I guess not so much advice as more trying to gauge what life is supposed to be like. I am 38M married to a 33F for nearly 10 years. First thing is we have always had a dead bedroom, she is extremely low libido. I don't think will ever change. I'm not happy about it and considering divorce. We have 3 young kids (7,4,2) and our life is just .. boring. We are busy with full time jobs, and don't have much support for looking after the kids. What I'm curious about, people in the same situation, do you still go for date nights with your partner? Do you talk and have conversations about things other than kids? Or are your nights pretty much full of scrolling phones and watching TV. My wife and I have little connection anymore. It feels really abnormal, but at the same time, having young kids is nude, so maybe it is normal. Any insight would be appreciated.
submitted by /u/Throwawayandaway1985
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