Part of learning how to navigate adult relationships is knowing you can't be with someone just because you love them. Love doesn't stop someone from abusing your trust.
This goes with friends and family, too.
They need to be a positive influence in your life. They need to add value to your life and uplift you in at least a similar way you uplift them, or show appropriate appreciation for your devotion.
Everything you two have is founded by a resolved liar. He proved it by with-holding the choice to stay or leave from you until his conscience couldn't carry it anymore.
Even if there are a million lovable things about him, he has shown you that your trust, your loyalty, and your relationship are disposable to him.
If it wasn't, he'd be mortified at the idea of risking losing you, the same way you are mortified at the prospect of having to give him up.
Lol perfect
Part of learning how to navigate adult relationships is knowing you can't be with someone just because you love them. Love doesn't stop someone from abusing your trust.
This goes with friends and family, too.
They need to be a positive influence in your life. They need to add value to your life and uplift you in at least a similar way you uplift them, or show appropriate appreciation for your devotion.
Everything you two have is founded by a resolved liar. He proved it by with-holding the choice to stay or leave from you until his conscience couldn't carry it anymore.
Even if there are a million lovable things about him, he has shown you that your trust, your loyalty, and your relationship are disposable to him.
If it wasn't, he'd be mortified at the idea of risking losing you, the same way you are mortified at the prospect of having to give him up.
My girl had me listed as “bills paid” which is crazy, because I'm broke, and she pays my bills. Weird, I should probably act on this for no reason,