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Missskate online sex chats for YOU!


7 thoughts on “Missskate online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Look up the definition of what love bombing is. That’s exactly what this guy did to you, he was talking about marrying you and you moved in with him less than 10 months of being together. Then, when the gratification period for him was over, he instantly dropped you because he was never attached in the first place, he was only excited because you were the newest thing he latched onto. That’s not moving on, that’s fleeing the crime scene. This is a manipulative behavior that narcissists use all the time, and they become cold and detached when they decide it’s over. It’s okay to be in pain from this, this is incredibly damaging and confusing behavior to deal with and you just have to realize that this person doesn’t deserve your tears, just be happy that they’re gone because they were never going to be good to you.

  2. Honestly seeing his other posts, I dont think he is. I think he's a really sheltered kid who has been raised in a heteronormative society and is unsure of himself because of it.

    But even if he is, is rather help someone than not bother.

  3. Financial counseling is a great idea I haven't thought of! It might help him come up with some strategies. We've already talked about it and he's curbed his spending and he's stopped increasing his debt but it's not going down.

  4. What exactly about your boyfriend having boundaries do you view as a red flag? And why don’t you consider you own refusal to accept his bodily autonomy as a giant red flag? He said no. Accept it. It doesn’t matter what your ex said, that is completely and utterly irrelevant. If he can’t trust you to respect his boundaries this relationship will soon be over.

  5. OP said they are wonderful people, she’s not talking positively about them because she’s worried about judged they are genuinely good people!

    Anyone who didn’t see how their parents lived as normal would give people a pre warning, especially if they were expected to spend any amount of time there. We aren’t talking about dirty plates in the sink and crumbs on the counter!

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