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Model from: co
Languages: es,en,ar,pt,it
Birth Date: 1997-03-15
Body Type: bodyTypeCurvy
Ethnicity: ethnicityLatino
Hair color: hairColorBlack
Eyes color: eyeColorBlack
Subculture: subcultureStudent
Date: October 12, 2022
And he's supposed to never go out clubbing because of the relationship? Lying was wrong, but I think you're being a bit too much with the rule. He's young, it's a bit unfair for you to stifle someone like that, and if he's gonna cheat not going to the club won't stop him.
I'll tell you that. Islam is a beautiful religion, so is christianity and Judaism. But forcing you religion on someone else, especially your loved ones, is not the way of the semitic religions.
You can tell him that, but be careful. When turned to fanatic, these religions, especially Islam, women have little to no rights (Qatar, Iran for example)
Did he sign away his custody rights? If not I am not sure how he could have no custody rights of his children.
You are going to have to go through the court system if you want something official to keep him away from them. Keep in mind that the court won’t necessarily rule in your favour. He may end up with partial custody or scheduled visitation rights.
Well just because you were able to? Doesn’t mean that someone else would be able to.
Sadly he doesn’t owe you anything. And the chances of you getting one are zero.
Why would he meet up because you “demand” it? There’s nothing in it for him except another ear bashing in person from you.
You have to learn to let it go. Occupy your mind with hobbies, friends and family.
Stop dwelling on the past and think positive. Marinading yourself in bitterness and anger will just stop you finding happiness.
I’m saying this from a place of being cheated on, dumping him and moving on with my life.
I completely get where you're coming from. The way she sent that message was rude and unkind, probably will make OPs ED worse guaranteed.
But the root of the problem stays the same and most people need sex in a loving relationship. If you cant, it's probably best to stay alone until you can work out issues or be with someone who is asexual.
I dont think she's wrong for it, she actually stayed longer than most would but the way she worded it was cold.
I'm going against the grain here, but you could try and accept his religious beliefs, and understand that this isn't a slight against you. What denomination of religion is he?
Considering your gf is transgender and you don’t want to have sex with her you should leave her. Its not fair for you to string her along and claim its a medical issue when really you just aren’t attracted to her
Lemme milk those eye balls
You choose your husband have Christmas dinner at your house. It’s that easy
“Hey babe, I appreciate that love you my boobs, but sometimes it can be too much. It would mean a lot to me if you could tone it down”
Yeah that’s one thing I fear is taking time away from him to fully move on bc we hangout and talk to eachother practically every single day :(( I don’t know if I could do that even if it may be helpful for me
People who can’t prove there innocence are usually the ones who don’t even want to try. And put up barriers to finding the truth…like…I don’t know…excuses not to do a dna test…gaslighting? Like all of your behaviour!
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My friend did this with his girlfriend who was done with him but just hadn't dumped him. He also rationalized everything, and just kept trying to anticipate and control their relationship. You can't control someone like that.
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So talk to him specifically about that, and let him know it's hurtful when he just cancels on you.
I'm sorry that you dated a biphobic man. But your goal should not be win back a bigot. Your goal should be to heal from this, and in the future find other people who actually online in the 21th century and don't hate people for who they are.
I'm saying this as a bisexual woman myself: it will only hurt you in the long run if you have to hide who you are and lie forever. Find a person that will love you exactly as you are.
Yeah. People are weird. Human brains suck at processing risk, chance, and theoretical situations. “Maybe one day, if…” is a hell of a drug.
She doesn’t have to do anything, sometimes we just need someone to listen to us vent about our problems.
THIS, ABSOLUTELY THIS! there is no coming back from this behavior, drunk or not, she did it once, she'll do it again.
Maybe next time the cops might believe her, maybe next time she'll tell some big lugs that you abused her and they won't stop to check for evidence.
Make sure everyone knows the real story before she starts telling everyone her version – she will lie to everyone.
I’m a white guy married to a South Asian woman. We’ve been together for awhile but started dating when we were about the age you are now. I am close to my family but would not have hesitated to cut out ANY member who pulled that racist disrespectful shit that you are dealing with. Your guy (I won’t say “man) is totally dropping the ball here, and it’s appalling to read. You really deserve better than this, and in your place I would give him one chance to stand up for you. There’s no way my wife would stay with me if my family treated her like this while I made excuses, and she’d be right to leave me. So,
This is your guy’s job, but if you want to do it just be direct. “My name is (name), if it’s hot for you to say I will help you practice.” Then refuse to answer to any other name.
Practice. Literally practice the exact sentence you will say in front of a mirror until you are sure you can say it in the moment.
See #1. But again, this is your guy’s job and tbh I don’t know how you can see a future with someone who won’t fight for you. He was prepared to let you suffer through this during every family get-together. That’s unacceptable.
A mistake would be sending it once and telling you immediately.
She was repeatedly doing it for a week, and only felt sorry when she got caught.
Just leave her.
And normally she spends his whole shift at his job. What the hell? Is that even legal?
He doesn’t seem to believe me at the moment because of the broken trust, and he has been speaking to his friends and they are telling him I’m not loyal, and that he is still young and can find another girlfriend.
Your husband is controlling and abusive.
Its only been a few weeks since she asked me to talkto him the first time. I'm not waiting and waiting for months. I was planning to message him but she talked with him before i could so it isn't fair for me to be in trouble like i wasnt going to message him. Now that things are ruined she won't see him any ways because he doesn't even want me as his son now! So she has everything she wants and I just have to be suffering from it! It isn't like I'm having no problems from this drama so now we are both victims! If she thinks she's just going to leave then she has no one because her dad will not allow her to stay at his house for so long!! She will come back.
You've known him for a total of two years, and have been living together for six months.
Your bf doesn't have a “drinking problem,” he is a severe alcoholic who has zero desire to change. This is a hot truth, but you need to stop softening your reality by saying things like you think he has a problem or it would be okay if he just didn't drink as much.
This will sound harsh and blunt: End this relationship with a clean sharp break and do it immediately.
He is 29. This is not the drinking behavior of a teenager just starting to drink. He is a hardcore alcoholic who chooses drinking over everything else in his life, including you.
There is absolutely nothing you can do to make him stop drinking. You've tried bargaining with him to drink less, offering to help him get help, hoping your love for him can triumph over alcoholism.
You are making the sad mistake many people who love addicts make. You think your love is stronger than addiction. You are wrong.
If you stay with him, you are saying Yes to being embarrassed and endangered by him, supporting him when he gets fired for unreliability and drinking on the job, bailing him out or visiting him in jail when he gets a DUI, and being his nurse and home health aide when his alcoholism ruins his liver and his brain.
End this. If you need to give him money to afford to move back to his hometown, do it.
Disentangle yourself from him, walk away, and do not look back.
You've known him for a total of two years, and have been living together for six months.
Your bf doesn't have a “drinking problem,” he is a severe alcoholic who has zero desire to change. This is a hot truth, but you need to stop softening your reality by saying things like you think he has a problem or it would be okay if he just didn't drink as much.
This will sound harsh and blunt: End this relationship with a clean sharp break and do it immediately.
He is 29. This is not the drinking behavior of a teenager just starting to drink. He is a hardcore alcoholic who chooses drinking over everything else in his life, including you.
There is absolutely nothing you can do to make him stop drinking. You've tried bargaining with him to drink less, offering to help him get help, hoping your love for him can triumph over alcoholism.
You are making the sad mistake many people who love addicts make. You think your love is stronger than addiction. You are wrong.
If you stay with him, you are saying Yes to being embarrassed and endangered by him, supporting him when he gets fired for unreliability and drinking on the job, bailing him out or visiting him in jail when he gets a DUI, and being his nurse and home health aide when his alcoholism ruins his liver and his brain.
End this. If you need to give him money to afford to move back to his hometown, do it.
Disentangle yourself from him, walk away, and do not look back.
Once a cheater always a cheater is a phrase that children repeat who haven't faced adversity in life. Cheating is never a good choice but life is complicated and sometimes humans do selfish things. Especially when we feel like those things are justified.
In fact, I applaud him for disclosing this to you. He already is far ahead of guys who simply haven't had the opportunity to cheat.
Also same question.
How about go nap in a different room you fuckin dick. Is this the only kind of bullshit behavior she has to put up with or are you also asshole in multiple ways?
Somebody is salty their crush is not recognizing them, bwahahaha!
OP, you AND the “girls” in your office need to calm the fuck down and grow the fuck up! Dan is the most reasonable person at your employer’s to know that your work colleagues are NOT your friends!
you really put your foot in it this time.
If you want her back, and i mean REALLY want her back you have a VERY long road ahead of you and the ending has no guarantee of success.
first things first you need to fully acknowledge your actions, not excuse them, not justify them, not anything else then, I betrayed you, I hurt you beyond words and made you feel stupid for worrying about this other girl, I am so so sorry.
Then you will respect her desire for no contact and leave her alone. that is not to say you should remain inactive at home pining for her.
time to go to work. get your ass into therapy so you can figure out why you did that and sort yourself out, develop better tools to communicate with others and reevaluate your moral compass and value systems. because sorry not sorry, you did it once you will do it again. True or not in your mind, you are now branded with a hot red letter A.
You need to do some serious work on your life and make different choices. so that if she ever comes back you have more then empty words to show. and if she never comes back, at least you will be a better version of yourself for the next person who comes along.
best of luck
It’s called being a coworker. He doesn’t have to like you or be your friend. That’s not what he gets paid to do. What is wrong with you?
You’re wasting your life away with this guy. I stayed in a relationship like this for 6 years and it was freeing to get out of it. I was so depressed and lonely because I was forbidden to have any friends. A normal well adjusted partner will trust you and want you to enjoy your life not make you walk on egg shells and try to control and limit your life. Any person he dates he is going to behave this way.
Okay. Who is all this anger hurting? I understand that you are hurt. I do. If there has been so much damage that you can’t be polite, not nice but polite, around his sister, then maybe it is time. He’s obviously close with his family and you despise them. Would he go to therapy with you? It brings to mind the saying that holding onto a resentment is like swallowing poison and hoping the other person dies. This is obviously hurting you. I’m not talking about him maybe throwing away your list because we’ve all been sure we didn’t misplace something only to find it in the place we’ve looked 5 times. Maybe he did, maybe not. The bigger issue is that you can’t stand his family, primarily his sister. Ask if he’ll go to therapy with you.
Are you Jerry Seinfeld? This is silly.
And her getting upset is manipulative. It turns your issue with her behavior into you consoling her
Bad timing I would say. Gonna be hot to get this back n track I suspect. You two are in different places.
Good luck.
he was ghosted so I think he felt trauma.
Not your problem. Any functioning adult would understand that you are not at their beck and call. Do NOT allow this person to bully you (through guilt, manipulation and crying) into living this way.
No surprise he deleted the post ?
I bet he's a controller for sure.
That doesn't answer the rest of my questions though ?♀️
She's an adult, she can “vent” to whomever she sees fit. Not saying it's right one way or another but she's ok with it so there's no controlling who and what she tells people.
Honestly he might have just been looking for something to do and figured might as well get his hand cream back in the process
I would out them both publicly for what they did. They're both scum.
As a bisexual, polyamourous person who is perceived as female (non-binary actually) I absolutely agree with these statement.
Women who treat other women and their relationships with women as “less than” or “not as important” or in amy way less real than their relationship with men…. piss me off frankly. There is absolutely ZERO difference between her making love to a woman, or you doing so. They are exactly the same.
If she agreed to be monogamous when you married, and wants to renegotiate now- but you're not on board with less than fidelity, then she had some choices to make.
Why the fuck are you putting up with this bullshit.
There are plenty of women, and for someone so brilliant she sounds insufferable.
To give him the benefit of the doubt my discover page is really off and I see bikini models etc when all the accounts I follow are dogs and food. It’s possible that he might not engage with anything and the algorithm says “he’s a xx age male so let’s feed him these photos and see if he engages” . I you think something is fishy or he is hiding something you can get a better idea from his following list since that actually shows who he intentionally hit the follow button on. But really you should just talk to him about it
You won't trust him again.
Trust is rarely fixable. Once someone shows you that you cannot trust them, your brain registers that and it's pretty hot to unregister it.
I actually stopped using Instagram bc it automatically put stuff like that up, and i only ever used Instagram to post a few photos of shoes and other hypebeast wear etc, nothing interesting ever came up other than chicks and that just made me uncomfortable lol.
If they already are turning on him then in my opinion he has nothing to lose. All you can do at this point is show her that the cost of bullying you is too damn high to pay.
True – overanalysis / Analysis-Paralysis takes the life outta everything.
But that's also a very specific point where you can self-grow.
Professionally you probably can tell very quickly when a customer is (for ex) overanalyzing the maintenance issues of something.
Or spending too much effort to save some $s – the 'value for money' stuff basically.
Maybe bring that same natural measurement to introspection?
Just beat her ass lol
Yea you’re being vain 15-20 pounds isn’t even alot
You have a joint account with someone you’re not married to?
Who’s stupid idea was that?
Baby trap. If you don't want kids with her, stop having sex with her.
She’s not larger, she’s actually an athlete, but I get your point. And I’m also kind of new to dating I’ve only had a 10 year relationship prior
Jesus girl, I rarely say gtfo of a relationship without at least trying some reasoning. But you've spelt it all out for us..
Your bf is a massive A hole. Douchebag. Nob cheese whatever you want to call it. Do yourself a damn favour and either try finding someone who will just want to genuinely make you happy, or find happiness in solidarity.
100% that’s a good perspective to have. But it can be really hot trying to deal with all this solo. Having a dedicated therapist will really help you get to the root and heal. I know it stigmatized, but it might be worth looking into.
Which is good. As the dad shouldn’t get away with it
The “I’ll tell you when he’s dead” thing is the concerning part. You know you won’t rest until you find out what happened. It will be gnawing at you night and day. Come right out and ask her if he did anything of a sexual nature to her. Or maybe he threatened to end her career before it even starts…or offered her money to leave….who knows. But there’s only one bad thing she wants to take to his grave, what the hell is it?
She took advantage of him and even though it’s not appropriate it’s not incest
You're clearly not friends, you need time apart to heal from the breakup. You should take some space from her.
I just want to feel supported and have a partner who desires to make me feel accepted when sharing personal difficulties.
Then go out and find that person, because your current partner isn't him. You're not going to be able to mould someone into your perfect guy.
Plus you are not being accepting of who he is which is leading you to try to control him. That's not love.
Accept that he's uncomfortable with vulnerability and feelings. Understand that you want to date someone who is the opposite of that. Accept you are not compatible and move on.
This relationship will only increase your anxiety and harm your mental health further.
Don't even need to read. Call a lawyer. This is modern day stalking.
Info: why do you hate your wife? As in: a loving partner doesn't bring up “i pay for this this and this” (could be applied to wifey as well)
Well it's time to move on
He might change. He might not. But I can guarantee it will be a recurring issue. All the time.
(I promise this relates) My husband’s mother did all the housework. My husband inherently thinks I should do that too. Of course his mom had a housekeeper, nanny & gardener. I have a bi-weekly cleaning service, and work more hours. Him doing his fair share of housework is a constant battle. He gets better for a while then slides into waiting for me to do it.
I can almost guarantee you will have the same pattern with your clothes. He will get better for a while, then slide into old habits. You’ll argue, he’ll promise to change and he’ll genuinely believe this. Then you’ll relax, and the old behavior will creep in.
Unless he’s ready to do some counseling, get ready for this cycle
she needs medical diagnosis + you both need MC + therapy.
After this much time, I have to wonder if it’s less about her insecurity and more a conveniently-handy stick to hit you when she’s actually angry about something else.
He deleted the app altogether. New iCloud new everything. So I can see everything that he does.
Well, in that case, he needs to grow up. May be your girlfriend should make some between them .
100% creepy! are there other folders with pictures of other women?
That’s one way to do it. How long will you stay in this situation to get his name? You sure it’s not just an unconscious move to keep it going longer? What if she won’t give you the name? What’s the timeline?
If you get the name and message him, what’s the move after that?
Thank you for the advice im going to try and break it off tmr. gn
Just trying to avoid making silly moves. But you are right
just move on you know it already
“He has had emotional affairs before. I'm not sure if any intimate affairs are in the past. Most recently, as of December of last year.”
girl you are getting played for a long time now
From the comments I see on this thread, most people agree that it is normal.
Everyone I know has some kind of memento from a past relationship, and many still keep in contact with exes to varying degrees. There is nothing nefarious or suspicious about it.
I think you are so caught up in the age gap issue that you are determined to make this a red flag for the relationship, when it isn't.
They started dating 5.5 years ago. She was 19-20 and he was 32-33. They met when he was 32 and she was 18. If they had a “deep emotional connection” from the beginning, as he claimed, then there's something wrong with that. Why is a man in his 30s able to deeply connect with a teenager? It's because, as the comment above you suggests, he is an emotionally immature and stunted adult. He even admits it in his comments. He himself states that he was emotionally stunted at the age of 33, still living with his parents, immature, etc.
The problem with relationships like that is that they're temporary. She grew up and he didn't. She's not an emotionally stunted adult. She was an average teenager, and now she's a mature adult. He was immature at 32, and he still is at 38. She was never going to be the emotionally immature teenager he fell for forever. It was a temporary emotional connection between two immature people…until she grew up.
His girlfriend has consistently tried to get him to grow up along with her. He admits that she has asked him to do more chores, to save more for their future house together like she does, etc. But he hasn't done so. She needs to be free and have an actual mature adult relationship.