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Queentwerk live! sex chats for YOU!


very hot ass [Multi Goal]

Date: October 27, 2022

35 thoughts on “Queentwerk live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. First and foremost you need to figure out which gender you really identify as, without taking into account how others treat you because of this, and then go off of that.

    For most people, there is a very strong dividing line between friendship and romance. Someone is either your friend, or your romantic partner. It sounds like by acting more like a man they get friendship vibes from you and treat you like a a non-sexual friend.

  2. Looks to me like he's looking for an easy escape if things go south. Probably doesn't really love you if he's approaching the relationship in such a tactical way.

  3. Same! Me and my “partner” started talking during the middle of the pandemic and eventually just started hanging out with each other since we were practicing small circles for COVID safety. It’s hard. Walking away would hurt – I definitely emphasize with that. But staying is nice .. but we just would like more! My friends also question why I am being hidden. They want the best for me, and ofc I know posting isn’t NECESSARY, it would be nice to be shown off. Me and him also say I love you. We have lots of love and care for each other.

    To go about this, Ive just decided that maybe this is a chapter of my life that doesn’t have to make it to the end. He’s in my life now, and there’s meaning to it. It doesn’t have to last forever, since especially I have so much time ahead of me to experience with love.

  4. I'm not saying your horrified is like this but here is my cautionary tale. When I was with my son's mother she did this to me As well, she spent her days wasting money on Amazon and posting on social media how good she had it, but then I would have to come home from working long shifts and cook for myself and clean up the place and it just started to burn me out. I asked her if she didn't want to work would she try to take some courses we lived in downtown LA a stones throw away from LATTC. She refused she did this for 9 months when, my son was born she told me she didn't see herself working for 4 more years and that's when the relationship really started to deteriorate. She didn't help in any way and what made me stop putting up with it was that the place would get really dirty and the introduction of a child to that environment was unacceptable. We started to argue over that constantly she got physical she called the cops saying I was. they come treat me like shit when it's time to place handcuffs on me I stand up they see my ripped clothing and blood from scratches they look at my ex not a scratch on her they ask her how is that possible her lie falls apart immediately, they let me take my son and I go to my parents. It's been 13 years and I still have my son lost a lot and basically had to start over working minimum wage I clawed my war back up to a high paying job and now life is good with my wife and kids because my wife and I are an actual team.

  5. You say you're not sure if he was cheating on his fiancé/wife when you two were sleeping with eachother and yo uwere working together…did you two know each other well at work, or not so much? I just find it hard to believe you didn't know if he was involved with someone or not.

    whether or not you tell him is up to you. Seems like you two separated amicably and didn't expect much from the relationship.

  6. I mean she could have butt dialed him. Clicked the wrong number and called then cancelled and called the right person or anything. Anything super trivial to the point she has no memory of it or it wasn't even intentional, so she never knew in the first place.

    If it were anything else or anything serious she would remember. She's totally open with her phone bills and her messages… she literally asked you to check them for her. Someone who's got hidden history or agendas doesn't do that.

    You are totally in your own head here. If she's giving you no other reasons not to trust her, let it go.

    If I'd accidentally pressed my exes number or butt dialled it or something a year ago… and given how committed I am to my partner… he went all mistrust and weird with me over a 3 second call 1 year ago I have no memory of… I would not be happy. I would understand the initial reaction, but I would very much expect him to know he's the only person I care about in that respect by this point in the relationship.

    Either there's way more turmoil going on in this relationship you've not mentioned making you over react, you are over reacting for no reason, or you're over reacting because you've got some personal controlling/self esteem issues which you need to work on. Only you really know which one it is.

  7. What the fuck are you talking about? I am not “crazy crazy.” Did you not read the rest of my comments in the thread????

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  9. She aint ur gf homie, “exclusive” doesn’t mean anything to anyone under 30. Get checked, get ready to move on, and get this money

  10. I’ve seen this a few times, his new addiction is going to be policing your behaviour. His grasp on sobriety isn’t strong, so he needs to reinforce it by making you follow the rules that work for him. Because if you “indulge” in these habits and don’t drink, he might start thinking he can as well and then he’ll slip back into drinking too much.

    From my experience, it’s not tenable. You’ll resent him for the rules or he’ll get more and more strict. I think counselling either for him or as a couple would help you find a real balance here.

  11. So proud of you, OP. Do not let anyone victim blame or shame you.

    I just want you to know I'm rooting for you. You did nothing wrong.

  12. actually your wife who wasted 10 years and she reached the other man herself, she knew she was going to bed on the way to his house (drunk sex story is a lie)

    you're starting a new relationship, the old one is gone, you have to go through the divorce and stay as a partner,

    You can read a lot of bs articles here, those who start to experience ED over time and other psychology disorders

    I say your decision is wrong, you learned by force for months, ask her to use a polygraph, how many times did she cheat during your relationship,

    Don't dream by trusting liars, find someone you can learn without digging the truth.

  13. Fair enough. But I don’t think you’re being totally fair as far as “we have all the time in the world”. I wouldn’t date someone who didn’t want to have sex regularly or the sex was mediocre to bad.

  14. It's a suicide note. It is most likely not very nice. The most likely explanation they won't give it to her is to spare her additional grief. Whatever the reasons they have, she has no claim on it and needs to let it be.

  15. I don't plan on actually talking to him, I just put the question because otherwise he wouldn't let me post it. i tried to reconnect with her two months after walking away, she told me to stay away from her and that's what i've done ever since. I'm not sure it's a good idea to write to her again

  16. Change of mind simply because he wants to break up over that isn't great dude..

    It screams defeatism and is basically the same tone as “Okay God I'll do it so u won't nag me”

    Not great parent material. Js.

  17. Will the countries he wants to visit even let him in without the vaccinations? A religious exemption from the US doesn't mean squat to a foreign country.

    Anti-vax would be a deal breaker for me but I am old & remember how polio devastated my mom's family.

  18. I’m also a married bisexual person with very little experience with the same sex. I have an abnormally high sex drive but I’m not interested in other people. Are you sure you really want to be with her? Is there something lacking in your sex life? Are you a frequent consumer of porn?

  19. You're not in the same stage of life, you're just beginning your independent life.

    When both people are older than 30, age doesn't matter much.

    Life in your 20s is where you figure out yourself

  20. She wants out but probably can’t manage it because of all the kids. She’s already gone. Just tell her you want to open up the marriage, if she goes with it she goes with it. Or you could divorce her. Or you could just have her keep sexting homebody.

  21. Dude.. don't try to pull this shit. You told her you were single because you still want in her pants. If you really prioritised your girlfriend you wiuld have corrected her on the spot. Just break up with your girlfriend, its clear you want your friend instead.

  22. Clearly you are both in different mindsets so I'm confused as how your future will be.

    He'll be fine when you're doing something sexual and yet he'll judge and demean you for it afterwards like a true religious hypocrite.

    Is this something you want for this relationship?

  23. Yes, you are a terrible person. Yes, tell the wife. Your apologies will be meaningless to her because you are not actually sorry for your actions – only that your bad decisions affected your own life, but you should still tell her.

  24. Time to draw the CLEAR LINE… he needs to choose, YOUR relationship or “saving/enabling” her… if he chooses you… he needs to go NC, otherwise I don’t see your relationship lasting at all…

  25. Considering ops overall attitude I'd say this is the straw that broke the camel's back, hence the daughter burning bridges so throughly

  26. When you say no to something sexual, and your partner keeps insisting and trying to get you to change your mind, what is really happening is a kind of abuse. He is way out of line and you need to let him know that. If either one of you say no, then the answer is no.

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