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fuck_my_skinnygflive sex stripping with hd cam


25 thoughts on “fuck_my_skinnygflive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You can support her in whatever decision she wants to make about this child but you are not responsible for her poor choices.

    You might feel she is needing help, your parents might also feel that, but that doesn't make it your responsibility at all.

    She can have the child, she can keep it or have it adopted, it still isn't your child.

    The child has a biological father, remember that in these days of dna tests the actual father gets found out eventually.

    You are in shock, so do not make any decisions until you have a clear head.

  2. Im sorry my man. Personally, that would fuck me up. I think it would be an incredibly difficult thing for me to move past. I can’t even imagine what the hell she was thinking when she spoke those words in front of you. Take a moment and really consider if this is something you can look past or if it will constantly eat away at you. That should lead you to your decision to either stay in this relationship or walk away.

  3. You have low self esteem and need to stop being a piece of shit. He’s not your guy, and he’s a piece of shit himself, anyway. Find someone better.

  4. You are already cheating on Bob by having an inappropriate relationship (aka Emotional Affair) with Sean.

    All your actions and communications with Sean are a choice, and your choices are setting in motion the very things you say you want to avoid. Having an EA with Sean is not the way to fix your self esteem issues.

  5. Your “evidence” is extremely flimsy. Have you tried actually talking to her? Did you not understand that, even with protection, pregnancy is possible when you have sex?

  6. I’m a transgender person. Your boyfriend is blatantly transphobic. It sickens me.

    That said, that’s actually not even the most concerning thing here. He brushed off your desire to not move to a place where abortion is illegal as your personal feelings. He says that avoiding income tax is more important.

    He’s saying that he’s willing to allow the state to force you to go through with a pregnancy whether you are in a position to do so or not, to avoid paying taxes.

    If I were in a relationship with that man I would be terrified. If you need an abortion, you already know he will not support you. In fact he may do his best to force you to have his child if the situation comes up. I wouldn’t trust him enough to have sex with him. He doesn’t care about your feelings. He doesn’t respect your agency as a person who can make your own medical decisions.

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  8. Walk away bro.

    Her family knows she will never find a good man with this behavior. They do not have your best interest ar heart. Your family and friends does. If she was Even close to a Nice person at least some of your friends or family would advocate for a «second» chance, when noone is doing it you know they dont like her at all, and for good reason.

    I would not be surprised if this was some kind of test to see what she would Get away with. It is not anxiety or a reflex. It is shitty violent behavior. Any close to normal person would be extremely sorry for this if it was Even remotely an accident, and would litteraly drop everything to make good on their actions.

    This could easily Get you arrested, beaten up or worse. Your gut is right, run and do not look back.

  9. There is no sensible reason to change the plan.

    My guess is FMIL is on his case about wanting to be involved with your baby and he doesn’t want to disappoint her.

    When I had my eldest child and went back to work my husband and I worked opposite shifts and on the one day we clashed my mother was our babysitter. It worked out very well for all of us, saved us a significant amount of money, and my daughter and my mother had a lovely time together.

    I can appreciate FMIL may well be feeling left out, but that’s not any reason to change plans that work for you and work for your baby and would put you at a distinct economic disadvantage. Who moves somewhere expensive and with low job prospects if they don’t absolutely have to?!

    You need to get to the root of where your partner is coming from with this because if it is fuelled by not wanting to disappoint his mother, he is going to have to get more comfortable with that. He is an adult and about to become a father. The welfare of his fiancée and baby take precedence over his mother’s feelings every time. It isn’t pleasant to know someone is going to be upset by your choices but their feelings are their responsibility to manage, you’re not choosing it at them deliberately to hurt them, you’re doing the right thing by your family. If he’s never been like this before he needs to tell you why he’s doing it now.

  10. Why ask relationship advice? Tell him to see a doctor. And it's disturbing you've been in a LTR with a 40yo at your age. Christ.

  11. Lmao I didn’t mean to. Just if she mentions everything you did bad, and wants you to put your life on hold while she made it clear there is no future with you, you are her emotional whipping post. She can hurt you and stay in control while you just kinda take it

  12. Yeah that sounds right, otherwise the more you hook up the more painful this will get. I think you’ve been clear enough you are interested and he’s continued to play the field.

  13. Yea, that’s understandable and I see where you’re coming from. I think for me, it’s just the embarrassment aspect. I need to get over it and just tell her but I have this stigma in my head Viagra makes me less of a man (obviously it doesn’t)

  14. You're not telling her because you want to destroy anything.

    You're telling her because you would want to be treated with the same respect if you were in her situation.

  15. Follow your lawyer's advice. You can't make her change her mind if she's not open to it, so you have to do what's best legally for your kids and yourself. Make sure every interaction you have with her is recorded/accounted for in some way in case she tries to pull something.

  16. Inconsistent is one of the worst things a figure of authority can be. And you let this go on for 12 years? Be a decent parent and protect your children.

  17. I'm sorry that it happened. I think you're right that her reaction is pretty suspicious. On top of how she was acting for two weeks, then her immediate reaction wasn't to call her friend or her roommate's younger sister and put her on speaker and have her explain to you what they had done right away. Instead, it was to try to deflect and say that it was your reaction that was wrong – that you were breaking up the wrong way? No, that is not how it works. She was gaslighting you all the way.

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