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Model from: nl
Languages: en,nl,de
Birth Date: 1977-03-31
Body Type: bodyTypeAverage
Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite
Hair color: hairColorBlonde
Eyes color: eyeColorBlue
Subculture: subcultureGlamour
Date: November 2, 2022
Sounds like it.
Definitely tell her and also go NC with him once you’ve done so. Offer the girlfriend support once you’ve told her as this will be a massive shock for her especially once she sees proof.
Imagine if you were in her shoes? Would you want to be told?
Ironic that everyone screams gaslighting on a post that doesn't involve it, but keeps mum in a post that does.
This is what gaslighting is. OP, she is gaslighting you.
Gaslighting at its finest.
If you removed the quotes it would still sound bad so uh
One who has a savior complex and who targeted a woman not legally allowed to drink yet, so he could “save” her from being “deflowered” and working as a stripper.
His behavior is extremely worrying. 1- He should have asked for your permission before he started tracking you. 2- He's gaslighting you like crazy. (If you're not familiar with the term, look it up.) 3- By adding you to his phone plan, he can probably find out exactly who you talk to, etc… Any details that can show up regarding your use of the minutes and data. That is even more worrying if you circle back to items 1 and 2.
I think you should get out of this while you can. Have someone you trust (since he's tracking you) get you another phone for making plans on and contacting ppl you need to talk to without him knowing. Maybe you shouldn't take that phone home with you if you have a safe place to keep it. If you feel like your mother can be trusted with this information without telling him, tell her. She can probably help you. You should also get the support of local groups who help women leave abusive relationships, if there are any in your area.
Most people watch porn without any issues. You’re criticizing your new bf for something your ex did. If him watching porn is the only problem then I think you’re overreacting. You barely know him, you both deserve time to continue to get to know each other. You obviously also went through his phone, that’s not cool either.
I understand it isn’t easy. But try to be a little more understanding.
On the other hand, he needs to be more understanding with you. Taking care of you and putting sex on the back burner. AND being transparent about whether he wants to watch porn or not.
I hope it works out. It isn’t easy
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The time with him until now is not wasted. It is time that you have grown into the person you are now. It is time where you have learned what you want and need in a partner.
But OP, if you stay after this, that time will be wasted.
He is not going to change. He only admitted it because he was caught.
Was he going to tell you about the pregnancy? What if his AP decided to keep the baby – was he going to tell you then?
Leave him. Let him suffer the consequences of his actions and choices.
You think you owe your sister an apology after her incredibly cruel “prank?”
If that attitude gets you where you want good for you. Just tell her you don't see her that way. The rest is up to her.
Why even be in a relationship?
very few people in america pay off their college fees in full every semester, hence the scholarships and grants. if she could potentially get a good job out of it even if she only uses it for 5-10 years before having kids she could earn a substantial amount of money to pay off any loans she took out.
Doesn't mean he shouldn't have turned around and said that you were too young for him. While a 7 year age difference is absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things, when the younger is 15 there is a gross imbalance of power. You said yourself he has provided for you financially – of course he has, because you're too young to have money of your own, and therefore he holds financial power over you.
There is a lot wrong with this and while your parents are okay with it, and you may be too, please heed the advice given here. We could all be wrong, but from an outside perspective it very much appears that he has done and continues to take advantage of you. Please be careful.
Never assume that any man gets a hint. Ever.
Umm so he has basically cheated the whole time ! What are you wanting to talk to him about ? Just leave. There is no relationship to save.
“his money”
Ummm wut?
You do you. Move in and be happy.
I'll give you a close perspective that occurs to me right now. I almost followed a professional career as a tennis player and at age 6 my daughter showed interest in the sport… maybe in 8 years dedicating herself to tennis she will be able to reach close to my level. What's the strategy here? I will gradually make her life difficult, when she gets discouraged… I will let her win a set or another… as a positive reinforcement so that she understands that her effort is being rewarded.
Now want to see the fun part? One of the reasons I got discouraged from tennis was never having beaten my father… “if I can’t beat my father, how am I going to beat this guy who is a few positions above me in the ranking”.
Your wife is right man!
Ps: Sorry, my english is REALLY RUSTY
Sorry, to clarify like she started masturbating and try to be discrete? Or did it feel like she was giving you an opening to initiate? Maybe that was her turn on and it was a good opportunity for you to join in.
I don’t know, it must be a sickness! I just get so disgusted by people like this, plus it was kinda fun making him squirm at the end.
It’s like when kids watch a movie and assimilate the main characters personality. Weird.
It's super rare but it happened in 4 of your mother's pregnancies? Was your dad putting the condom on his scrotum or something?
the way you mention her experience vs his is so telling of who you believe already. the fact you even wanna fix this issue means you'd rather your daughter remain permanently uncomfortable and your partner stay with you. example:
daughter claims my partner is “rude and abrasive”
she feels “uncomfortable in his presence”
he apparently called her “8/10”
says he is “rude” because he “criticises” her
but when its the partner, 1. he wanted to give her dating advice. (no quotation marks, and no apparently)
he didn't mean anything ill by it (as if its the true intention and not as if he just said that. how do you know?)
he just said he thinks she's rude (you downplay what he did by using the word 'just')
This guy is going to need more than a hint. And, doesn't it strike you that this is a weird life? Imagine 5 years in the future with this guy: what does it look like?
Just say: I don't like that we only hang at your apartment. I don't like that we never go anywhere like the park, a museum, or go out to eat. I don't like that you think that you are the only one who makes the rules in this relationship. I want to spend time in my comfortable home with furniture and food. I want more out of this relationship. If you can't or won't do that, then this is over.
There have got to better options out there.
The question is why he's not doing these things? In a silo with no other context, this wouldn't have to be a big deal. But that she's requested all this and he seemingly refuses to let go, what my concern would be is that he's literally not over her. Is that the case?
This is so vague that there's nothing useful I can say to you. If you are seeking advice you need to provide details. Right now it looks like you're just wanting someone to tell you that you will survive a breakup if it happens, and come out the other side ok. You can and you will! If you want actual advice instead of just support then you'll have to provide actual details.
honestly this comment should tell you all you need to know. if you'd protect yourself in this situation with anyone else, what makes this guy so special? and I don't mean special to you right now, I mean special in the grans scheme of things. what exactly is it that you're getting from this guy that you seem so confident you'll just never ever find in anyone else? there's a reason you're staying, and while love is a powerful one, it can only keep people in there kinds of situations when combined with something like fear, insecurity, lack of self respect, etc. so you need to sit down and really think about WHY you keep compromising yourself for someone that refuses to hear you out and meet you even halfway on your needs.
Asking the real questions.
i mean he was a bad boyfriend because he doesnt have any experience, i was his first girlfriend, first kiss etc but as a guy he's nice so we could still talk from time to time
I’d confront her immediately. And if she’s physically cheated, end it permanently. If not, talk about it and figure out your next steps. And for god’s sake, stop apologizing for trusting your gut and catching her in her infidelity.
Then we need a game plan. Do you have a go bag or an extra set of keys to go while he's sleeping? I really think you need to lie about the dog, give it away and say it ran away or died.
Keyword “secretly.” The answer is yes.
Let her go on her trip.
You're still in the dating phase, so both guys are trying to get to know you. Date both. You don't have any obligations towards them right now. If you decide that one is worth keeping, tell the other one that it isn't going to work out and end things
If you feel guilty about “leading both guys on,” then I would say date dude B. 3 dates in 7 months isn't a lot, imo.
Get a toy and use it in front of him …see how he feels then lol …if he doesn't care or doesn't wanna “help” …then keep the toy and kick him to the curb lol
Block him. Piece of ?….he is only now using you to get off – please love and respect yourself some.
You are better than this. You are young and have your whole life to find someone who is lovely and nice, who will love you properly.
You clearly are smart, I mean, you moved a country for this person – this shows me that you are resilient and knowledgeable…..better than him on so many levels.
I think it’s somewhat selfish to confess your love to someone who you know is in a relationship. I think her turning you down was telling you that she’s in a relationship.
I think it will make things awkward and complicated even if she does reciprocate feelings. She probably isn’t going to want to leave her 8 year long relationship.
Staying friends or not is up to you and I don’t think you’d be in the wrong either way but I don’t think you should confess to her.
I’m a 100 certified over thinker. I know he needs to be there for his dog first at the moment but it’s just hard him being “gone”.
Weird that her lack of respect for him and his boundaries, and how he feels about this doesn’t come up at all.
He’s the victim here. Someone has been sexually harassing him and has sexually assaulted him and his girlfriend is trying to stop him from spending time with his friends and going to break up with him because the assaulter is going on the same holiday (which I’m guessing he would rather she didn’t).
Mariah must be stunning then !!?
Wow, you're a mess. Maybe try keeping it in your pants for a while, FFS
Did you see the pic she said was taken, though?
You have a point, it just seems like a problem that will arise later
Do not get into a new home depending on your BF finances. If he bails or you want to bail, it becomes problematic.
Do it when you have commitment of being married.
I also wonder, why two homes? That is a huge financial drain. Better that you both become married, sell the one house and get one together using the equity.
Should you keep dating a jobless alcoholic?
There are a million other reasons to lose his number but the fact that he is completely unequipped to be your partner is probably reason enough, right?
youre so much stronger than you know, youll get through this, healing is always a jounery and youll make it to the light at the end of the tunnel, i wish you the best
After reading all of that disgusting commentary I have to ask….Why are you with him?
Ew. Ruining your perception of him? You are not perceiving him as gross, he just IS. I couldn’t bear to have sex or share a bed with someone so disgusting.
I’ve dated more than one blue collar man, and one that lived on a hog farm and they were ALWAYS clean. Always showered before bed. So do with that info what you will.
This must be troll post… please!!
Don’t contact her!! She probably doesn’t even know who you are. 2 weeks at age 15, lol.
Of course you’re going to be hurt. He is rude and thoughtless and very clearly doesn’t respect you ?
Time to say you have been dating him for five months and ZERO more days because this man is not the one. He’s also a dumdum who would rather suffer than go to the doctor – let him suffer by himself with his valid points. He sounds awful.