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10 thoughts on “skinny_ceelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Oh we get it….but you’re completely ignoring where she is coming from and making it all about you. The two of you do not need to be in a relationship. Go to court, figure out custody and child support, and maybe see a therapist to help deal with your feelings.

  2. These are not unreasonable expectations at all, they're run-of-the-mill expectations.

    You need to stand your ground on important topics like this because otherwise it WILL be for the rest of your life. Don't be submissive.

    Is he such a wonderful and amazing person that he's worth becoming a stay at home mom/cook/cleaner for? You should answer that question because it's what he's asking of you, quite plainly .

    I've been with my partner for 10 years and we contribute 50/50 when it comes to income AND household chores. This is becoming the new standard.

  3. You might be right. I think there is some self esteem issues I need to resolve….there’s really no reason for me to be this way based on the current state of my life right now…i think it’s from my childhood and i just suppressed it and used attention from girls as a way to validate myself…

  4. She doesn't want her daughter, she wants him. She decided to pursue him through their child. She's going to intrude in your lives and when she figures out that she has no chance with your husband, she'll dump the child and move on.

  5. It’s basically any time he is mad at something/someone.

    Example: he recently got mad at his mom for not charging his brother rent to on-line in her house. In my opinion it’s pretty much not his business what his mother does in her house, it’s her choice to charge rent. I say this because she helps him out financially a lot. She helped him buy his house and his car because he has bad credit due to a previous divorce and custody battle. In my eyes she’s doing the same for his brother just in a different way. He got mad at me for not agreeing with him and took my phone and blocked her number on it so I wouldn’t talk to her.

  6. This seems like a mismatch. Please don’t stay with her just because she moved with you. Offer to move her back to where she came from. It appears to me that you would hate your life if you married her.

  7. Thats a classy move if I've ever heard one. Must be God testing her to see if she's truly worthy of being his wife. /S

    I never got the “it's your Batchelor party, so it's your last night to cheat on them.” It seems weird, like why are you getting married if you have to go out and enjoy sex with someone else one last time before you're “trapped”. Shouldn't you want to only be with the woman you're marrying?

    They all made a bad decision and I'm sure they'll all get found out.

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