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ZOEBOLTON online sex chats for YOU!


My mind and body wants to play and you? You choose today! PROMO SNAP 222 TKN [Goal Race]

Date: October 17, 2022

41 thoughts on “ZOEBOLTON online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Most people have already said everything that needs to be said about where you screwed up, so I’m going to simply add this:

    If you truly haven’t done anything else other than drunkenly vent to a friend about a relationship struggle, and your boyfriend is acting like he wants to end it all…. There is a strong chance he has wanted to end it for a while and is jumping on this as an excuse to make him feel justified. Or he might simply be using it to make himself feel like he has the higher ground over you so he can use it against you next time you bring up your valid concerns regarding sexual satisfaction.

  2. Thats why you dont date with a single mom … 3 month is not that long time, move on. The dad will be always in your life.

  3. Just say what you said here and that while you don’t want to you feel you have to end the relationship, she will either change your mind or she won’t.

    Or carry on being unsatisfied.

  4. If he outright told you this time, think of all the other times he didn't tell you. Get yourself tested and celebrate being able to move on to a better life without him. You don't need someone who thinks this behavior is ok without any kind of discussion BEFORE he decided to put the relationship in jeopardy.

    Dude is ?.

  5. Holding hands, hugging, buying presents, having one on one lunches between a straight man and a straight woman are all pretty strong signals for romantic interest. If he wasn’t interested he shouldn’t have been doing these things, no wonder you were confused.

    Take a big step back. No more of the quasi-romantic stuff. Hang out only in groups, and only every so often. If even that is too difficult there’s nothing wrong with deciding to cut contact so you can properly get over him.

  6. No, I do not need to know everything about my partner’s past sexual encounters. Nor does he need to know everything about mine. Some things are TMI. I would never ask my husband how many partners he’d had before me. Why would I want to know that? And why would he want to know how many people I’d been with? What a weird thing to want to know about someone.

  7. I remember making this confession in my uni days & my boyfriend at the time – bless him, wherever he is right now – took me into the bedroom, stripped, made himself a duvet cape & declared it a sexual revelation day for me.

    Much fun was had. In fact, the best time of my life was had.

    At no point was it about him.

    The dude was 19.

  8. I'm curious and have the following questions:

    Does having sexual relations with your husband always result in you having an orgasm?

    Have you and your husband ever just “fooled around” without it turning into full blown sexual activities?

    You said, “I have been happy to help him so that he still feels satisfied, but this has proven to not be enough for him”. Does your helping frequently result in your husband still being unsatisfied and still wanting to have sexual intercourse when you're not in the mood?

    Is engaging in sexual activity with your husband a “chore” for you?

    I know these issues are difficult for you both. However if you both are committed to being together, then the solution to these issues will have to include compromises from both of you. And it will take a large number of heartfelt discussions for you to find the level of compromise you are both willing to make. But one thing I can tell you for sure is giving your husband permission to get sex outside of your marriage will ultimately doom the marriage and lead to a divorce.

    I wish you both the best.

  9. My opinion is that you need to decide if a “ring” is the most important thing in your life. Even if you get a ring, that doesn't mean you'll necessarily stay together for the rest of your lives.

    You need to sit down and do some thinking. He's made his boundaries and needs clear. If they don't mesh with your boundaries and needs, then yes, end the relationship.

  10. Alright, skipping all the details regarding attraction, affection, appearances, let's jump right into the main topic. To help motivate weight loss in your boyfriend, you have to draw the line between encouragement and being the food police. And while you shouldn’t have to curb all of your bad eating and exercise habits if you don’t have a weight issue, it’s still helpful and motivating if you make an effort to lead by example. But you have to realize that your overweight boyfriend is only going to lose weight when he wants to, which sometimes leaves you out of the equation.

    To get back in the equation, you should first ask your bf what he believes his needs to be. For example, does he need help with healthier cooking, or does he want an exercise buddy? You can then do an overhaul of your kitchen by getting rid of unhealthy foods and only buying healthy foods from here on out. Accompany your bf on whatever exercise activities he wants to pursue. Walking is often an easy and effective way to lose weight, especially for beginners, as well as a great way to bond. You can also come up with leisurely activities that focus on fun but also promote physical activity indirectly. Help research weight loss programs that might be suitable for your overweight boyfriend. Be proactive!

    That said, we come back to the first concept again which is that your boyfriend is only going to lose weight when he wants to.

    And at the same time, if we do look back to the relationship at it's whole… It's completely fine for you to draw a line and realize you are not attracted to someone who is constantly gaining weight with unhealthy eating habits. Because at the end of the day, this is taking a toll on you as well, mentally. It also causes a constant distortion in your relationship, with an increased chance of feeling resentment, having arguments or fights, and a decrease in the love and affection for each other.

    If he doesn't want to accept any help or doesn't want to listen to how YOU feel in the relationship during this situation, and he has no intention to make any effort whatsoever… That's where you have to draw a line.

  11. I can tell you with 100% certainty that women have zero tolerance for poor grooming. Not showering, brushing your teeth and combing your hair is unacceptable. Women will be vile about that because BO, oily skin and uncombed hair is seriously off putting.

    Do you know why you aren't doing these things on a consistent basis? You need to figure that out and self correct. Also, loose fitting yellow shirt is fine. Wearing a loose fitting yellow dirty or dingy shirt not so much.

    You lack of attention to grooming is driving your girlfriend away. Luckily, that's an easy fix. If you can't be bothered to listen to her words and don't care enough about yourself to groom properly then it's going to cost you both friends and romantic partners.

  12. Lollll he doesn't know how to properly put a condom on! Ok this guy is an idiot. First, shame him for his ignorance of condom use (lol petty but worth it), then dump him. He is harming you!

  13. One thing I will definitely take from this relationship and I hope other sees this too TRUST YOUR GUT INSTINCT please!!! From the start. I could of avoided all of this if I just trusted my gut instinct. Now I have to rebuild my self again hopefully this will just make me wiser

    Please take your own advice OP and trust your damn gut. Dump this loser & I truly hope this is the time you get wiser and treat yourself with more respect

  14. Some people roll their eyes instinctively. I am one of those people. For me, it’s literally just how I handle things. Upset? Roll’em. Mad? Rolling. Sarcasm? Rolled them so hard they fell out.

  15. So he wants to bang you before the breakup/”break”. Go if thats what also you want, dont go if you don't want it. The obvious goal of the hotel room is the sexy time, you can watch movies anywhere else.

  16. Plain old gaslighting, works like a charm on a rookie, doesnt it?i bet you wont fall for it the next time a POS makes it your problrm he is acting sus.

  17. I’m extremely sorry to hear about your friend. I will keep her in my heart and other women when I’m doubting standing my ground.

  18. He has a daughter and I'm attached to her and I don't want to hurt her but also I know it's bad for me to stay. I guess I just needed to vent and clear my head before I do anything else

  19. I see she is still toxic towards you. You have cganged, she not so much?

    Yes, you are wasting your time. Without proper communication relationship is dead, you are dragging it's corpse along the way.

  20. You more than fucked up. If my partner likened me to my Mother, we would be done and he’d be out the door.

    Let’s hope she is more forgiving than me.

    You need to give her space and then rip the Band-Aid off and discuss this like adults. I hope you know how to do that because that comment shows so much about you.

  21. He’s apologetic because without you he’d be homeless. But he hasn’t removed the picture and will call you names again. How much or how long are you willing to endure this?

    There are people out there who treat their bf/gf with love and caring and respect and would never name call. Get one of those instead

  22. First, get the pictures on a pendrive and save it somewhere. (even if he “deletes” them later, he can recover them on his computer)

    Second, photograph/record the folder on his computer (you clicking, opening and showing the file there). Also save on the pendrive.

    Only then you should think about talking to him.

  23. Needing space to cool down and collect thoughts is normal and healthy.

    But that is absolutely not what is happening here. She is being toxic.

    But the only thing that really matters is this: Do you want to be with someone like this?

  24. I'm sorry honey, he is manipulating you,

    He sounds very toxic and I'd cut all contact from him after sending him one last message.

    I'm going to call it a day on us all together and think it's best we go no contact, the fact you told me you have feelings for me and when I reciprocated, you asked me to set you up with someone else. I'm 28 years old I'm not into these silly games and the fact you are has changed my opinion of you. Please don't try to contact me anymore as I'm no longer interested in a friendship or anything with you.

    Then block him completely everywhere.

    He will only end up emotionally destroying you and you deserve better.

  25. If your current wife isn't willing to even talk with you about this, then I'm not sure what else you can do besides retain a lawyer.

    And do this quickly. You MUST get your head out of the emotional doldrums because there is so much at stake here & your wife seems to think that you did something wrong when you did not.

    This other woman waited until your child was a teenager before informing you of this fact. Great. What is wrong with some people? That's rhetorical, but my god. So now you've got TWO WOMEN who are treating you like YOU DON'T MATTER.

    And I gotta ask, when are you going to become righteously indignant over being treated this way? YOU DID NOTHING WRONG. Repeat this until it sinks in. What your wife did WAS WRONG. What this other woman did WAS WRONG.

    You are not at fault here, but your life is about to steamrolled by a woman who thinks you did her wrong, and another woman who waited UNTIL NOW to tell you she's in financial trouble, and oh, by the way -YOU HAVE A SON YOU'VE NEVER EVEN MET.

    Get a lawyer and don't waste any time. Get over the fact that your life has been turned upside down. Start getting righteously indignant over circumstances that YOU COULD NEVER HAVE FORESEEN.

    And begin fighting for what's left of your family.

  26. He doesn't want to be in a relationship with you anymore. He doesn't respect you or your rules.

  27. Oh, poor baby, he's got his feelings hurt, boo-fucking-hoo.

    Sounds like an immure man-child to me.

  28. It helps me to know that my life is on the clock, the average person lives about 80 years,and the probability of living in a livable planet is extremely low, so I'll be dammed if I let anybody have control over my emotions, fck that.

  29. Well…

    You are young. You are not the first person to want to end a stable relationship to test the waters of being single and there is no shame on that. Clearly your feelings for your current gf are not strong enough for you to be happy and satisfied with the relationship, so of course you should break up and let her go.

    I will say a couple of things though. Single life can suck if you want something stable and contrary to the popular opinion, I think is more difficult for people.on their twenties than for people in thirties. If you are doing this for the parties and hook up, then single life can be great. It was when I was on this mindset.

    Also, as someone 10 years older than you and that.had my fair quota of relationships and life, I can tell that all good relationships fall on a routine and can sometimes be boring. Lust and passion ends quite quickly, no matter how hard people are and what it stays is the friendships, foundations and good connection. Drama, roller coaster feelings and even hyper sexualization normally are on toxic relationships. So if you want to end your relationship because is too comfortable nd maybe a little boring sometimes, not causing yOu to feel any excessive emotions, you will regret it someday.

    Good luck on your journey and I hope you find what you are looking for.

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