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AmberJonnes online webcams for YOU!


amberjonnes chat

Date: September 26, 2022

55 thoughts on “AmberJonnes online webcams for YOU!

  1. I don't know… this sounds wrong.

    You're getting married aren't you? Aren't you committed to spending the rest of your lives together? There is literally no reason why you should not to be included on the purchase.

    All its going to do is create division. Why can't you do 80/20 for down-payment and be included?

    This is just speculations… but:

    It's almost like he is trying to protect himself if a divorce were to happen.

    I don't know the legal complications. But if you're going to be paying the mortgage without your name attached, to me you're burning money. You're basically a renter.

    Sells the house… investment is all in his name and I don't think you could do much about it.

    Divorce? Would assume it would be more a challenge for a settlement in regards to house.

    I just… can't wrap my head around this argument from a marriage POV:

    We would have to basically settle for a small condo if we were to go 50/50 each and he doesn’t want a condo.

    Even if I made significantly more than my partner and choosing to purchase a house above her means… its a combined effort. I wouldn't rob my partner of that.

  2. different strokes for different folks.

    im not much of a puller so honestly i haven't really considered stepping out of a relationship. but if i had a girl who wanted to fuck other dudes… whatever, why not? go do your thing. if she falls out of love, then good. it wasn't meant to be.

  3. Thats a lot of patience lol. Id say take the risk but you have to go in without expectations which is easier said than done given your position.

    Have you had any bfs, dates in the last 4 yrs that he has known about?

  4. Keep at the therapy. Your brother learned manipulative behavior from your mom.

    Also consider if living with your parents is actually worth the emotional toll

  5. u/UberUmbraic, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. u/Iamjusthereobserving, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. If he's a central character in this, then I guess the fiance rightly has something to worry about. Otherwise it can just as easily be a friend or a relative, or at least someone both of them know, doesn't have to be paid and doesn't bring a machete (WTF? seems like this is the UK, it wouldn't even be legal to assault a burglar with a machete!)

    I say bring more people into this. Have a goddamn sleepover fest!

  8. Hello /u/Warm-Difficulty6121,

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  9. First, I’m so sorry that happened to your kid. The person who said that dog was “only vocal” clearly misread their own dog’s behavior, and you and your family paid dearly for that. That’s the root of a lot of dog attacks, and its very possible the same applies here.

  10. Hello /u/Effective_Poetry_656,

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  11. They had 27 whole yrs to care more than ? and a 10s voice message. My brother starting to threaten my friend out of the blue is not the kind of care I seek. Maybe it's a very special kind of love but I'm great without it…

  12. Thanks for the advice man we'll see how it goes when she talks to me again. I agree I overdid it with the deez nuts joke.

  13. Given the age difference and the nature and style of his communication (cryptic, weird, and inappropriate given that you've decided to permanently part ways), I would cease contact.

    For you two to permanently part ways, the best way to accomplish that is to stop communicating and to stop keeping tabs on them altogether. It will much better allow you to move on.

  14. She says in the post that she didn’t know anything about Jess, except for the fact that she was her husband’s most recent ex. That makes it sound like she didn’t know Jess’ age or that their breakup was that bad.

    She’s got a lot more to process.

  15. she's been verbally and emotionally abusive towards me for months and I don't know how much longer I can tolerate it.

    Why are you tolerating it at all? What's stopping you from ending this relationship tomorrow?

  16. OP-are you Meghan McCain?? The only person under 50 who thinks anyone would be interested in their memoir is her. At least Meghan looks after her friends though so can’t be you. You’ve given me a good laugh tonight with your post. When I read you offered $5 out of the $100 your friends gave you to give her I actually snorted out loud. My dogs looked at me funny so I told them what you said. I swear they understood because one of them had to immediately go take a poop. You are absolutely the effing asshole. YTA in case that wasn’t recorded.

  17. From the way you described if he stays with you it would only be to please you and he would be miserable. If you want to see other people let the poor fella go

  18. They’re out there, just keep looking. I made the announcement of remaining child free a first date thing. Yes, it often meant only one date with some great guys, but I knew for certain I didn’t want to waste anyone’s time. BTW, I’ve been married for 30 years. And it was harder back in those days to find someone on the same page.

  19. If you don't trust him, why? There must be a reason you don't trust him, whether that's internal or external, and maybe a reason he doesn't want anyone snooping whether that has to do with you or not at all….I'd explore that question here myself…

  20. On the plane home from the country we lived in, I told myself to never leave her no matter how bad it gets because when we were together we were great.

    I feel like my inner self is screaming at me not to, I still love her. I feel trapped. I want to rip the plaster off, but I’m completely frozen.

  21. Bulgarian here.

    First of all – Bulgaria is much safer than people here make it seem – big cities and countryside alike. Check the festival Meadows in the Mountains – thousands of foreign people from Europe come to the countryside each year and there are no problems whatsoever. I know plenty of students studying medicine or working around the big cities and I heard about nothing other than the language barrier.

    Having said that, like everywhere else in the world there are different types of people and Bulgaria is no exception. There are scammers and scumbags but there are also decent people. If it's really this person's business are there like live! reviews, client testimonials or public feedback somewhere?

    If you could DM me the person's instagram I can check it out, ask stuff in Bulgarian and together we can work out if it's legit or a scam.

  22. I'm going with NTA actually. I think it's admirable you're finding a way to do your spendy hobby without spending actual money. I see it as a fair trade. It's your Xbox, it gets rid of clutter and if we're being honest a 2018 xbox isn't going to fetch that much cash anyway.

  23. I keep scrolling through comments and yours is the only one I've seen that does acknowledge that he broke up with her for not wanting sex two nights in a row because she was sore! He threw a tantrum and broke up with her because she didn't have sex she wouldn't enjoy. No good partner would even want sex when their partner is in pain. And that was the beginning of the six months. I'd have a tough time getting in the mood after that as well. I know reddit is quick to scream break up, but damn. OP deserves better than someone who wants a fuck doll.

  24. Yeah put her in her place man. Grab you balls and tell her to do what you want and say what you want to do. If she doesn’t like that then she can leave. You might be painfully lonely for 6 months but you’ll find someone who isn’t gonna boss you around eventually. Relationships don’t work out if the woman is in a leadership position

  25. Yeah I don’t enjoy blow jobs either and only give them rarely because my partner does love them. However maybe we will try your suggestion now. Anyway I’ve never had a man cum in my mouth. That’s so disrespectful and something that requires explicit consent.

    Good on you for enforcing your boundaries. I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you guys, but you deserve someone who respects you and puts your comfort first. That ring thing is next level weird.

    Also if he vomited on carpet I hope he pays for it to be professionally cleaned. If it was an easier to clean flooring I hope he cleaned it himself and did a good job. Yuck.

  26. That's what I am also afraid of, that it will be the end of the relationshio instead of a break but I'm hoping for the best. Thank you

  27. The fact he feels the need to call strangers ugly,or comment on their appearance at all, is concerning.

    I'd say he's deliberately negging you. Trying to make you insecure so you'll think he's the best you can do.

    Spoiler alert: he isn't

  28. With the amount of detail you wrote using a throw away is pointless, he'd know it was you in a heartbeat. You actually sound insufferable. He didn't propse because he wanted to, he did it because you were hassling him. Bring up marriage early and being ready to propose are not even in the same ballpark.

  29. He turns to me and KISSES ME (again, first time thing with us), hugs my waist and goes

    Awwww cute!!!

    “Our 1 year anniversary, idiot. I’m making reservations.”

    Wait what

  30. That update…Not only is your husband an AH, he's also thick. Does he not understand that the main issue here is that he SCREAMED at you and tried to boss you around like you were his least favourite employee and not, you know, his actual wife?

    Does he think being a stepfather means that he's not a parent? Does he see the “father” part?

  31. It's very simple, you're being used. You're the safe male she doesn't really want but keeps you as a back up option incase her sexual ecounters with the men she really wants goes wrong.

    Absolutely DO NOT be involved and under no circumstances sign a birth certificate for a child that isn't yours. With a mindset like hers the way it is, even if hypothetically you somehow magically became the man she really wants in her mind it would likely only be temporary until another guy that fits her ideal image shows up.

    You're better off distancing yourself permanently for your own mental health.

  32. And God forbid they split up.

    I'm opposed to situations where one adult is totally financially dependent on another.

    I get, extending the period of maternity leave for longer if finances aren't an issue, but with some professions, taking years out impacts your career. All too often, it's women who are affected by this.

  33. Alternative – watch with him. You blame the p*** on the lack of intimacy but if you ask him why there's a lack of intimacy. Usually after a period of time when someone's rejected they just kind of give up. So my advice is open up to him. Try and create a safe space to talk, figure out what's going on and maybe even watch with him. You might discover things about him and things about yourself.

  34. You can always message him? Why the hell wouldn't you be allowed? There is no rule saying you shouldn't especially if he's sending you memes.

    “Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best”

  35. That's a huge pain, I'm sorry. There's no reasoning with people who can tie themselves in knots to justify their conflicting beliefs. My extended family are all Trumpers as well, I did manage to explain the concept of white privilege to one of them with some success, but otherwise I don't waste my breath.

  36. When they are here I try to contribute to parenting. One of them hates me and blames me for his parents separating. But it’s mostly his ex and her wife. They are only here 1/3 of the time. (It was 50/50 until she changed it)

  37. Overall insecurity is something I’ve been dealing with, we’ve discussed it as well in marriage therapy. It’s something I’ve always struggled with. That’s one of the main things I’m working on is my confidence and not showing insecurity within our relationship. Thought I was doing well until that moment. Textbook over-thinker

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