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Lennon-1 online sex cams for YOU!


Lennon-1 Public Chat Channel

Date: October 20, 2022

131 thoughts on “Lennon-1 online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Callous? No. You are protecting your child and his/her best interests. If he was cheating let the cards fall where they may, not your problem. Your job is to protect your child and BTW a singleton child will get more CS than one with a sibling so do it fast before the other baby is born.

  2. Hey kid, you’re doing the right thing. Don’t let the downvotes get to you.

    Surprise surprise, 19 year olds don’t have everything figured out and are immature, and that’s causing you difficulty. But you have the advantage of being aware and having the tools and willingness to do the work.

    You did the right thing by apologizing and working through your jealousy. You’ll have to do it again in the future, probably soon. But it will be easier next time, and even easier the time after that, and with practice you’ll be so good at it that you’re able to catch and work through the jealousy before you act on it….. and then you will realize that you’ve outgrown the insecurity.

    All of this will of course take time, repetition, self-awareness, sincerity, and trust. You’ll have setbacks and breakthroughs, some of which will feel overwhelming. But you got it.

    Welcome to adulthood and emotional growth. You’ve got a good start.

  3. You’ve been together 8 months and only tried twice? Maybe this is why she wants to leave, I mean if you only try twice every 8 months it will be a looooong time before you might succeed.

  4. What advice would you give a friend if she told you this story? Also there’s no such thing as slight red flags, they red.

  5. How did you even know he was there 3 hours late? I'd be gone after 30 minutes.

    Respect yourself and block this guy's number

  6. I’m kind of confused. Were you two actually together? Were you physical? All I see is that you texted and hung out once?

  7. One event is obviously a lot more fun than the other.

    Next time, relapse him from obligations and then this won't happen.

  8. It will only effect your relationship if you don't respect your fiancée wishes for sound sleep and the well being of your child.

    Couples sleep in separate rooms all the time for various reasons. Different bed times is certainly one of them.

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  15. Honestly he needs to grow up. It’s all about his own insecurities. Some guys are bigger than you. Some girls will have had bigger partners. Grow up.

  16. Tell him he'd get less if his dick was any bigger. You prefer it to be his specific size because

    assured him I love his dick, it’s perfect for me, we can have sex multiple times per day and I’m not left sore and I really enjoy it.

    Do this a bit more. He will likely get over himself.

  17. I'm afraid a whole generation+ of people, especially women will regret not having kids when they could have, only to realize at 40+ that they can't. It's not wrong to not have or want kids. I just think people are leaning/choosing not to for all the wrong reasons, namely living lives and making decisions based on a foundation of fear. I think it's by design but that's a different topic (look at the local news, fear/sensationalism sells).

    I personally know people who deal with panic attacks and anxiety/depression and their amazing mothers. Is the birth process weird, unbelievable, gross? Definitely, but IMO it's 100x more beautiful. Time will change your body if pregnancy doesn't. There are many athletes competing at the highest levels after becoming moms. If that's your goal/passion, it's not automatically squelched. I understand why people don't feel the least bit empowered toward the thought of having kids and I think self-awareness toward a fear based mindset/perspective is a huge key in unlocking good change here, whether you chose to or not.

    Your husband knows you deal with these things and still wants to father your babies right? Should tell you something and give you empowerment/confidence. He knows your body will change and still wants to have kids with you. etc. etc.

    Your right that it's a massive change, and significantly more of a change for you than him. Undeniable. Ive experienced it to be and bring very very good change.

    Not believing in couples counseling is bullshit btw. 100% with you there, that's dumb. A bad councilor sucks but the right fit can be really fruitful for you two.

    I don't know you but feel like you need to hear YOU GOT THIS (if you so choose).

  18. What are you doing to yourself? Why are you dating the living embodiment of misery loves company! She only cares about herself! She is tormenting and framing it as you don’t care about her problems!! Why stay the night? Why stay in this relationship? Are you atoning for being a dictator in a past life?

  19. Explain how you feel and let him know you would like it if he was more affectionate. We all show love in different ways and we aren’t mind readers.

  20. I honestly wouldn’t bother to share this. It would relieve your own guilt but torture your husband. Instead focus on rebuilding your relationship.

  21. If your girlfriend will never forgive or trust you again then the relationship is over. Don't drag out the misery.

  22. Babies who have their needs attended to become adults who can form secure attachments. I don't know where you got that nonsense from but your girlfriend is right to ignore you.

  23. Oh, I don't live! in his house, I actually on-line a few doors down, though. He literally just… walks to my house. (my house was really cheap due to white flight in our area and I am blessed with an amazing job). And he doesn't let them. Both of us subscribe to the idea of stoicism that says you cannot control others' actions, but you can control your own. He calls them out on their shitty behaviour if he sees it and I do my best to ignore them.

  24. The thing is im not on antidepressants cause ive learned to manage my depression without them. So i find it comes and goes. I found birth control has been the biggest issue for my libido

  25. I get that you're trying to help, but it doesn't sound like your girlfriend is actually being helped when you're trying to encourage her. My guess is, that regardless of how you phrase things, it feels like you're condescending or patronizing her because she's an adult not a child. If it's not helping, have you tried just not saying anything at all and letting her figure it out for herself? Or have a discussion about how you can help/if she would like you to remind her of anything she needs to do?

    Is her ADHD being treated? If not, maybe you can help her look for a specialist that can help her manage it better. There's also a sub here just for women with ADHD that might have some useful advice for both of you.

  26. The key here is you need enthusiastic nonverbal consent and enthusiastic verbal consent.

    No matter how well anyone knows anyone else, nothing about sex can ever be implicit and we just can’t make assumptions in this day and age.

    But the enthusiastic verbal consent could just be an outburst – it would be ableist not to suppose it might be Tourette’s, so it needs to be very deliberate and lengthy so you can tell it would be intentional.

    Ideally a full cheer routine, with pompoms and choreography, explaining the desire and consent to have a very specific type of sex.

    Once the consent cheer is complete, then we can get to the paperwork.

    You’re going to want to fill out of 53 page document outline what is consented to and what is not, how long the encounter should last, what type of music is okay, and detailing what pace of thrusting (if any) is appropriate. There should be initials on every page and a full signature at the end.

    Then there’s the health waiver, of course.

    And the pregnancy agreement, if relevant – even if not relevant (for example, two women), probably best to complete it just in case. What if some errant semen flies in through the window?

    Once you’ve got that bad boy notarized and delivered to the courthouse, it’s time to get down to business.

    But of course consent could be withdrawn at any moment, invalidating all of the above and turning the encounter into a rape.

    You can never fully mitigate this, but stopping every two minutes to initial an ‘ongoing consent’ document would sure help.


  27. Healthier for YOU and YOUR dietary needs. I’m general they’re not better or worse. Regular potatoes have more protein and potassium.

  28. Healthier for YOU and YOUR dietary needs. I’m general they’re not better or worse. Regular potatoes have more protein and potassium.

  29. Her family sounds like mine, very money and status orientation (read: narcissistic). I was cast aside for choosing love over money. My mother is perpetually trying to give me handouts so I don’t reflect poorly on her.

  30. Of course you should talk to him. He can’t read your mind. He might need to be taught how to give gifts exactly as you want that done: if he didn’t grow up learning how to anticipate a person’s needs and desires, he grew up doing what most people do: go with a cliched gift such as second rate chocolates or the first thing that jumps out at him at a gift-shop.

    Talking will help.

  31. It hurts and destroys so many relationships, not to mention how much it contributes to human trafficking and non-consensual content. And yet, people act shocked when others set boundaries over it, because somehow we have normalized prioritizing sexual gratification over the wellbeing of others.

    Whether OP sees porn as ethical or not, his wife set a clear boundary and made her beliefs clear. He claims to be so “honest” but was not upfront about something that he knew was a dealbreaker for her.

    Sadly, society is so porn dependent that it doesn’t matter if loved ones and the exploited people in the industry are hurt along the way.

  32. I dont tend to say it a whole lot myself and this is purposeful. I believe that the saying carries a lot of weight and meaning and should be used responsibly and not in a general pattern of speech. When I do say it the other person can rest assured that I absolutely mean it. I wouldn't think this was a red flag but would ask him about the timing because that does seem like an odd time to say it if he doesn't that often.

  33. I just want closure so we can both heal and move on.

    OP, closure is something you give yourself. You want contact. But no matter what you get from him, it's not going to be right, so you'll keep coming up with something else you need.

    Draw a line under it and be done. Stop chasing someone who doesn't care.

  34. I dont see what good would come from telling her that you snooped on her phone, apart from getting it off your chest. Suffice to say, this is an area you want to work on together regardless of that fact. Stop making the situation worse for yourself.

    Try not to compare yourself to others. Your wife chose you for a reason. The performance anxiety that you place on yourself is a large part of the problem.

    Consider using toys in the bedroom. This is a normal thing, and can make you feel better about providing for your partner's needs.

    The patents on the generic forms of viagra and cialis expired a while ago. They are super inexpensive and you can get them through live! pharmacies, so you dont even have to go to your doctor. You should still talk to your doctor about the issue anyway.

  35. Exactly and don't tie yourself to a family that makes such demands by moving onto their grounds. Each time he'll want something hell remind you that you are living on his land

  36. Exactly and don't tie yourself to a family that makes such demands by moving onto their grounds. Each time he'll want something hell remind you that you are living on his land

  37. Jealousy is a relationship killer. You have a good lady there, she's standing up for herself. This is a professional social battle for her, if you step in you are taking away her lesson she needs to learn.

    As we live! life society imposes on us wanted and unwanted things, being able to summon the strength to handle things like this is special. If someone does it for her it will lower her self esteem. If she handles it she feels more confident.

    If you step in she will see you as controlling, like a parent that doesn't have faith in her abilities. She won't have experienced what it's like to fight for your relationship. I would only step in if she is blatantly asking for help and needs you.

    If it was me I would let her deal with it while focusing on myself and how this is impacting my ability to stay centered.

  38. Jealousy is a relationship killer. You have a good lady there, she's standing up for herself. This is a professional social battle for her, if you step in you are taking away her lesson she needs to learn.

    As we live! life society imposes on us wanted and unwanted things, being able to summon the strength to handle things like this is special. If someone does it for her it will lower her self esteem. If she handles it she feels more confident.

    If you step in she will see you as controlling, like a parent that doesn't have faith in her abilities. She won't have experienced what it's like to fight for your relationship. I would only step in if she is blatantly asking for help and needs you.

    If it was me I would let her deal with it while focusing on myself and how this is impacting my ability to stay centered.

  39. He wants you to run after him desperate for a crumb of affection because he is a controlling nut job!

    IF you are foolish enough to stay with him, this is the pattern of your life…

    OP Works hard to build a career BF Perceives some slight in his own warped mind, sulks like a child OP Tries to achieve a quiet life by lying and placating BF BF Imma block that bItch that will show her.. OP Accepts that being treated like this is acceptable, waits for BF to calm down BF Swans back feeling justified he taught her a lesson…

    Rinse and repeat the scenario for the rest of your life….


  40. Oh yes, break up with him. Go to the police. Don’t wait. If you wait, he will string you along with promises to pay you back. He will not pay you back. With a little pressure from the police, he might be able to get your money from family.

    He is always going to have financial problems. He will continue to steal from you if you stay with him.

  41. Eh, I found a notebook filled with suicidal scrawlings in my parents house this Christmas. I don't remember the book. I don't remember journaling in it. I sure as hell did sometime between 1996-2003. I took it home to put into storage.

  42. No she is not contrite, she is lying, gaslighting you and this will go underground…..stop allowing her to control the narrative….get ahold of his number and call him and tell you will personal come to his house and show his wife the messages…take control of the situations and get angry….some people

  43. Exactly this, she married some dude in who's still in his party phase who also doesn't seem like he knows how to do that shit responsibly. Though she seems like she'd be right with him if not for the baby, even if not for the cheating, worse shit could have happened.

  44. I think your husbands a badass ngl. Props to him for that.

    I don’t think there’s any coming back from this though. Both sides of your families have completely different values and moralities to them. You’re just gonna have to reconcile with that fact. Your father sees women as property and your husband does not.

  45. Walks are not enough for most medium sized dogs on up if the goal is to wear them out to a point of satisfaction. Even if you're jogging the entire time trying to keep up with them, they are inevitably being held back by the leash and not getting the full on sprinting they so desire. If it's an especially high energy breed, this will be true even if you took him on three hour long walks twice a day.

    Think of it as doing the warm up part of exercise, but completely skipping the workout. He's crazy when you get home because he's been primed for a high energy activity he never gets to actually take part in. You need a dog park or other large, safe area and a ball or other toy for him to chase after.

    I know that not everybody is close enough to a suitable area to run their dog. If it's a bully breed or other breed that enjoys pulling and/or running long distances, you can look into a doggy treadmill (not a regular treadmill, those can be dangerous for dogs, you need a self-propelled pet one.)

    Good luck to you, you do sound like a very dedicated pet owner. There are far too few good owners out there, and you're doing everything right, it's just that some tweaking to the routine can address the behavior problems/maximize the enjoyability of your shared life.

  46. Tell him to stop gripping his dick so nude when masturbating. That is his problem, not your 'tightness'.

  47. There’s a CHILD in this household?! Good God that is horrifying. I really hope OP wakes up to the terrifying situation she’s put her family in.

  48. It sounds like he's trying to coerce and manipulate you into back door stuff because he prefers it. And when it doesn't work he resorts to insulting you.

    Please leave, you don't deserve to be treated this way. It's terrible

  49. Ever consider that maybe he is too small?

    Absolutely do not be with someone who is more than comfortable SA you and degrading you.

  50. Hey bitch, you never said you did until you edited it. With attitude like this no wonder he looks elsewhere. Lol

  51. Does he not love his own child? WTF did I just read? What kind of a father would deliberately ruin his kid's birthday party?

    He sounds like an ultimate AH.

  52. How is this even something that you need to ask advice over? If that's the support your bf can expect from you, and that's the type of racist shit he has to deal with (with no support from you even though it is your family that's racist), I feel sorry for him

  53. Not enough to make me leave her but enough to annoy me

    It happens maybe once or twice before that at least that I remembered

    One for sure it was about some issues she had with my roommate

  54. The fact you practically had to coerce him into a threesome tells me you don't give a shit about his thoughts and feelings. And then you thought that keeping it going when he's visibly upset was a good idea?

    Break up with him and let him go as you don't deserve him.

  55. My ex knows exactly what we did…trust me, and I guess my middle name is Karma because I actually got the revenge I seeked for, the unwanted baby was just the cherry on the pie. I had an okay time with bro too so it was not “for nothing”

  56. So im wondering if you people have any tips on how i can stop being so jealous and overthinking about stuff she wouldnt do, as she isnt a person to do stuff like what my exes has done.

    here is a tip..go find yourself a good indian licensed therapist and get some professional help. Save yourself years of self discovery through fuck ups.

  57. You need to stop letting her control the money, at the very least. If she won't give you the debit card back, cancel it and get a new one and don't let her have it. You pay the bills and then figure out how much of the leftovers you want to split between you for “other” stuff. At least then you're not keeping all the money from her, but you are making sure the bills get paid and accounts aren't being overdrawn.

  58. Sounds like you both got a bit too invested within just a month. Talking about marriage, him putting you on a pedestal after a month, etc.

    I’m with you, the fact that he was unsure about the relationship in only 1 month shows that it wasn’t meant to be. That’s supposed to be the honeymoon time, when everything feels perfect and too good to be true.

    After he ghosted your apology, that was absolutely it for me. He had his second chance, and he threw it away. And then he had a third chance when you went to his base, and he still blew it.

    Do yourself a favor and block this guy. No matter how much you miss him, don’t unblock him. Don’t give him a chance to sneak back into your life and throw you for a loop again. You can’t get over your ex, because you keep letting him back in. You keep giving yourself chances to see how he’s doing and miss him. He’s playing you, keeping you around or reaching out to you for validation. He keeps talking to you because he wants to see how broken you are over him, because it makes him feel powerful and like he’s some perfect amazing guy. That’s why he’ll keep reaching out to you, but never commit to you. He’s played you like this over and over again and you’re letting him do it.

  59. it’s always laughable when an old man gets with a barely legal child bcus you know that child will grow up and inevitably realize that they don’t want to be tied down by an old sad sack anymore.

  60. You married a doormat. Unfortunately for you it's not as easy as returning it to the store and getting a refund.

  61. So it is true? you don’t like sex unless with a football player or a star.

    No wonder you’re so angry. Lower your standards…like a considerable amount.

  62. For starters, I’d watch that episode of Alias where this exact thing happens, Sydney’s mom killed Vaughn’s dad, there was even a car accident.

  63. if you feel like.. idk, not that bothered? or that your natural instinct is to ignore it as you suggested in a reply to someone else, perhaps you could explore an open relationship, or re-visit your boundaries? monogamy isn’t for everyone. (that doesn’t excuse cheating, don’t come for me yall)

    it’s just a different perspective. i would say it’s fair to take the money if you choose divorce ha.

  64. Just break up.

    You two are super incompatible in the long run. He wants kids and marriage, you don't ever want to get married and you can't have kids. You don't even love him, you're just treating him like your comfort blanket.

  65. You both sound a little obtuse and really and at communicating. Sit down one on one and have a conversation with each iter

  66. With the context that they’re both living in a country that’s not their home country then travel isn’t so much just a hobby.

  67. Well there is one thing I have learned about relationships that I've always neglected for a long time. So many things are important. Trust, honesty, loyalty, commitment, quality time, communication.

    And we look at someone's personality and attraction and we think oh this is perfect.

    But one thing we refuse to look at is the circumstances of one's life.

    You can love someone even if they're in an abusive home. Or if they are overwhelmed with two jobs. Or if they are suffering from a long-term sickness.

    But it doesn't change, that the circumstances make that person less reliable. Is it fair? No. Can that person help it? Perhaps not.

    But she is not reliable, nonetheless.

    Think about that for a while.

  68. Nude pass. Two major deal breakers right here – religion and financial goals. I’m not even going to go into how fragile and gullible one must be not to see through the scam.

    Alert his family that he’s being taken for a ride, pack your stuff and leave.

  69. As I and so many did in you last post tell you, the chances were slim of hitting through this night and being together I will admit that it seems like the are taking you for a “pity fuck* to ease you into knowing they have been breaking the trust of your relationship isn't the worst way to find out but you went against the majority of the last posts replies so I suspected we won't be much help this time either unfortunately.

    I would suggest copy/posting this to the Poly reddits so they can get a laugh too. The relationship subreddits are positive Poly is a lie so most of what you see here is gonna be some really passed takes because we see this kind of post SO OFTEN these days. So again we are not neutral we are often strongly against and the Poly people might be more productive. (But given context they might feel the same since it is thier lifestyle constantly dragged through the Mudd with infidelity)

    OP…. good luck…. sincerely. I wish you the best… I wish I could do more but just like your relationship, you are on your own now.

  70. Age is just a number when it benefits someone isn’t it? You should have asked bit he also should have told you up front.

  71. I know I might sound stupid for my age, but is what you have said true? He does love me and is very caring for the time I have been with him

  72. I'll try to talk to him again.

    The only thing I have to add is that you need to be firm on getting to the underlying reasoning whenever this conversation happens. If he shuts down, point out to him that he has to find a way to be vulnerable and open with you — its essential to a relationship/marriage.

  73. This, the situation isn’t the root problem here, the expectations of what both of you want out of each need to be addressed, otherwise this relationship isn’t making it any futher

  74. If you want it to work,look at strap ons. Penises are hardly the most important thing, but if you want straight sex with a trans guy pre surgery (and possibly post), there is nothing wrong with considering the practical options. You are straight, you like penises – very blunt phrasing I know but nothing wrong with that, and he is a guy, but the practical considerations are still there.

    If you aren't okay with him being trans, that's also okay, but from your writing that seems more secondary?

  75. I would be livid. Like there is not enough free porn out there, he had to use an image of a mutual friend. I'd start to wonder if he has feelings for her or if it has ever gotten inappropriate. Or is this just someone he fantasize about. Either way, I would not be okay with that.

  76. I thought you meant cutting her out of your wedding photos, which I think you should do, and also go no contact until she acknowledges she's an adult

  77. To you, probably. It will likely assist your Son and likely ex-husband though. You seem to only care how it impacts you though.

  78. If you're not married, you're screwed. He can keep all that money for himself. If you're married you get half, and you need to see a divorce attorney. In either case, you need an attorney to settle custody and child support.

  79. For sure talk to him. Because my ass still hurts. But I don’t know how to approach that without making him think the wrong thing if it was an accident. Sort of like the “how could you think I’d ever purposely do that” response.

  80. I think your downvotes are less about being cautious against vigilantism and more about “was it really a SA or a change of mind” – that’s the really yikes part.

  81. I shouldn’t. I also didn’t lie about it. He lied to my face. I told him when I did bc I don’t like keeping things from him. He has every opportunity to come Clean.

  82. You have known about this shit for almost a year according to your post history. He didn’t leave cause he didn’t have to. I commented that he is a PA/SA before I even looked at your post history. Stop being ignorant. You have a child with this man. He doesn’t give a shit about you or his kid. He’s a selfish narcissistic asshole. You’re young. Leave him. Focus on yourself and your kids. Damn girl.

  83. He loves you and has committed to you on a level he wanted to aka the house. You said that marriage is a must for you but not him. Your condition to being with him is having to be married in a deadline you decided. He wants you to be a healthier or more attractive weight before doing so. You both have conditions for your future as a couple. I can't honestly tell how either of you should feel about these things. He's probably afraid you will get bigger after the marriage and his already missing how you looked or felt when you had less weight. I don't agree with him since I've never had a problem in the similar situations. But I still can't judge him for wanting you to commit to something he finds important since he's being pressured to do so as well, even if it's a totally different situation.

  84. Isn’t it selfish to bring a child into this turbulent situation with one parent that already resents and doesn’t want them?

  85. I think so. I certainly would just in case. I've never had a black eye myself, but eyes are sensitive and I'd at least want the assurance that it is just a normal black eye, if that's what it is. How's your pain? Do you have any light-headedness or fatigue or anything?

  86. Yea I’ll bring this up. I don’t like talking about leaving each other cuz what happens if he agrees? I’m not mentally prepared for that. He’s also my first serious relationship.

  87. Lust academy is okay but it’s good in the sense that the over arching story is good.

    Being a dik and fetish locator get really good in their seconds parts (week 2 for fetish locator and then episodes like 4-6 for being a dik ) because they do a lot of world building and character introducing in the first parts, and then the second acts really flesh out the story in a good way.

    Don’t get me wrong acting lessons in really good and I did like it a lot.

  88. …she said he was only with you because he has a learning disability? What an evil, cruel, bitter and jealous person. And that's the nicest way to put it. I would drop her. She sounds like she doesn't put anything good into your life, just negativity.

  89. …she said he was only with you because he has a learning disability? What an evil, cruel, bitter and jealous person. And that's the nicest way to put it. I would drop her. She sounds like she doesn't put anything good into your life, just negativity.

  90. I'm implying he's gross for going to such lengths to hit on other women (in a place where it's clearly inappropriate and notably cringe). It's like the cherry on top to all of the douchebaggery.

  91. Yes, he’s a pedo. You don’t want to find out the nude way by having kids around. No role playing involving playing a pedo is ever erotic.

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