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Regina_paigeelive sex stripping with hd cam


5 thoughts on “Regina_paigeelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You are allowed to decide who you/your kids spend time with. She seems controlling, and with all the other circumstances, I would just stay away from her.

  2. I'd love for you to cite the law that states it is illegal to keep nudes. Yes, there are laws about intentionally disclosing nudes of other people ie. revenge porn, but once pictures are shared, there is zero law that states the pictures must be deleted, even if asked.

  3. Dam that sounds frustrating, definitely an obsession and bordering on unhealthy at that, you say you've indulged them for years? And it hasn't helped ease any of it? This is very deep-seated stuff then.

    Nothing wrong a with a kink or two but relationships are about give and take; it's not healthy for it to go too far one way or the other.

    Calmly reassert your boundaries I say, it's not unreasonable to not want to be bombarded by anything.

  4. This is some dude trolling. “I'm not using my mental illnesses as an excuse but-” go fap in a closet to this weird scenario like the gremlin you are and get the fucj out of here lmfao

  5. I agree. He made me feel bad saying that she never used the playroom and I was being selfish. Even went as far as to tell me it was a nonnegotiable and if I didn’t allow him to that he would leave…I pointed to the door, but clearly he didn’t. He eventually let that rest and tried to take over her bathroom, even though we have one right off from our room (which I’m re-decorating as he didn’t like how it was decorated…keep in mind this house is only 2 years old). I explained that I didn’t think it was right for him to do that as she should have her own space and he just screamed at me that he’s paying way too much to online here and its bs that he doesn’t have his own space…. However, he’s not using her bathroom.

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