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Alisson-natasha on-line sex chats for YOU!


FUCK PUSSY WET [194 tokens remaining]

Date: October 25, 2022

8 thoughts on “Alisson-natasha on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. She wants to online with you without being responsible for anything financially. She sounds emotionally exhausting. I know you are just ranting. A lot of people are going to tell you just to break up. You should at least start setting harder boundaries. Do not compromise on the pet unless you want a dog, because she'll simply abandon it when you eventually break up.

  2. When I met my partner, it felt different than any other relationship I’d ever been in and it was because I didn’t need to worry about pretending to be someone, I could just be completely myself. This person you’re with wants you to be what they think you should be, not who you are. It is exhausting pretending for so long, you don’t want to do it any more than you already have, trust me. Being with my partner now is like being able to breathe for the first time, I have never felt so completely myself as when I am with them because they love me for me, not for who they want me to be or who they think they can turn me into. I wish you the same.

  3. Oof this is almost like what happened to me just a few days ago with my now ex girlfriend. Except in my case she cheated on me with my now former friend who was in a relationship with another woman that I'm still friends with. That was just the beginning of a clusterfuck of events that I'm going through now. I'll probably make a thread regarding that instead of posting it here. Honestly I should've stayed single.

  4. Why are you dating this guy if you found things that would lead you suspect he participates in or likes incest adjacent activities!? I’m so confused on your responses vs your post. Seems nothing is surprising you- I think you made a good call by not attending and maybe even take a few steps back. I do agree with most people on here that he is acting very shady and weird over something that shouldn’t be a big deal at all? It would actually be a nice gesture to gift his mom, grandma and step sister a gift- regardless of if they choose to get you a gift- you seem to understand this but he doesn’t… something is off I agree but idk if he’s sleeping with his sister lol seems like a very Reddit response to this post though!!

  5. OP this isn’t anger or cattiness its straightforward emotional abuse, my hypothesis is that the guy you met and fell for doesn’t actually exist and what you have now is your boyfriend. His recent behaviour is all about breaking you down:

    – You’re stupid

    – You’re careless

    – You‘re worth less than I am

    Its been going on for six months now so long enough to really start to get under your skin, you’re modifying some of you behaviours now right to ensure you don’t trigger him, constantly trying to get a bead on his mood so you know where you stand, feeling a little less confident about work. Gah, the ignoring you for an entire night etc all designed to undermine you.

    You can’t and wont fix this OP, people with depression can become uncommunicative, negative etc but this isn’t that, the demeaning quality to everything he’s doing is specifically about you and I’m sorry to say but if you look into abusive relationships your post is textbook. In the majority of my posts I’m all about therapy and trying to work things out, in this case I implore you to RUN!

  6. You did the right thing, your ex sounds pretty toxic and that must have been draining. No group is a monolith. Don't settle for people who bring you down constantly, it's better to be single than to date someone who consistently makes you unhappy.

  7. True, definitely something I should talk about with my therapist I’ve been hesitant to open up to them about this yet here I am on Reddit doing just that ?‍♂️

  8. He goes to the gym and has good standing with his parole officer, but what kind of job does he have? How’s he managing everything else? Three years is a long time to be incarcerated. How did that affect him mentally and emotionally? What kind of social group does he have? Did he go right back to the same friend group? What changes has he made to avoid getting the same trouble again?

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