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Chuck G. the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Chuck G.

Chuck G. on-line sex chat

Date: October 13, 2022

40 thoughts on “Chuck G. the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I think it bothers him to not know what’s going on, even if it doesn’t affect him

    This appears as much an issue of control over your activities. Considering we are talking about such a foundational issue of sex and privacy and self care, this insecurity doesn't bode well for a mature future.

    It's a small leap for him to express discomfort with more public activities you are involved with.

  2. Right now she lives with her mother and sisters and doesn’t really do anything besides go to work. Her mother cooks/cleans/does laundry/does dishes/packs her lunches/makes her bed and she’s saying that in marriage she’ll get more independent but I don’t see how? I want to keep giving her a chance since we’re 2.5 years into the relationship but really thought she’d mature over these past years but hasn’t.

  3. Laura sounds jealous of you or at least jealous you’re her husband’s first child. Everyone is saying to go NC with your dad but honestly I’d do the exact opposite. Spend an annoying amount of time with your dad, invite him to everything you do, visit him as often as possible. Even if you don’t necessarily want to spend the extra time with him right now I think it’ll accomplish two goals for you. 1. He won’t be naming his second daughter Lilly anymore and 2. You’ll be closer. Spend the extra time around him and I don’t think you’ll even need to talk about the name I think it’ll just work itself out. Then again what do I know??‍♀️

  4. Why are you dating a 30 year old man when you are barely old enough to drink???

    You're at different stages of life. And if you're not, then he's immature or problematic.

  5. Likely guilt. They're trying to make themselves feel better about their decision. One way of doing this is them “helping you to get over them, or making sure your doing ok”. It's in the guise of being friendly but in the end it's entirely self-serving, because it doesn't help you move on

  6. Your concern should not be on sexual intimacy but on her health. If your sexual attraction is that tied to weight then you're just not ready for marriage. But if you think she is on track to being u healthy, such as mobility issues, cardio, energy levels from bad food or even digestive health, then that is understandable. I am definitely less attracted to someone who is actively not taking care of themself and trying to be healthy, but that is different from weight. You will look “heavy” before there are real health issues for the average person, and if the heavy look is something you can't be attracted to when it's someone you love, then I'm sorry for your gf that she picked someone so shallow.

    Never bring up her weight. If it is health concerns or rapid weight changes then I'd be careful but address it. If it was 60lbs in a matter of months I'd be quite concerned, but 2 years not so much.

  7. bro why.

    shes probably depressed and trying to isolate from ppl.

    personally i don’t understand leaving her alone even if SHE asked u for a break, i wouldnt give it to her! id be like cool lets not date, but id be glued to her ass like panties a size too small, as a friend or just as someone who CARES. pardon my language.

    unless the mental health or wtvr side bullshit she has to deal with, is a lie, and she actually just doesnt like u, (in which case she gotta come out and tell u which she hasnt so its probs true) dont fkn leave her?

    she’s vulnerable, she’s so depressed she DOESNT SEE A FURURE IN GENERAL!

    IF SHE asked u to leave and never talk to her again, and the reason wasnt bc she no longer loves u, it personally does not make sense to me that u would leave. drop the title of bf idc but stay as someone who cares.

    some might disagree with me on that tho idk.

    but SHE didnt ask u that, YOU offered to leave.

    to her its, be happy and be with me (she cant be happy) or be depressed and i leave you. u left her no choice.

    op i do not understand

    again maybe some disagree, but if u love and care abt her as much as u claim WHY would u even “offer” to disappear???

    it was YOUR IDEA i want u to kno why i did that( and share while ur at it)

    also YEA u should’ve acted like a friend! but THAT? that was not acting like a bf.

    i dont think its wether u can explain ur way back into her life or not, i think its wether u SHOULD!

    r u just gna offer to leave again every time something tough comes up and or when she needs time/help processing her emotions and stresses?

    maybe u meant well but thats not supportive, it comes across as giving up on her

  8. She wants you to leave her and is most likely still having sex with someone else. It could be more than one person but I doubt it since she doesn't have sex with you. Typically if a person is cheating with multiple people they will still have sex with their partner but if they're only seeing one other person they either rarely have sex with their partner or like in this case not at all.

    It's over man. She's likely doing it this way so all the blame falls on you for ending the relationship and she can tell everyone you left her because she wouldn't have sex with you as often as you wanted. You can let her know you're done of just silently prepare your exit and then let her know when you're ready to leave.

    She doesn't feel guilt for cheating, she just doesn't want to have sex with you anymore. I know it sucks but atleast now you can move on and find someone you can actually trust. There's no future with this person, atleast not a happy one. Good luck man.

  9. I know it’s scary, but you will thank yourself later for getting out now. Don’t waste more of your youth on this terrible man.

    Do you have somewhere else you can stay for awhile? Your parents maybe? Can you pack a suitcase and go when he’s not there? He doesn’t deserve more than a text breakup. Text him: “I’ve moved out. This relationship is over. Do not contact me again.” And then immediately block him. He wasn’t good to you and he’s an abuser, he doesn’t deserve a respectful breakup. Or even: leave a note where he can find it: “It’s over between us. Don’t contact me.” And block.

    I’ve been in an abusive relationship, worst three years ever. It was so scary to finally leave, but damn I’m glad I did. If you need encouragement or someone to vent to, please feel free to reach out.

  10. It feels like it's just me because he will talk about the memories and stuff perfectly fine but without any memory of me being there

  11. If he's getting worse and not better he may not be clicking with his therapist. He may need to switch to a different provider. But if you “accidentally” got pregnant he's probably afraid it could happen again. So in terms of those fears and your sex life make sure you're on some kind of ironclad birth control (including a condom). Until his emotional problems improve significantly you should both do everything in your power to make sure you don't suffer another loss in the near future (even a healthy pregnancy might worry him to death right now). These things do get better with time with the right treatment. So maybe encourage him to consider finding a new therapist and set yourselves up to where you can have a sex life without the constant worry about what might happen.

  12. You’re right you’re not gonna change your mom. And you cause more damage. A suggestion from me is to tackle whatever issues in front of you in the moment with care but directness. I would set boundaries around individual things. Just going in there and telling her she’s weird when both of you were OK with it before it’s sort of hurtful. But if I were your girlfriend, I would want the boundaries. And your mother can be respectful to your girlfriend.

  13. It isn't OPs job to help this person mature. If this was a lifelong friend or there's something worth saving, sure, being honest and trying to help may be worth it. But not everyone is worth saving.

  14. The situation is you're massively insecure, jealous, and borderline controlling. Fix yourself. This is a you problem.

  15. As everyone else said. This is the start. Reversal and love bombing. She'll go back to being mad about chores and attention and being her mean self again in no time. This is a common manipulation cycle.

    Get her out of your space now. Let her get real therapy on her own and away from you. She's just reversing because the gravy train is over and she can't have that.

  16. Idea: Create a group text with you, your wife, both moms, and any relevant siblings.

    Write (from wife's phone, with her full knowledge and permission) that she feels so lucky to have so many important people in her life, that she loves her entire family, and will never choose one family member over another. She will sometimes choose one person's advice over another person's, but she makes her decisions based on the advice and not on her feelings for the person who gives it. Add that this is an exciting but emotional time for everyone, and that as a heavily pregnant person she would rather everyone move past this evening's fight, apologize if they feel they can, and continue to lovingly await the entrance of the family's newest member.

    I'd only do this from your wife's phone so it will show up on the message as being from her, even if you draft it, so you're not accused of putting words in her mouth.

    Will assorted relatives be adult about this? Well, some probably will. But this gets the ball out of your and your wife's court.

  17. Yeah, you should’ve talked to him before getting a dog. But he made the decision to stay with you and keep the dog a year ago. It’s too late for him to walk that back. Ditch the guy if he won’t let it go.

  18. He absolutely is ashamed of you. And he likely in a different relationship.

    But op he told you why. People will gossip. And they will because of the 19 year age gap.

  19. Nah you did the right thing. She clearly has a pattern here with this dude and he’s toxic to her relationships. When she’s alone and has no one but this garbage person maybe she will wake up.

    Really all you did was make sure her friends didn’t have to deal with John to be around her

  20. We don't get to choose how people treat us, but we do get to choose how we treat them. If you didn't help and it turned really ugly, would you be able to ignore any feelings you may have that you could've done more?

    I don't know you or how you'd cope with that, if it was me I'd help but keep that help at arms reach. Don't invite her back into your life but if you're in a position to do so, get her out of there and into somewhere safe. Being a good person sometimes means doing things you'd rather not do and for people you'd prefer not to do them for.

  21. Don’t you think OP thought similarly about the guy in this post? Friends since highschool, but he’s actually keeping a journal about his fantasies for over a decade.

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