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Yana ^^ the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Yana ^^, 23 y.o.


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Yana ^^ live! sex chat

Date: October 16, 2022

85 thoughts on “Yana ^^ the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Women generally do not care about dick pics. While I don’t speak for all women, just a majority of women I’ve encountered in life that have weighed in on this topic (and trust me unsolicited dick pics are ironically ranted about enough for me to form this opinion), no girl is going to look at a penis photo and be dick-matized. Unless there is already a sexual relationship there, and I’ve asked for a dick pic, looking at an unsolicited dick pic is like looking at a picture of a lamp. Seems like an odd comparison, but neither photos spark any feelings in me. Cool. It’s there. Completely uninteresting.

    I’m not saying your girlfriend doesn’t find intrigue or get aroused at the image of a random penis photo. But the chances of her doing so is highly unlikely.

  2. YES! Those moments of women trying to be socially graceful, having been taught it for so long, ends up with some asshole weaponizing it. Never ignore that gut feeling. Don't go out for a drive if your gut says it doesn't feel right. And if some guy is freaking out on you definitely give a wide berth.

    I'm nervous OP may get increased harassment now that there is “another suiter” that bested him ugh ?

  3. That is an excellent point about possibly expecting the kind of theatrics found in porn, because porn is very dramatic in that sense.

  4. Well if you cheat and lie when everything's “perfect”, your gf needs to RUN.

    You need to learn how to respect people.

  5. No one's thinking about you…Nobody gives a fuck… Even if they do think about you…It shouldn't matter to you…You were by far someone they couldn't afford to have…Pick yourself up…Work on yourself…Move on…Find somebody who is virtuous of having you as a partner or else be single.

  6. Okay hold on dude- when did she have this baby? These timelines arent adding up.

    You said july 22nd is when she got pregnant, is that when she found out? Or is that the time period they believe the baby was conceived in?

    Bc if that's the rough date of conception, then today would be the about the 20 week mark. An extreme preemie like that, unfortunately, wouldn't really survive. Very rarely do babies born before like, the 23/24 week mark survive.

    Your timeline makes absolutely 0 sense. I feel like she maybe knows for sure its not your kid and bc her attempt at baby trapping didnt work, that's why shes acting like this and wont even let you have custody.

  7. So I am reading this as a break up text from someone who is so scared to hurt you that they added way too much trying to soften the blow, and ended up diluting the actual message. No one is so busy with work that they can’t make time to text you good morning and good night, and occasionally send you a meme. If she has Bluetooth in her car she could call you when she’s driving from work or to run an errand, without it costing her any additional time. You weren’t talking because she was working up to the break up.

  8. First of all, I am sorry you are in this situation. I have been in a very similar spot not so long ago, but at least I communicated exactly what I wanted and what I was able to provide from the very beginning. And we met in a more sexual context to begin with.

    If he says he does not want to commit, believe him and don't wait. You come first, always. So put yourself first. If you are not getting what you want, don't be ok with the next best thing and simply move on. Cause the best thing is still out there for you.

    I am really sorry he took so long to tell you, that is kinda a dick move on his side. Like he surely must have known this when you guys met. 6 months is a long time.

    My fwb fell in love with me too. We broke it off amicably before anybody gets unnecessarily hurt. But that was literally 5 weeks in, not 6 months…

    Shady behaviour. Cut your losses and move on IMO.

  9. The troubling thing about mental conditions like that, is that by their very nature they make the person unable to understand or care that they have a problem.

  10. Yea im definitely like you when it comes to “why would you jack off and not come fuck me?!” Like theres no reason or excuse to watching porn when im available ya know. But maybe he just saw it as a type of edging because he thought you were busy. I know its hard to remember specific times my bf and i have sex but do you remember/think if yall fucked that night? If so that would be the only thing that would let me keep my mouth shut about it but otherwise i would just bring it up if its bothering you too bad. Maybe dont get into specifics if you dont want him knowing you looked at dates and stuff but for future reference you could just mention that youre down if he ever feels like watching porn while youre home. Or since youre both into anime maybe try to find one thats bearable for you to watch and could also be pleasing for him, just have it on in the background. But that takes a lot to do so its just a suggestion. My bf had a severe porn addiction when we got together and for the first 2 years together id catch him paying chicks for nudes. We almost broke up over it many times but i love porn too so sometimes ill treat him by picking some that i enjoy and let him watch while we do our thing. It hurts me for sure but i just grasp the fact that hes being pleased by me at the end of it. Lol good luck sorry for the long comment.

  11. u/Substantial-Fee-2625, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  12. That's good. I don't mean that people can't change (and I always hope they will), but some of the things you described of his behaviour after you broke up don't point to him having put in any work to change and better himself.

    As I said, I hope he might be able to.

  13. In your original post you said you had this accident when you were 15. Now you say it was when you were 17. Which one is it OP?

  14. Seriously, this. All of these internet flag wavers are so excited by the idea that this guy maimed the cat over the wording so they can get up in arms that they’re missing the obvious answer here.

  15. I mean, there’s no way you’re going to explain this that doesn’t most likely end up in divorce. Why did you do it?

  16. You are at weird age range. Unless you are super successful or super attractive that’s why. Most 30yo women have established careers and family goals. Most 22yo men just want to run red lights and fuck… that’s the short of it my dude…

  17. I love your perspective on this!! Thank you for facing your fears because you’re right, the burden has been on women for too long.

    Good luck to you too!

  18. I agree that therapy is a pretty good option, but I also encourage you apart from that to do some reflection on your own.

    Why exactly does this bother you? Is it because you consider what she did unethical? Are you worried you aren't on the same page now about how you view sex and commitment? Do you think she has a double standard for your behavior, and that you're not on truly equal footing?

    All of those are serious things you should discuss with a counselor as a couple and individually. Alternatively, if the thing that bothers you is that she had partners before you, or you're feeling insecure about yourself, then that's work you're going to have to do mostly on your own.

    Working through the sun your own, however, doesn't mean that you can't get help and support from your wife. You need to have several conversations with her about what it is you're feeling, how she feels about her own past, and practical ways you can both work through that. If she's not willing to do that, then you have a much bigger problem.

  19. Sounds like he is not interested in a legal marriage, and he is going along just to pacify you, which is fine. But if he is not into it why force it? He does sound not interested and reluctant about it.

    If what you want is the party and dress etc, maybe throw a big party to celebrate your relationship? Or a significant anniversary etc. maybe that will get him more on board than a forced wedding.

  20. Leave him. You say you love him, but you clearly don’t if you’re putting him through this. Your feelings do not matter in this situation because you are at fault. If you care about him even a little bit, you’ll leave and do better as a person.

    You can’t claim you love him if you do this to him. You care about his worth as a partner, but not a person. To you, his feelings clearly are less important then your own.

    You clearly don’t like the advice you’re being giving (considering you keep saying “okay yeah im wrong but what do i do now). People are giving you advice, you simply don’t like it because you’re selfish.

  21. He doesn't want the baby. He can only be expected to pay child support. You can expect nothing else. You would be lucky to get that. Parents will change job frequently in order to keep the child support attaching to their checks. Some will only work under the table. Some actually leave the country.

    If you are going to have this baby. Plan on doing it alone. Child support services once told me that it can take months to find the employer and attach wages, and that I should not depend on child support. Plan to online without it and if I do get it consider it bonus money.

    I know parents who have never received child support even though it is court ordered, and wages are garnished. They just keep switching jobs.

    When you are deciding on how to move forward keep in mind you can't force him to do anything. The state can try, with no guarantee of success. You need to expect that you will have to do it on your own. It is unfortunate but better to be prepared.

  22. Being scared of being alone is not enough. Doesn't everyone deserve someone who is thrilled to be with them?

    Your girlfriend is not in a headspace to be in a committed relationship.

    The help your girlfriend needs is from experienced professionals, not doormat boyfriends.

  23. I suppose that is a whole other conversation that I’m not ready to go into. All the women in my family are stay at home moms which is perfectly fine in my book. Very traditional roots. But it does change finances.

  24. He was unfaithful to his wife, groomed a 20’year old girl into being with him, got defensive when asked a simple question (and brought up the grooming himself) and says your ruined valentines day. You are dating a man who openly chested on his ex wife with an extremely young woman and groomed her to be with him then has a go when asked a Q. Girl get out.

  25. When a woman comes ip and rubs her boobs against your shoulders and says “oops why does this happen every time we meet” that's not me misinterpreting anything,

  26. She’s following the “woke” agenda. She has forever been lost to the streets. I genuinely wish you luck finding someone who isn’t as easily influenced by anyone with a smartphone

  27. Messaging someone to stop coming onto her friends is one thing, would make more sense if she told her friends to stay clear of him (either way I'm not friends with people who would jump on other's exes anyway BUT….)

    However, saying she's going to be “sad” over it, which is why she doesn't want him to.. is strange yes. Especially given the other information you shared about how she is with exes, I dunno dude, I don't think she's fully over her past relationships and I think she is going to say anything to you to keep you with her right now. She gives me the vibe of not being able to be alone/single, you know what I mean? hence the hold she has on her exes…

    I'd leave.

  28. This lady is barely taking care of herself no way would she be able to take care of a child. Don’t have a child with her especially since y’all aren’t really financially sound from the sound of it

  29. This sounds like an bad assumption, I'm not saying that you can't deduce that as a theory, but it's not a conclusion.

  30. He's emotionally manipulating you. I hope you realize that. If you're together so often, does that mean you're neglecting other friendships and relationships? It sounds like he wants all of your attention. He's immature at the least and controlling at the most. Be on the lookout for other red flags and signs of isolation or controlling behavior. It's only been 6 months and this is how he's acting about a scheduling conflict that isn't about him.

    A normal response would be, “Have fun! Tell them I said hi and sorry I missed them.”

  31. I would keep them in a safe place OP ….don't let him find them. I would also start planning if I were you. If you have access to funds I'd try and put enough away so if you needed to get out of there you could. I would try if you can to find out if he is having an affair. You have the right to stay there if he is with your child. But the main thing is that you are safe. Don't do anything that could make you unsafe…I don't know your husband obviously but that's the number 1 thing.

  32. Wow, the entitlement is strong with that one. Would it be nice to get her a little something? Sure. Is she entitled to your gift/money? No.

    Your logic around her having never gotten you a gift “just because” is kind of flawed though. Relationships shouldn’t be transactional IMHO. Keeping score is a good way to get toxic and resentful.

    I think it’s fine for you to spend the money on yourself. I don’t think that’s unfair at all.

    But it sounds like gifts are one of her love languages so maybe in the future, do small things for her throughout the year.

    My partner and I don’t do “forced gift giving” like for bdays or Xmas. We get each other things all year long when we see something we know the other needs or would like.

  33. To discriminate against anyone purely based on their skin colour (of any shade) is racism. You or your family haven't done anything to make him feel hurt or uncomfortable, and you are his S/O who cannot change her skin colour, so to judge you guys based on what a few other people have done in the past and group you all together as one is racist. I think it's more society and media these days persuading him to believe that it's ok to be racist nowadays, as long as it's towards white people (u see it all over tiktok) which is so bizarre to me. That's not how you make peace with anyone ??

  34. So you were there? How did it escalate? Like did you ok a lap dance and then she did the nipple bit?

  35. Of course. I can see why one wouldn’t take someone back for invading their privacy. I’m yet to get help on the trust issues I have. Things will hopefully be looking a lot brighter

  36. You know, I've thought of doing this but I tend to come off as aggressive even when I don't mean to (I remove people from places for a living). Because I usually come off as aggressive even when I'm not meaning to (have had multiple partners, men and women tell me this) howw would you approach this conversation?

  37. This heavily depends on your location though. I online in Northern Europe and would say most lower middle class people here travel internationally (within Europe) every year. A lot of working class people do, too. I imagine this is different in the US, where people would have to travel further and also where there is no culture of paid leave.

  38. Bc I’m a dumbass who struggles with blocking. I think previously I figured the pattern would be us rekindling again like usual but this time I just want it to be over but it’s still difficult for me so I just try ignoring/going no contact

  39. See that is where you keep failing to understand. They were together. But you had to sidle in, and screw him. Just because they weren't having sexual relations, doesn't mean they weren't an item. And yes, I would fully expect my sisters to stop associating with me, if I pulled such a stunt.

    How many boyfriends have you stolen from her over the years?

  40. I seriously don’t want to invade her privacy again

    If she's fucking another dude, then you can fuck her privacy in return as far as I'm concerned.

  41. Yes definitely tell him it's weird. If she's been having him do this he obviously thinks it's normal. He needs to know it's weird so he can decide to do something about it or not. He needs to know it'll affect all his relationships down the line

  42. Yes definitely tell him it's weird. If she's been having him do this he obviously thinks it's normal. He needs to know it's weird so he can decide to do something about it or not. He needs to know it'll affect all his relationships down the line

  43. Therapy and discussions with your spouse are healthy ways to deal with these feelings. Disappearing completely for weeks on end is not. If you make a commitment, you stick to that commitment.

  44. Therapy and discussions with your spouse are healthy ways to deal with these feelings. Disappearing completely for weeks on end is not. If you make a commitment, you stick to that commitment.

  45. Uhhh why won’t he apologize!? Lmfaoooo you write all that and then ask the most inconsequential question. No sane, real human would go through any of that and then ask “jolly gee wiz why won’t he apologize?!”

  46. I've been so focused on trying to figure out what caused this change

    Sounds to me like someone tried to Red Pill him. Probably got into some manosphere blogs or podcasts or some shit like that.

    You are too smart to tolerate stupid little mind games.

  47. No one should be “testing” you to see your reaction, especially not a significant other. It's manipulative and childish. Hard pass.

  48. I wasn’t trying to paint him as abusive. I told my friend the situation because I was so upset I’m the kind that need people to talk too when I’m upset. They were the one that said he’s manipulative, that’s why I went this Reddit to ask people if it’s right or wrong for me to believe them

    You don’t know what was going on the text message afterward between me and him on the next day. But the texts weren’t going anywhere and I felt like my feelings weren’t heard, I was telling him why I had to do what I have to do. I told him I was tired, I know how I felt and I know if I were to keep talking it’d have been gotten worst then. So yes, I do want a FUCKING reward because I deal with impulsive reaction of myself before and it felt like I did a good job to be a better person for my bf. We dealt with this before. Late night fight never ended amicably before, I’m too impulsive when I’m extremely tired

  49. I’m thinking this is a troll post, but in case it’s not…

    Your son is an adult, and that means: a. He does not need to notify you when he plans to go have intercourse with someone. B. He does not need to notify you after he has gone and had intercourse with anyone. And C. You need to back off and let him online his life.

    Chances are, he’s probably more mortified that his mother is sniffing his breath and interrogating him on what he’s doing and with whom he’s doing it with.

  50. If he came through and suddenly starting being the partner you'd been desiring, can you see yourself being happy? If tomorrow he becomes the sweetest partner on earth, don't feel guilted into staying in the relationship if you don't feel the same. Unfortunately, he may have waited too long and you would not be “the bad guy” to end it.

    If your feelings have changed it would be unfair to both of you to stay and pretend. It may hurt him but you made an effort. This may be the wake up call he needs to nourish future relationships.

  51. I’d just ask why 2 years into dating you still have pictures of your ex. I feel like that would make anyone feel some type of way.

    I don’t wanna say he’s making you insecure but basically. It’d be like a girl starts hanging out a lot and going on “dates” with a new male friend, and her boyfriend feels some type of way about it. Yeah you could say the boyfriend in the situation is insecure but clearly for good reason

  52. Oh Jesus Christ. I did not know IUDs prevented periods. That's awesome! but holy shit, I'm going to go do some reading.

  53. You're overthinking things.

    If you've already agreed to watch a movie together, there isn't a need to ask him the same question again a week later. Just tell him that next time you're together, you'll plan a special evening so you two can watch the movie together. In other words, make it a statement rather than looking for reaffirmation.

    But, when a guy says that he doesn't care either way, it means just that. He's good with whatever, and does not have strong feelings either way. It does *not* mean that he does not care.

  54. Has she tried Mirena IUD? It’s long lasting. It worked great for me and my husband. It’s low hormonal. It’s different for everyone but I never had any issues and it actually stopped my period the second time I put it in so no periods for like 5 years. Pretty sweet. No mood swings (I don’t get them anyways), no weight gain, no depression. Like I said, different for everyone but that was my experience.

  55. Fling was Nov2022 – Dec2022. All social medias and withdrawal from our group. But, it’s pretty regular almost every Wednesday and Thursday nights every week.

  56. i think he just wants to respect your privacy! have you told him youve never sent nudes before? it might be why

  57. What are your actual plans for the city? What is it you want to do there?

    All the top comments will tell you to go but I'll say nothing in life is guaranteed and there's no guarantee you'll find a relationship like the one you have again

    I think it's worth looking at what you want long term, if it's a career then the city makes sense but if it's a family then the bf makes sense

  58. The comment you responded to the man said his wife’s thyroid went bad. How could she have helped that? So yes you are shallow. While he has the love of his life and doesn’t care how her outward appearance changes he still loves her. Would you still be with someone if their health failed? I think not. So while you are out looking for a unicorn who will always be exactly what you want, that man will lay in bed with his wife happy.

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