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creazy_grilllive sex stripping with hd cam


31 thoughts on “creazy_grilllive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Definitely, I'm surprised that strangers on Reddit are giving me better advice than some of my irl friends who are saying it's probably nothinng

  2. I am 21 now. Born in January, my first date and kiss was in July 2022 so i had to wait 21.5 year to acces it. Now i have lovely girlfriend, shes 18 and she had sex before me but is it really a problem?, i am happy that my first kiss and sex was with her bcs i love her. I was tired with waiting too, very tired but now i am so happy in my relationship. It was worth waiting for this.

  3. Have you exchanged contracts yet? Any changes to employment before completion have to be reported to the lender, if you don’t do that you might get into huge trouble. Feelings aside, you have to think practically here. If the mortgage was offered to both of you based on both incomes, the lender might withdraw the offer if she’s now unemployed. You really need to speak to your broker and solicitor asap and see where you actually stand.

  4. This. I've had ex's tell me that I needed bigger boobs too. Obviously I'm not blessed there.

    I know OP only wants one man, but you have to realize that this isn't realistic in the scheme of life. Sometimes we have to try multiple times, even making sacrifices we cannot pay the price for, until we succeed.

    This is on the grounds of breaking off the engagement. If he cannot accept you as you are now, until the end of his days, then he must leave. If you cannot accept him potentially never being fully satisfied with your body, then you must leave. You both will online a loveless marriage at the rate this is going. Are you ok with that OP? If you said no, then you must approach him on either him ceasing his games, or that you'll never be enough.

  5. Because theres a lot of noise in the area but the other guys usually get closer to me if they want to communicate with me or they talk close to me ear and i do the same. When he pulled me closer he was already right in front of me and there was lots of noise but the way he gently did it felt romantic to me

  6. u/shiskanoobs, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. Man people here are so quick to throw in “divorce” and mind you, those people are usually not married themself. Divorce is the last act to rescue yourself and you are far away from needing that right now.

    The first thing you need to do ask him why exactly he is doing what he is doing and if his explaination does not suit you, ask him to stop, for the sake of your marriage.

    If he says he will and does required steps to follow through, let him show you the things he did to actually follow up and then trust that its gonna be okay, for a while.

    If he falls back on his behaivor, anywhere in the future, which is likely and okay, confront him again and make sure he understands that this is a risk to your marriage. People are weird, have weird urges and do weird shit for all the weird reasons.

    Leave him some honest space for fuck-ups so long he keeps actually trying.

  8. Most likely her parents did not respond well. Some parents make their pregnant teens cut contact with the baby’s father, some force abortions. Some force adoption and some move away to start a new life. If your parents have met maybe try having one of your parents reach out to hers to see how they feel. If that doesn’t work you just need to remain patient and give it some time.

  9. He posted 2 days ago with the original story, in which he says the event happened “recently”. Which meant it happened in the past. Perhaps days past. You expect people to sit on their thumbs when shit’s going down so that they are more “believable” on Reddit?

  10. You’re absolutely being manipulated. I know you’re scared, but you need to just leave. Or kick him out. Idk how the lease is set up where you are, but just do it. Again, it’s scary I know, but you’re not happy, and honestly, it sounds like you’re mentally unstable. He’s using you. If he’s homeless, that’s on him.

    If it’s your name on the lease, tell him he has 2 weeks to find a new living situation. Or if you’re fearful that he’ll hurt you, go to the cops and ask them what the laws are. If the law is on your side and you can legally kick him out, have a cop with you when you do it.

    You need to start prioritizing yourself.

  11. I would err on the side of trusting your boyfriend based on how things are written here. He shows no signs of wanting to cheat otherwise from what you've said and it doesn't seem like you and your sister are close. It's also strange she emphasized how young and pretty he thought she was, and it makes no sense he was trying to get close to you for her when you and him met randomly in a book store. It doesn't seem like you fully trust your sister, here, and I'm a bit skeptical of it just because it seems like she might be jealous.

  12. It’s not uncommon for people to act that way after they get caught cheating. I think it’s clear she’s not fully over him, so do as you wish with that information.

  13. As a child of divorce, my life got 10x better after my parents separated. They were shitty to each other and set a horrible example of what love should look like. All of our lives improved once they went their separate ways.

    Sorry that you're going through this, but your kid will be better off.

  14. Sami seems to be stuck and your husband isn't listening to you. He seems very single minded that she cannot get out of the situation.

    Why is Mark not understanding the situation?

    If he so set against it then what does he suggest Sami does?

    Tell me again why Mark wants you to chose him?

  15. See, this is one of those things that looks small at a glance but are much bigger.

    Ask yourself why it's so hot for him to respect your very reasonable, clear request.

    Ask why he needed to pick your chips instead of his own.

    What was his motivation? Why was he willing and in fact eager to do something he knew would annoy you?

  16. Move out, move on, and work on yourself. Just put yourself in her shoes for a minute and think about how you would feel towards her

  17. But, on the other hand I feel he wouldn't feel the need to date/sleep with other women if he really likes me.

    An important thing to note here is that you both are likely looking for very different things at this stage. You're looking for an exclusive partner, he's looking to explore and meet new people. This is incompatibility no matter how you slice it, you're not on the same page as he is. If you've already expressed how deeply you feel about him and that you'd like to become serious, if his response is that he isn't ready, you'll have to accept that outcome.

  18. At 19, the ONLY thing I was interested in was clubbing. OP is wasting her youth on this creeper.

    Get out there and dance, girl!

  19. Stop being a doormat. Gather up some dignity & self-respect and leave him for good. He will never change and why should he when you keep taking him back.

  20. When someone disgusts you like he did there is no going back. That chick did this on purpose as an abusive pick me “she's not cool like I am misogyny is so fun” type. I assumed she would be an issue as the only woman in a group of 7 people. You need to be gone gone when he comes back. Imagine if you had kids and these were thier “uncles” even my abusive X-husband and all his brothers weren't this bad. They will for sure bring this up forever as the poop situation or something because emotional maturity is for P#ssys.

  21. You sound like the kind of idiot that would make the same mistake twice. Move on and let her do the same.

  22. Maybe start doing roll playing games. You on top, and he lies there.

    Also sex is an intimacy, and the two of you need some more intimacy.

  23. You need to get more specific and stop falling for her topic distractions.

    Her answers are deliberately vague. Don’t listen to it. Ask smart questions and be insistent to the answers. Always stay calm.

    You need to be getting answers. She’s being difficult for a reason.

  24. Friendships involve emotional connections. It can’t be avoided. I came into my current marriage with a very close friendship to a male friend. I love my friend very much, but I don’t love him romantically. My husband knows that and we trust each other.

    My male friend and I sometimes hang out just us, sometimes my husband and I hang out with him and his wife. Sometimes I hang out with the wife and my husband hangs out with my friend.

    Relationships are built on communication and trust and even more communication.

  25. Does she want to be a physician assistant or a doctor? You refer to both. And education requirements for the two are quite different – maybe she can handle PA but not medical school.

    That being said … it's not up to you to decide for her or to manage her time. If it bothers you this much, you two may just not be compatible.

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