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KaylaDesire live! sex chats for YOU!


fls pussy [Multi Goal]

Date: October 28, 2022

33 thoughts on “KaylaDesire live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. I've ended up having life events lead to a hard reset every decade it seems. It always improved my life when I followed through on changing what my instincts told me was a bad direction.

  2. Focus on your studies, relationship, career, and your future and your sexual desires will stop ruling your thoughts.

  3. She doesn’t want to have sex with someone that doesn’t express attraction. Just because she has a sex drive or WANTS to have sex with a bf that treats her better doesn’t mean she wants to have sex with him as he is now. Don’t confuse the two. She doesn’t owe him sex and not having sex isn’t withholding. Please read up on it.

  4. Her actions to not get an abortion? Is everyone here forgetting that the girlfriend consented to sexual activity with both of them, knowing babies are made that way, and is only mad because she told OP to get an abortion but OP didn’t. In that case I invoke “her body, her rights.” The girlfriend might’ve had a say in if they can all have sex together but she cannot have a say on wether OP gets to have an abortion.

  5. Hello /u/cat0218,

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  7. Thanks, I appreciate you sharing your experience. It doesn’t sound like you had it easy and I’m sorry this happened to you and sorry if from the sounds of it you had well meaning family making it worse. I was honestly trying to help, I just hope they know that. I’ll do my best.

  8. MOVE ON. He has no interest in you anymore now that’s he’s been caught. Jesus. You’re starting to sound desperate now.

  9. Personally I’m anti circumsicion unless for religious purposes. I’m not a fan of cutting a baby against their will. It’s really unfortunate that the women you’ve been with are so awful.

  10. This is unfortunate and it was unfair for him to be playing around with someone too young for him all the while still harboring hopes for his past relationship. Sorry this happened to you.

  11. I agree with you. OP showed that in his eyes cheating is totally OK……i guess he realy is father's son.

  12. hmm, It's normal to feel uneasy when a partner engages in behavior that is not transparent, especially when it's behavior that raises suspicion. 🙂

    However, it's also important to communicate your feelings with your partner and have an open and honest conversation about why you feel uneasy, what your concerns are, and what you would like to see change.

  13. Outlay to make the cake is still $20 if you’re buying the ingredients to make a cake.

    You can’t buy portions of stuff. There will always be a full price cake

  14. Yes, I have talked to him about his depression, he admitted that he may have it. And also I discussed couples counseling. But he gets upset and shuts down.

  15. Yes, I have talked to him about his depression, he admitted that he may have it. And also I discussed couples counseling. But he gets upset and shuts down.

  16. This guys breaking you down at the same time planting a seed of insecurity about your friend, which will probably result in putting some distance between you both, consciously or unconsciously.

    He’s definitely negging you. You should start putting some distance from him, before he drains your life force.

  17. You could imagine it may help if you have an irregular cycle… except the first half of the menstrual cycle (first day of you period to ovulation) is the one that is mainly regular, 14 days is pretty much standard for most people, it is the second part, the one that comes after ovulation that may vary wildly. So it makes EVEN LESS sense that you can imagine!

  18. You might have overreacted, but it may have been appropriate to tell her that you feel the same way when you meet a girl with huge boobs. Unfortunately, if your GF has huge boobs, this will not work.

  19. Do you fail to leave and try to stick around? Do you snore? Are you a bed hog?

    Who the hell knows. Ask him!

  20. It’s sad that your family are not trustworthy when it comes to relationships. Their top priority should be your safety. Someone forcing you to do so many things like your abusive ex did should’ve sent off alarms for your family. You matter and you deserve respect.

    I hope you have a couple of friends to talk to when you’re stressing about something. Please talk to them and post about what’s happening the next time you’re having an issue in a relationship.

  21. Everyone seems to be saying dump him. My guy is clearly addicted to the phone. I feel like moving forward in society this is going to be more and more commonplace. I don’t really think there is an amazing solution. The phones are designed to have your face in them constantly. People hear that ding or feel that buzz in their pockets and there is just this Pavlov’s response to see what it is. We have been rewarded too many times by opening that text and seeing a funny meme, or seeing a response to something we posted on-line, or getting 100 likes on Reddit. I don’t think this is something he is going to be able to stop doing, you will have to determine if this is going to be a deal breaker for you or not. I’m sorry, it sounds like he is good in a lot of other areas, but if you need that focus and attention and he is constantly being distracted. This is just going to build resentment towards him and not being able to be with you when you’re together.

  22. You did the right thing and will be glad this happened in the long run. Fuck her. And fuck him too. You don’t need that shit.

  23. I think you're right. And I've given him that ultermatum but I keep finding myself burying it down because we have one good moment. I need some strength in myself to go through with leaving.

  24. I’m surprised there aren’t more responses like this, most seem to be on her side. Giving him the silent treatment, withholding affection, these are abuse tactics. All over the fact that he did something completely natural with his body. Sounds controlling to me. Seriously, the only woman I ever dated that had a problem with me masturbating was the same one I caught cheating. But she was jealous constantly. Projection is weird like that.

  25. “A sleepover?” With both of them, but only when you're gone? Sureee.

    A woman needs his shopping tips?

    He hides the texting with her?

    Wait, there's more?

    Fishy, fishy, fishy. At minimum, an emotional affair.

  26. Thank you posting this! I read all the replies and I don’t know why but it just clicked. This was just one of many hurtful things he’s done but the icing on the cake was when I called him to tell him how upset his reaction made me and he LAUGHED and called me a p*say and soft. Let’s just say I ended our relationship right there and then. I want something like what you have and how others have described their caring partners.

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