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LolaAnnie the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


LolaAnnie, 19 y.o.


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LolaAnnie live sex chat

Date: October 16, 2022

46 thoughts on “LolaAnnie the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Your boyfriend not “liking” your Dad or thinking he's “weird” for his innocent quirks and behaviors that have absolutely no bearing on the love he has for you and by default your boyfriend, is a huge red flag, and honestly a reason to give up the boyfriend. This kind of controlling behavior will only get worse with time, and his contempt won't change unless he is able to admit he is wrong for trying to isolate you from your only family, someone who loves you very much. If he can't see the error in his thinking, then you have his motive on full display and you need to get out. Today it's your Dad. Tomorrow it's your friends, or coworkers at the new job, and then eventually it will be you. You will be the problem and you'll believe it, too, if you allow him to overstep into your life like this. At that point it'll be near impossible to get out, unless you have a network of friends and loved ones, but by the sound of it, you don't- and he's taking full advantage of this situation to begin manipulating you into his thinking and his control. It's the beginning of abuse. Shit, it is abuse. Get out.

  2. Gently ask him what the heck is going on. It’s not appropriate behavior. Ask him if he feels comfortable opening up to you as you’d like to listen if he wants to talk.

    And offer that only if you want to. You don’t have to. But he does owe you a bit of an explanation at least.

  3. His response is horrifically over the top and out of line, abusive.

    Does he react like this about other things as well?

    You need to get away from this man, no good comes from being in his vicinity.

  4. Pretty sure thats what relationships are. Mutual attention and validation with a couple of arguements from time to time.

    But for real. You cant tell. You gotta just put yourself out there and find out.

  5. The age gap is irrelevant for me. You’re with someone who doesn’t respect you or your boundaries. But if that’s what you choose and think that’s love, it’s your choice.

    What advice were you looking for?

  6. Maybe you finally do something is she assualts a future partner or child of yours. Siblings fight. Siblings dont try to strangle each other. Dangerous , abusive potential murderers try to stangle people.

  7. It can happen, I tested positive for trich a while ago even though only being with my partner for over 2 years straight, Ive even had testing in between them as I’ve been pregnant & given birth (it’s routine in pregnancy) I thought he might have past it onto me but his tests were negative. Sometimes things happen it’s not always cheating.

  8. No one is owed sex so rejecting someone's advances definitely isn't a form of emotional abuse. That's quite the leap to make.

    If someone is experiencing emotional abuse, they should absolutely leave the relationship so that they can protect themselves. Cheating isn't the solution for emotional abuse.

  9. Hello /u/ProfessionalPea9317,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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    [34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post

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  10. This^

    (I know that stupid anti-“this” bot is gonna come here and say some bs about upvoting instead of commenting. Fuck that bot.)

  11. That’s very insightful. I know this is a tall order but do you have a recommendation for how to start?

  12. Okay but: What does he do to support you actively ? Without you asking for, articulating, fighting for, and ultimately waiting for ? What does he do without being asked?

  13. sometimes we conceptualize “attraction” as that spark when we first meet, or the sexual high of the honeymoon phase. reality is, that wanes eventually.

    nobody can tell you what to do here. perhaps you are mentally getting over her. maybe you should move on. OR, this could be the dynamic of your relationship changing. you're getting more comfortable and want to explore your individuality.

    only you can decide if you want to explore your individuality in a relationship with her or outside of it.

  14. I wonder if her moving out has anything to do with avoiding being a live-in free babysitter, OP also doesn't mention a single word of how is her relationship with her stepmother.

    Because you're reaching. His oldest is only 6, so she would have been 19 when the kid was born. She was an adult when she moved out.

  15. I’m 31 now and started using it in 2014-15. I still use it occasionally for random video calling and my kiddos like their filters

  16. I get where you're coming from, but OP can't afford to do that.

    The police don't actually retrieve stolen property. This would be a civil matter in the U.S., and you'd need a lawyer.

    At best, they'd just file a useless report.

    At worst, they could actually side with, and try to help, the bf's parents.

    I don't know if they would be able to tip off OP's parents. I don't think anyone should risk finding out whether they can or not.

  17. This is something personal and irrelevant….or perhaps relevant if you have children but you can discuss that when or if it happens….would you need to bring up if you had brace? No not at all.

  18. Honestly, yes. He does come across as manipulative. He is more than happy to keep you hanging, sleep with you while he sees other women. He is wishy washy, and now he is getting weird about his religion too. Like be real: the guy you hoped he was is not the reality of who he is.

    But you need to step back. This is 3 wishy washy guys that wasted your time. You don't attract 'financially stable me', you attract toxic playboys who seem to enjoy jerking you around. All of them use you as a way to pass the time until whatever they are actually looking for comes along.

    So time to get real. Take a step back. You don't need God. You need to reflect on what overlaps about the men in your life, or your tendency to run back to the ex every time things get very hot. He isn't what you need, all he ever does is hurt and confuse you, time to finally end that chapter so you can actually move forwards.

  19. He can only want to help himself. You can be as supportive as you can within reason but people will only meet you as far as they’ve met themselves. It seems like he had some serious issues to get through, with a therapist.

    There’s not much you can do besides tell him you’re there for talking, and listening.

  20. Wow is he a sick person that has a thing for his mom, dad or siblings? Sleeping with family is so normal lmao what a clown

  21. Op you are in an abusive relationship. Pls start planning a way out. He is abusing you financially and emotionally. Do you want your kids growing up around this? If he says these things to you, he'll say them to your kids.

  22. Get records of everything possible, line up a lawyer, go to HR. If the HR team and company is competent, they'll handle it. If they suck, get that lawyer on the phone and wait for that paycheck.

  23. I think you misunderstood my post. I mention grades once, alongside experience. In my country it is very rare to get a full-time job in your field after graduating without some other work experience.

    I think my partner is extremely competent & deserving of the job.

  24. I think you misunderstood my post. I mention grades once, alongside experience. In my country it is very rare to get a full-time job in your field after graduating without some other work experience.

    I think my partner is extremely competent & deserving of the job.

  25. Maybe he dumped her for the same reasons and she is having her comeuppance

    She offered an apology and she is taking on at least lip service for the demise of the relationship. Take it as it is offered, nothing more, nothing less. She may have had an epiphany and she is realizing her own toxic behaviors and now is apologizing for them.

  26. Have you read the posts on here on how a threesome with a friend ruins relationships?

    Otherwise why are you feeling so nervous about it?

  27. Yeah, he is taking care of his kids’ futures with that policy.

    If you two end up getting married, he should take out another policy and make you the beneficiary.

  28. He was probably bluffing to get you to contact him and since it didn't work, he stopped trying.

    Lock down your credit in case he does have some old documents.

  29. This is a totally normal thing that happens when you’re with someone for a while. Single people have “off nights,” so why wouldn’t people in relationships?

    So, as to your questions: 1. You can’t read so much into this kind of thing. If you guys freak the fuck out every time you’re a little out of it or moody, this is never going to work. So, stop assuming there’s some deeper meaning behind this. Learn to laugh at yourselves at times when the conversation isn’t flowing: work together to make it okay and no big deal.

    Again, you guys are way too in your heads about this stuff. Some relationships do burn out, and some don’t. You can’t control this by forcing yourselves to be in upbeat moods every second that you’re together — that will have the opposite effect, because it’s not how normal human people are. Do you honestly think those old married soul-mate couples never sat through an awkward dinner? Lol!

    Try to relax. Just be people together. Learn to laugh at yourselves. Recognize that being with someone doesn’t mean you’re not still normal humans who have off nights and weird moods sometimes.

    Good luck!

  30. this shouldn't even be a question. Obviously the man who raised you should walk you down the aisle if he wants to and I would imagine any suggestion that it's up for debate would be deeply hurtful to him. Nobody should expect otherwise and if I were you I wouldn't even entertain the idea. Act surprised at the suggestion if someone brings it up.

  31. So that’s just not how recent videos work. It goes by time stamp. Unless someone sent her that video it was taken a week ago

    Seriously it’s not that nude. She’s counting on you being too dumb to know this. But cmon dude

  32. So you are a stay at home husband or what? I have to give her credit because at least she apologized and even told you the reason. It’s very hot to give advise because you didn’t state the situation. Are you working? Laid off or what? There are so many variables that could come into play here that could pertain to this situation.

  33. Focus on what matters and do your best to ignore what doesn’t. Your boyfriend finds you beautiful and that is what matters. You don’t need his mom to find you attractive. Does it hurt? Absolutely. But her opinion on your appearance is useless in the world. Focus on the relationship you have with your partner, and open up communication with him when you don’t feel desires and appreciated by him.

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