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M1ss-Liya live webcams for YOU!


ALL GOALS MET [Multi Goal]

Date: October 13, 2022

25 thoughts on “M1ss-Liya live webcams for YOU!

  1. I’m a poly guy. I’ve actually had to consider asking my partner to close up too. Sometimes self esteem is great, others it’s a very hot Fuken mess.

    I had some not great breakups and some heavy life shake ups. The loss just left me so hollow. I’d isolated myself out of my poly community, and stopped seeing anyone outside “us” for almost a year. When I did some soul searching, I realized I’d felt replaceable and expendable. Seeing them happy while feeling miserable and unwanted was just devastating. I was unable to mitigate my own disappointment and it was becoming resentment.

    Then it dawned on me. I’m was only feeling this way, because I was finally feeling like me again. I enjoy being a poly/ENM guy, so I did the work to get back to being comfortable.

  2. Also, some of us vote republican because in our local politics they’re the party that more actively supports our economy, welfare and issues. Parties are so much more than just the current presidential favorite and I’ve voted both sides and even third party. I do lean Republican though.

  3. Hello /u/Wise-Feeling-8106,

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  4. She not only attacked you with a weapon but then called the cops on you.

    Unless your plan is to have a relationship full of stress, violence, and uncertainty… dump her!

  5. Just want to say that you were childless not childfree! Childfree means you never want kids, childless means you want kids but dont/can’t have them. Even if you thought you could go the rest of your life without kids, if you still would have them had circumstances allowed, you are not childfree.

  6. I see your point but TBH, it's not even about sex at this point. Most days, she's the one that initiates. Assuming she's being honest, she has an IUD and we've talked extensively about not having children together… honestly, it's the suicide threats that have kept me in the relationship more than anything…

  7. I'm so proud. We've all collectively decided to ruin a bunch of lives, but they'll be stuck forever bc they can't have a conversation

  8. She moved to another country. What does she expect? Even if she lived two blocks away, you're still not obligated to tell her your plans ahead of time. Instead of coddling her, give her the reality check she needs.

  9. Some time apart would probably do you both a world of good. It sounds like she does not have a clear sense of what she wants in a relationship and, while she has a vague feeling that this isn't working, she doesn't really know what's wrong specifically. Perhaps she's coming to you with contradictory complaints as sort of shots in the dark to see if addressing the issue that's currently irritating her will fix her sense of wrongness. But since she doesn't really understand the problem, she is never satisfied, even when you do what she wants.

    None of this is surprising given how young you are. People change a lot in the years between the ages of 16 and 18 — much more so than between the ages of 26 and 28, 36 and 38, etc. What worked 2.5 years ago may simply not work anymore. Even though it's painful, I would advise that you take this break seriously. You've never been single as an adult before. Try it out! The whole world is out there waiting for you.

  10. Sounds like your husband is both scared of losing you and no longer trusts you.

    Why is he scared of losing you? Probably because you’ve been together since you were 19, he thought he found his person and can’t even fathom being single.

    That would also tie into why he doesn’t trust you. He thought you two were meant for each other and didn’t even consider a world where you weren’t together. He thought that when you took your wedding vows and said till death do us part, you meant it. He was wrong. He learned that when he hits a rough patch or falls into depression, you’re ready to kick him to the curb.

    I don’t know what lead up to you leaving him that time, but from the sound of it, it seems like he was blindsided and did everything he could to keep you. I’m willing to bet there were other avenues you could have taken to get him to realize he needs to work on himself rather than just going with the nuclear option in the middle of a heated argument.

    Since then, he’s probably trying to work through how to reconcile his love for you with the harsh reality that this love he has isn’t reciprocated. That you two don’t share the same world view or views on marriage. I bet he’s working it out with his therapist, who he hopefully does trust.

    If I were you, I would just give him time. You can’t drop a bomb like divorce on him then expect everything to go back to normal. Your relationship is forever altered. Give him time, accept this new reality, then you can both figure out how to move forward.

  11. noted, I'm sorry for being mean. but tbf, it's very easy to miss the point you're actually making in the original comment.

  12. Well, see a 40 year old dating a 20 year old is already a red flag but he's also showing that he's an insecure person which is why he's dating a 20 year old all the ladies his age knew better then to date his dumb ass. Pack your bags and find someone closer to your age who can relate with you and actually gives a fuck about you.

  13. Thank you. I have been blaming myself for this, trying to figure out what I did wrong. Maybe I’m not pretty enough, thin enough, nice enough, etc. But you are right .

    Before this, I truly thought everything was going great. We got along, little disagreements now and then but nothing super difficult, fun times, playful times.

  14. Ask yourself- and be honest to yourself- what future you still see for both of you?

    Would you consider having children with that man?

    He has already waved away concerns. And made clear where he stands with regards to this:

    by his fathers side.

  15. Maybe you’re seeking and experienced man that’s knowledgeable and interesting as well as a good communicator and maybe he’s looking for a mid twenties girl who’s not into deep things and mainly wants to have fun.

  16. This!!! If this was a show I'd want a good ending with no boyfriend on sight and cooking lessons from grandma for op's favorite meals, super wholesome

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