feet away in the same room is unfathomable. Maybe an infant sure but not a 6 year old.

  4. That’s on Jake! Jake’s reaction was on him. If someone hurts you, a healthy reaction is “wow that hurt.” And then try to move on.

    An unhealthy reaction is telling everybody about it, ruining the person’s reputation, and name calling.

    She did something that is questionable, moving on so quickly, but it works for some people. Likely the guy was waiting to make a move on her, and she was in a vulnerable place which he took advantage of.

    HE did something inexcusable, which is to yell at her for breaking an agreement that she didn’t agree to (cheating, i.e. being with someone else during their relationship, doesn’t apply when you are no longer in a relationship as agreed upon) then spread these rumors of things he has no proof of to completely irrelevant people who had no involvement.

    A healthy response is to move forward, which she did. An unhealthy response is to throw a grenade in another person’s life, like Jake did. Jake desperately needed therapy before and I hope he gets the help he needs and doesn’t treat another woman that way.

  5. Not for nothing but if I needed emergency dental work, meaning I was likely in extreme pain, and I couldn't find someone to pick me up, I'd probably reach out to anyone I could find including some of my exes. Bonus points if I only had to walk 1 block home afterward.

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  7. That’s not an ultimatum.

    Anyways, it’s a weird thing to say and suggests the person has pretty deep seated issues.

  8. I have to agree. It’s none of your business. HE is engaging in the behavior. He isn’t being forced or coerced into a sexual relationship with her. Is it wrong? Yes. But it’s none of your business.

  9. haha yeah true. Though she was the one who suggested going out for a walk instead of our original plan to do something indoors. I told her I'd understand if she wanted to cancel. She said outdoors is fine.

  10. But…there ARE sides. He’s out of control abusive, and you’re his victim. Stay and you could become a dead victim.

  11. I agree with this. I do suspect she has been assaulted herself by a family member. That’s my gut feeling here

  12. When I though of meeting him, I wanted to get an irl feel after talking for a long time live (let’s say, 1y or more on-line). If we liked each other enough, perhaps we could wait until we are both outside of university to go on-line in the same place. Not necessarily marry or live! in the same house, but have each other near so the “real compatibility task” is put to test.

    To your last questions, I think I would be okay with breaking up while still ‘waiting’ on-line. Breaking up after closing the gap (by marriage or anything else which is very compromising such as living together) just seems like a mess, and emotional wreckage.

    All that I say in here sounds indecisive, because that is the truth. I would not think of marriage before 30. At 18, there is so much growing-up I have to do. There are still so many goals I want to achieve (preferably alone) before I commit to a lifelong relationship like marriage.

    One thing I already know about his culture is that women can’t divorce easily like men can if not at all. This boy told me he’s more easygoing and liberal towards the Islamic rules (and I believe that because he has told me he isn’t an exact rule-follower). Still, family would always be an issue for ‘an outsider’ like me. Kind of playing/gambling against the odds.

    Thank you so much for your comment. I read everything that was in the website’s page, and it is truly enlightening. I am not going there for shit now. I’ll communicate with him what he thinks about coming to Europe as it will be safe for him in here. There, I will have the thought that I am unsafe at all times on the back of my head. Sounds quite unfair, doesn’t it? That I’d need to jeopardize my freedom by going there while he wouldn’t coming in here.

    If you have any other questions, please ask them. Tbh I am a little clueless still. This is the first “relationship” (if it can be called that) I’ve been in, so there are many doubts and whys in between.

  13. That’s ridiculous. You’re saying that this is the norm for all cohabitation? Roommates? College students? Insane proposition – do you live in the real world?

  14. Y’all defending her and trying to excuse what she said are unbelievable… y’all can’t hide the gender biased!

    If this was the fiancée saying that she doesn’t want to be alone with her partner because he’ll force her to have sex you’ll (especially women) be screaming “He’s raping you!”, but because this the fiancé sharing what he overheard and interpreted as her saying “he’d rape her” y’all now defending her and saying that’s not what she meant! That’s exactly what she meant!

    She implied (to her freaking mom none the less) that she’ll be forced/coerced into doing things she doesn’t want to. If you don’t want to have sex with your partner tell him as it is, but don’t go behind his back insinuating to your parent that he’ll force you into sex, can you imagine how that made him feel?

    But for y’all, either way it’s his fault. It’s your fault for wanting sex; it’s your fault for not communicating when you heard what she said that; it’s your fault for telling her you won’t marry into a dead bedroom; it’s your for not minding your business and eavesdrop on her convo; hell, it’s your fault for having penis… that’s it. Regardless, it’s your fault man.

  15. It's easy to be black and white with other people's lives, I want op to have tools to understand and explain their difficult situation that will help inform their decision

  16. When are we all going to learn?

    You are what is called the placeholder. You are there to meet his needs while he finds what he's actually looking for. Lots of women dump all their effort, money, and time into men that immediately leave them for another woman after they get a stable job or save up a little bit.

  17. Because you’ve already said it’s not how she expresses herself so…that would make it a change. Discuss it with her. Make it fun. Good luck.,

  18. tell her, but get a TextNow or Google Voice number and stress the fact about safety for her AND you

  19. Im crying you have no idea how much I needed to hear this. It’s exactly what I was thinking as well but no one was saying it. I really love her a lot. This was hurting me all night and it’s not usual for me to wake up upset so I figured something was wrong with me and wanted to fix it before it became a bigger problem. She doesn’t have any friends that last longer than a week which is why I wanted advice. I’d hate to just be that person that dictates who she can and can’t talk to when she already hardly talks to anyone

  20. you’re right, about the jump to therapy part

    I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this back n forth and feel I learned something from it, thank you very much (sincere)

  21. The dude's a hypocrite. But what the hell is audio porn exactly? Someone describing people fucking/masturbating or the sound of people fucking/masturbating?

  22. Because this is the exact line older men use on younger women to make themselves seem less predatory. “Oh, I don’t usually go for younger women, but you’re so mature” etc.

  23. Kind of weird seeing these posts so often. Of course it's alarming. Someone who is stable and in their 30's doesn't care to date a 22 year old. I'm 38 years old, and no way in hell would I ever date a 25 year old (comparably) if i wasn't married. You have absolutely nothing in common, yet.

  24. He also went on vacation with me. And we fucked. He won’t tell you that though. I’m whistleblowing.

  25. Americans. Everything is about money, everything. “This person is my soulmate, but !money!” Fuck off and hurry up destroying your country, we need real estate.

  26. I believe these numbers but could you provide a link to where you got these, I'd like to look over it myself, thanks

  27. You're right. I definitely got carried away with wanting a “one big happy family” situation because I know that would make my partner happiest, but the friends truly do not owe me anything. Maybe over time we'll be able to work past all this, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. I appreciate you sharing your insight.

  28. I think that you’re welcome to share as you see fit but need to respect his privacy. I think you want to know more info just because you’re nosey, not because it’s relevant to the current situation at all.

    I’d recommend that you back off. Just because you overshare doesn’t mean he has to.

  29. If it isn't something like SA or outright cheating, I would wonder if she partook in some drugs. While I haven't taken any in my lifetime, I've heard they could be life altering.

    This is coming from someone has has no experience in that department.

  30. Does bringing her and the dog for a walk in the woods where there’s photos of her smiling and having a good time or taking her to run errands all weekend that SHE needed to do even though we were both tired really count though? Also we’ve been waking up early because of outside factors but she’s blaming me for not being able to sleep in those days

    Does that sound like a good reason to not go on a family vacation?

  31. I’m not sure I even want to be with someone who went from being totally in love with me, to having all of these issues in our relationship seemingly out of nowhere

    But they’re not out of nowhere, you’ve described an chronically on and off relationship with major trust issues for the majority of it. That’s not a perfect live story so it’s probably best to take the rose coloured glasses off and try and be objective.

    This hasn’t been working for a long time.

  32. If I broke up with my husband I'd be devastated if his family dumped me. I've spent years building a loving relationship with them.

    It's a good sign that they're genuine people. Would you truly rather that it turned out they didn't care about your ex are all and could just turn off their feelings for her? Would you rather find out that they were only faking liking her and the second you ended it they dropped her?

    If they did that, THAT'S what should make you afraid for their future relationship with your girlfriend. What would it say about them if they were that fake and callous?

    They all have their own relationships with your ex and that's ok.

  33. A lot of what you read are normal thoughts people have when they've been together for a long time.

    You're telling me you never saw an attractive woman and fantasized about her, or recalled memories of your ex(es)?

    We can't control what we dream. Sometimes they're so real they stick with us and journaling helps. I've used journaling a lot. Sometimes just putting the feelings down helps get them out and you can move on.

    As far as her last infidelities, that was a long time ago I know, but it still would hurt. Those are about the only things I read that seem a legitimate issue.

    As far as seeing the ex on social media, everyone's life looks great live lol. She doesn't know what happens behind closed doors. Maybe they're happy, maybe they have issues, but also he's not an 18 year old teen anymore, maybe he straightened up.

    Not sure how he cheated that affected her so, but that is something therapy will have to help. You might need some just to help process all of this.

  34. Your beauty, intelligence and academic success have nothing to do with whether some guy wants to date you. In fact it might be how great you are and how much your families love the two of you together that's pushed him away. Most people need a little rebellion at some point in life. If he's got issues with the life path his family wanted for him dumping a “good girl” to date a stripper probably feels “naughty” to him. It's almost certainly not making his parents happy, but that's probably why he's doing it. He needs to prove to his parents that he's not going to just stick to the conventional and live the life they want for him. Within two years he'll likely mature out of this phase. But this is where he's at now and if you want to avoid screwing up your own life you'll try to get over him. Focus on your degree program and building a career for yourself. There's no point in pursuing him right now while he's hellbent on showing his mom and dad that he's his own man. The great part will be when in a while he comes graveling back and you, having moved on, tell him to f*ck off.

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