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sooo hey im Sperm Mystik from Fuckistan i want you full my all holes bcs i have penis fever the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


sooo hey im Sperm Mystik from Fuckistan i want you full my all holes bcs i have penis fever, y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms sooo hey im Sperm Mystik from Fuckistan i want you full my all holes bcs i have penis fever

sooo hey im Sperm Mystik from Fuckistan i want you full my all holes bcs i have penis fever live! sex chat

Date: October 30, 2022

128 thoughts on “sooo hey im Sperm Mystik from Fuckistan i want you full my all holes bcs i have penis fever the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Do not reply! Don’t give him any reaction! Block him for good or change your number and get ready to file a report if he keeps this up.

  2. The light at the end of the tunnel is a train. This has trainwreck written all over it. You both need to get sober and accumulate some sober time in order to mature enough to make good relationship decisions.

  3. Sorry to be rude, but you said he's taken his anger out on you several times, the last time about a week ago. Seems like he got physical with you. So one good week does not erase abuse. He IS going to get triggered again, he WILL continue to abuse you. It's not even a question. The only real question is will you leave, or stay until one of you relapses and dies of an overdose, or until he kills you??

  4. I would talk to her. Tell her the problem and you two can write it together.. No weirder than you being her maid of honor?‍♀️

  5. I mean, its really messed up, and you’re not going to like this answer, but the horrible truth is this: Jake will only help you out if he believes the end result crushes and destroys Ryan. As a result, you can’t ask him, he might try to use it to hurt Ryan, not help him.

    The fact is that he has an obsessive hatred of your brother that can only end via therapy and realizing he’s focusing his hate at his own parents onto Ryan, when it isn’t Ryans fault! He didn’t ask to exist! He didn’t show up one day in spirit form and demand your mom to make him immediately. Its like people hating affair babies: the hatred should be on the person unfaithful, not the baby that unintentionally exists because of it.

    Jake is a POS, and your parents are even bigger POSes for disgracefully enabling him. You need to sit down with Ryan and tell him this isn’t going to change until Jake gets help and that he will have to be ready for it not changing for years, maybe ever. Then, you need to sit down with Jake and say what I said about Ryans existence not being Ryans fault and tell him he needs help. If he refuses to let go of his hate and go to therapy, you have to cut him off and go no contact. He is a mess and nothing in your family will change until he does.

    I’m sorry if my honesty was too brutal, but its the truth. I feel beyond sick for Ryan, he deserves none if this. Make sure to strongly love him and nurture him so he knows he’s loved and he belongs.

  6. It's all about how you feel about it. My ex wife posted stuff I didn't approve of but nothing that really crossed the line. A girl I dated after had a OF and I broke it off when she told me. There is no one answer it about where your line is personally, everyone is different

  7. but why does he want to be with her? she cheated on him so much and shes so mean. I never hurt him in no way what so ever.

    his ex doesn't care about him. shes selfish and mean. I just don't understand why he wants to be with someone like her. Idk what he finds attractive about her

  8. This one time I found a pair of panties in my ex boyfriend's car. He said they were left there by a homeless guy who broke into his car and stole his leather jacket. The same leather jacket that was in the back seat of the car.

  9. I think people how are out to just sleep around are doing just that. looking for a body to use. A true man or person that cares wont just pretend to be a good person until they get what they want from you. Sorry to hear that you are going through that. I have experienced this from women too tbh.

  10. Your brother is a creep.


    But in your eyes it's all the other people in the world who are bad not your gOoD bRoTHeR

  11. You are not justified

    You did not want to help your boyfriend after a surgery. That is fine. But then beeing angry someone you don't like helped him after all other powple abandond him is just mean.

    Foe tomorrow: Apologies for not beeing there for him after his surgery and say next time you will take your day off to support him.

  12. Do not allow your boyfriend to drink and drive. I have personally known multiple people who died either as or at the hands of a drunk driver. Figure something else out. Literally anything else.

  13. Delete it right now. It is both illegal to send it and posses it. Many people are pointing out it can be a scam as well. Delete and block.

  14. I guess I didn’t take that into consideration. I’m white and my mom isn’t anywhere as overprotective as his so there’s definitely a cultural difference

  15. I guess I didn’t take that into consideration. I’m white and my mom isn’t anywhere as overprotective as his so there’s definitely a cultural difference

  16. u/Hello_kitty13, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  17. Look, it’s all well and good that it was a smaller wedding, but a little courtesy should’ve been in order. A personal visit from the bride and groom to explain to the people that didn’t “make the cut” would’ve been very welcome. Obviously they can’t invite everyone, but the people they really wanted to invite but couldn’t deserve an explanation. If you just ignore them, of course feelings will be hurt.

    NTA op. If they wanted to maintain your friendship and continue going to your parties, they would’ve put in the effort.

  18. You need to have a serious one on one with her. That is an EXTREMELY SERIOUS accusation she threw at you and not one that can be taken lightly, especially given that there is a child in the mix.

    I know it may seem extreme but consider a couples counseling session. This sounds like a jealousy habit that needs to be addressed in some way between you as well.

  19. How is asking if you plan to abandon the child for whom you are the only father bashing you? If that’s your actual plan then you should feel fine saying so (if you are ashamed to say so then you know it’s fucked up) and “bashing” you for abandoning a child and punishing them for their mothers actions isn’t the same as bashing you for doing the dna test.

  20. Hello /u/hardzero4,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  21. Thanks, but do you think relationships like this can be fixed/survive as I do love this one and want to end my days with her still by me

  22. No you’re just putting your dating life on hold for no good reason given the information. If she wants you again after she comes back and you’re single maybe

  23. They’ve dated since 16 and they’re now 18…neither knows anything about life. They should break up and both of them experience life. It’s unusually to find your forever person at 16. BF is right to want to have new experiences in college (not just sexual) and she should as well. If it’s meant to be they will find each other again when they’re a little older and wiser.

  24. If it ever comes out (and there's a good chance it will, given that it has already), and the husband discovers op knew but didn't tell him. That's going to be really, really bad fit their relationship.

    Tbh, I think the stepdad did what was right and it's likely time mother did also.

  25. Yeah people in psychotic breaks have a very hot time knowing they’re in a psychotic break. Kinda central to the illness.

    He was going through a psychotic break, “left her” and is then hospitalized. His wife moved on. That’s so incredibly shitty. The fact she didn’t see something was wrong and is framing this as “her husband left her” is ridiculous. It’s like saying an Alzheimer’s patient doesn’t want to on-line with her kids anymore because she just left the house one day.

    His mental issues aren’t an excuse to be shitty. He does need help and to get himself healthy. But what’s the point of marriage if you won’t stick by someone when they are sick (and yeah, in many cases, being incredibly sick also comes with shitty behavior)

  26. Do not continue this relationship. Theirs a 5 years age gap between you two, I'm betting he's probably lying and he's closer to 30. But that's not the worst part. Sex is supposed to feel good and both of you should enjoy it. If you are not enjoying it, either because he is a terrible Dom or it's not your thing, then you should be able to bring up doing other things without feeling scared.

    Regardless, you probably should walk away.

  27. I don't really have a relationship with the kids. The kids in question belong to two of my wife's nieces (the daughters of her full brother). The nieces don't really have much to do with me since they found out I'm an atheist. Before then I'd say we had a fairly decent relationship and were friendly towards each other but since they found out I'm a non-believer they all pretty much treat me like a stray dog and tolerate me because I'm married to their aunt. I wasn't even included in their wedding pictures, not even in the background. This was after we'd driven 7 hours to be at their wedding and gave them a very generous cash gift.

    I know for a fact that the youngest niece who has two daughters (a newborn and a 7 or 8 year old) still talks to SMF because she told my wife several weeks ago that SMF had sent my wife a message on JPAY. My wife's not read the message though. My wife told my niece that she keeps forgetting to read it. I'm hoping she's just saying that to her and the truth is that she has no intention of reading it. Wishful thinking on my part.

    I've thought about how to bring it up and I'm thinking the best way is to mention to my wife “Do they realize that if SMF moves back ino that trailer that there will be a child predator living literally in their back yard?” and see how that goes. If he actually does end up moving back in, I'll be the first one to call the police and his PO. I can assure you of that.

  28. Let them go!! They are not a part of your life anymore and just realize that sbags deserve each other. You have a good life and a good man besides you and if you ever get the opportunity to tell her off then tell her. Do you have them on social media, if you do take the garbage out and block them, and delete them from your life and don't talk to them ever again.

  29. You need to understand what about it turns you on to decide in order to help you come to terms with it.

    If you feeling some guilt about your own sexual desire it is often easier to imagine your partner being sexual without you. ( women are socialised to supress their sexual desires and feel bad about them) so its pretty normal You are not the one being “naughty” but you still get to picture him.

    If its because you don't like to picture yourself nude then you need to work on your self esteem.

    If its a cheating fantasy , thats a little kinky but still cool.

    If you are going horny about the other girl you might have a problem.

  30. Man, you are a handful. If you keep portraying you as a victim instead of looking for professional help, nothing is going to change.

    You came here to had advice, right? The advice people keep giving you is look for professional help.

    Your mom has the right of having her life and if she wants to stay close with your ex, that's up to her. If your ex wants to meet your mom, it's up to your ex. You clearly have unsolved things with both of them and panicking at your room will make you spiraling more and more.


  31. You cannot “go back to normal” because you opened Pandora’s box” and found out what was inside. Four months is not a life time commitment by any means. Snooping has consequences always. There will always be relationships (hopefully prior to marriage) where one person has stronger feelings or hopes for the future. Either fess up and hope she doesn’t break up-or hold your secret and see where being dishonesty leads you. FYI next time, respect people’s privacy and boundaries. This includes when you some day get married. I don’t go snooping in my wife’s private stuff without asking, which includes her email or phone. It isn’t my business unless she shares or I ask

  32. Gender don’t matter cheating is cheating. Would you forgive her if it was a guy she cheated on you with that you knew? Being curious of your sexuality is no excuse to cheat.

  33. The issue is if not for the wedding his parents won’t give him the same money. So eventually we will be saving the same

  34. I really don’t get all the stupid ass comments on here. “It’s their sex life”, “it’s their business, not yours”. Well, news flash. He’s not the first be who made it public and he’s ignored the consequences of their inability to keep their sex life private. They did this by having their dates in public where they could be caught by their son (and his friends). Then when mom gets confronted by her teenage son thinking she’s cheating on his dad, they drag his ass into their car and yell at him and say he’s overacting and won’t let the poor bastard process the absolute trauma of finding out EVERYTHING YOUR PARENTS TAUGHT YOU ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS WAS A LIE. Then shove his ass in the house and then go get fucked while he screams and cries for support from them.

    Yeah, fuck those assholes and all their defenders. I wouldn’t invite these horrible so-called parents to my wedding or my life if it was the last thing I do. These selfish narcissists destroyed one of the most important relationships a person has, invalidated his feelings, ignored his pleas for love, support, and comfort, and pretended nothing happens.

    You wonder why OP has issues with his parents and thinks this is about their lifestyle choices. Are you all stupid or dense? OP isn't haven't issues about his parents (both of them and not just his mom as he states they both caused this mess) it's about the complete lack of care for how this all affected him and making sure he got the support he needed to process and come to terms with all their lies and actions. That's the bloody issue here.

    They didn't care what he thought or how this affected him as long they could keep doing what they wanted and keep their marriage and relationship secure. You don't just blow up your kid's worldview (you created), attack their feelings, ignore his pleas for help, pretend everything is normal, and not have serious consequences in your relationship with said child. That's not how it works. Getting cut out of your child's life and getting ignored by them is how it usually works.

    OP needs therapy, but he doesn't need his god-awful sperm and egg donors in his life as they gave that up when they decided they were more important than taking care of their son's trauma properly (and taking a break till he was more stable).

    I'm wishing OP the best and I would encourage him to take his fiancé to couples counseling (or a therapy session or two with you) to explain why she should mind her business with your relationship with your “parents” and support you on this. I would also suggest posting this in r/estrangedadultchild or a similar subreddit dealing with similar subject matters as this one isn't very helpful with it.

  35. I really don’t get all the stupid ass comments on here. “It’s their sex life”, “it’s their business, not yours”. Well, news flash. He’s not the first be who made it public and he’s ignored the consequences of their inability to keep their sex life private. They did this by having their dates in public where they could be caught by their son (and his friends). Then when mom gets confronted by her teenage son thinking she’s cheating on his dad, they drag his ass into their car and yell at him and say he’s overacting and won’t let the poor bastard process the absolute trauma of finding out EVERYTHING YOUR PARENTS TAUGHT YOU ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS WAS A LIE. Then shove his ass in the house and then go get fucked while he screams and cries for support from them.

    Yeah, fuck those assholes and all their defenders. I wouldn’t invite these horrible so-called parents to my wedding or my life if it was the last thing I do. These selfish narcissists destroyed one of the most important relationships a person has, invalidated his feelings, ignored his pleas for love, support, and comfort, and pretended nothing happens.

    You wonder why OP has issues with his parents and thinks this is about their lifestyle choices. Are you all stupid or dense? OP isn't haven't issues about his parents (both of them and not just his mom as he states they both caused this mess) it's about the complete lack of care for how this all affected him and making sure he got the support he needed to process and come to terms with all their lies and actions. That's the bloody issue here.

    They didn't care what he thought or how this affected him as long they could keep doing what they wanted and keep their marriage and relationship secure. You don't just blow up your kid's worldview (you created), attack their feelings, ignore his pleas for help, pretend everything is normal, and not have serious consequences in your relationship with said child. That's not how it works. Getting cut out of your child's life and getting ignored by them is how it usually works.

    OP needs therapy, but he doesn't need his god-awful sperm and egg donors in his life as they gave that up when they decided they were more important than taking care of their son's trauma properly (and taking a break till he was more stable).

    I'm wishing OP the best and I would encourage him to take his fiancé to couples counseling (or a therapy session or two with you) to explain why she should mind her business with your relationship with your “parents” and support you on this. I would also suggest posting this in r/estrangedadultchild or a similar subreddit dealing with similar subject matters as this one isn't very helpful with it.

  36. I really don’t get all the stupid ass comments on here. “It’s their sex life”, “it’s their business, not yours”. Well, news flash. He’s not the first be who made it public and he’s ignored the consequences of their inability to keep their sex life private. They did this by having their dates in public where they could be caught by their son (and his friends). Then when mom gets confronted by her teenage son thinking she’s cheating on his dad, they drag his ass into their car and yell at him and say he’s overacting and won’t let the poor bastard process the absolute trauma of finding out EVERYTHING YOUR PARENTS TAUGHT YOU ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS WAS A LIE. Then shove his ass in the house and then go get fucked while he screams and cries for support from them.

    Yeah, fuck those assholes and all their defenders. I wouldn’t invite these horrible so-called parents to my wedding or my life if it was the last thing I do. These selfish narcissists destroyed one of the most important relationships a person has, invalidated his feelings, ignored his pleas for love, support, and comfort, and pretended nothing happens.

    You wonder why OP has issues with his parents and thinks this is about their lifestyle choices. Are you all stupid or dense? OP isn't haven't issues about his parents (both of them and not just his mom as he states they both caused this mess) it's about the complete lack of care for how this all affected him and making sure he got the support he needed to process and come to terms with all their lies and actions. That's the bloody issue here.

    They didn't care what he thought or how this affected him as long they could keep doing what they wanted and keep their marriage and relationship secure. You don't just blow up your kid's worldview (you created), attack their feelings, ignore his pleas for help, pretend everything is normal, and not have serious consequences in your relationship with said child. That's not how it works. Getting cut out of your child's life and getting ignored by them is how it usually works.

    OP needs therapy, but he doesn't need his god-awful sperm and egg donors in his life as they gave that up when they decided they were more important than taking care of their son's trauma properly (and taking a break till he was more stable).

    I'm wishing OP the best and I would encourage him to take his fiancé to couples counseling (or a therapy session or two with you) to explain why she should mind her business with your relationship with your “parents” and support you on this. I would also suggest posting this in r/estrangedadultchild or a similar subreddit dealing with similar subject matters as this one isn't very helpful with it.

  37. Contribute to it, yes (how is up to you to decide as a couple)

    But at this stage definitely do not put your name anywhere near the mortgage.

  38. My ex pretended to be different than he really was for almost 6 years, until we moved in together and got engaged… complete 180 for the last 6 years of the relationship, and just kept getting worse

    Took me 4 of those to realize that other person never actually existed.

  39. You are 20. I hope you can find more independence, as it seems you are letting your controlling parents sabotage a relationship that you enjoy.

    Moving out would be ideal.

    Communicate with your bf.

  40. If you aren't keeping the baby you have no reason to tell him but if you are going to. You need to.

    As someone that's currently pregnant i knw its a whole lot to deal with and go through.

    But as someone that also grew up without a father there is a big difference in not having one because he's a dick and didn't want to be involved. As a single mom you can do ur best to protect that child from that then because it's his choice to not be involved.

    But to not tell him and have your child find out later the reason they didn't have a dad that although he is a shitty dude and bf. Might surprise the shit out of everyone involved and been a good dad.

    And you never told him about the child… that's setting yourself up for failure and for the world of confusion and resentment from your child.

  41. You are making excuses here instead of making the changes she asked of you, and you resorted to lying to her as well. Gamblers lie about their addiction all the time.

    She is moving on so change for yourself now, so the next time you find a girl you might be able to have a future with them.

  42. First off having a personal preference doesn’t make you sexist. If you’re not into women that dress like street walkers then thats what’s called standards. Which is why he explained that it’s not the type of person he would take to meet the parents. The crying thing is something that is pushed onto most men In most cultures. To the point that even a lot of women that claim they would love to be with a man that can cry then turn around and break up with said man because they are weak. As for the trans thing it is his right to think how ever he wants to think. If he’s being respectful about it all what difference does it make if he cares about pronouns or not. Why can’t you respect him and his beliefs as much as he respects you and yours.

  43. I would be more worried about you.

    I wouldn´t tell him personally. Set money aside. Get a flat. Get a new job. Then just leave and send him the divorce papers.

    I don´t think talking about it in person would do any good. Be careful.

  44. He turned off his phone so you wouldn’t interrupt him while he was screwing the girl. He did it on purpose. I would not let him tell me what i could talk about. Tell him he has brought your whole life “bad vibes”. omg you have to get away from him.

  45. I’ve been here. I felt like it was my fault. Was constantly apologising for things that weren’t my fault or were inconsequential. Took me 3 years and a crippled self esteem to leave and another 2 years of therapy to get back to myself.

  46. she needs to think long term. you not responding to her crying has worked to get her to cry less in general, your wife is only encouraging her to cry more by giving in

  47. Oh my. I’m a mother and this breaks my heart. A 35 year old man convinced you he was a good man and to have sex with him when you were 18. Please talk to your parents. He’s abusive. He’s belittling, controlling and he calls you names. That is never okay. For any reason. Please talk to your parents. You’re going to need them and so will your baby. They are going to find out and it’s so much better if you tell them. Please. Today.

  48. That was probably poor phrasing on my part then, and I could have worded that better, especially as someone who has only watched an episode or two of Brigerton and is ignorant of the intentions of that show. My point is that female on male assault should not be treated as if it isn't a genuinely traumatic experience in the very same shows that focus on other issues such as trans and lgtbq inclusion. I say this as an ally who has also been assaulted on more than one occasion.

  49. I don’t have a problem with verbal affection, like I said in the post it’s the context more than it is the phrase.

  50. As a man, you sound like you take yourself too serious. I'll probably get banned for this but most women would find this kind of behavior endearing, if he was ignoring you you probably would complain about that too. This reads as a post by a woman that has everything major in life going well, and is making stuff up to compete in the my life sucks contest and can't enjoy what she has.

  51. Your love language is gifts and he not only doesn’t do it, but he forgets your birthday altogether? What are we doing here?

  52. Idk what To say here. My husband is so large we can’t do the deed so I can’t really weigh in other than to wish you luck. My spouse was 300 when we met and is over double that now. Your hubs really needs to see a doctor just In case there’s thyroid issues at play here (there’s not In my spouses case). If he won’t seek help therapy wise or medically you have two options. You stay and you be miserable about it the rest of your life or you throw all the cards on the table and if he doesn’t get help you leave. You are not in control of someone else’s actions or feelings. You also can love someone so much that it is to THEIR detriment. And if they don’t love themselves they can’t fully love you. I’ve done the supporting thing for years. It doesn’t work. I’ve done the bitchy mean stuff. It doesn’t work although all it did was make me feel like the worst person in the world. At some point you have to choose yourself. Good luck to you.

  53. Sounds like bull shit. You work to get the ass. So he is lying and most likely getting from somewhere else. Sorry but most likely

  54. As a 30 year old, seriously, tell him to cut that shit out or you cut that shit off. No man in a relationship should be that close to another woman. Not normal, that’s why things are getting messy.

  55. That’s what I was thinking, he’s maybe possibly cheating but i don’t want to jump to conclusions without reason. I have his snap so I can check, Should I or no? And I think yes to him being insecure about other men in my life and yes to cutting ties with friends. He told me at the beginning of our relationship he wouldn’t have countined dating me if i kept being friends with one of my friends. She was a piece of shit but still kinda weird.

  56. That’s what I was thinking, he’s maybe possibly cheating but i don’t want to jump to conclusions without reason. I have his snap so I can check, Should I or no? And I think yes to him being insecure about other men in my life and yes to cutting ties with friends. He told me at the beginning of our relationship he wouldn’t have countined dating me if i kept being friends with one of my friends. She was a piece of shit but still kinda weird.

  57. First off, you do not need that note. Thinking that way is only going to increase your distress. Secondly, it was incredibly inconsiderate of his family to tell you he wrote you a note but refuse to give it to you or share the contents — they should've just kept it to themselves. Third, you should get in touch with either a counselor or a grief support group to process your feelings, and then after a couple months you can reach out again and ask his parents if they'd be willing to send you a photocopy of the note. Right now the level of grief you are all going through is too much to get this sorted. Start your healing process and let things settle.

    Also keep in mind that it's possible they don't want you to see the note because your ex's pain is so raw that they don't want it to hurt you or for you to remember him that way. Even if you don't understand or don't agree with their reasons, they may genuinely just be trying to protect you.

    Take care, OP

  58. Being alone is not a bad thing. You are not lesser because you’d be a single mother. The only potential this family you’ve created with him has is as an illusion to those around you. Your marriage is broken beyond repair, mainly because your husband has destroyed it and has refused to help you fix it. He will treat you how he pleases regardless of how you feel, and personally I couldn’t be with someone like that. Respect yourself and your children more.

  59. He is telling you that he thinks sex and physical intimacy is an important part of a monogamous relationship. He might have experience with a dead bedroom relationship and doesn't want that to happen to him again.

    I wouldn't be worried about infidelity if you are both communicating about your needs.

  60. It should be monitored by your GF. Like your GF should invite B over to your place for dinner and then she should leave for a few hours or stay and watch. But she needs more involvement.

  61. She’s discovering a really important and probably validating fact about herself. She’s likely felt all her life that something is up and different with her and now she’s finally finding an answer to tons of questions and confusions she’s likely had throughout her conscience life experience. And this isn’t a simple “us” vs “them” situation.

    Autism (and any form of neurodivergence) is a significant cognitive and developmental condition, it affects your entire perception of reality and how you interact with the world around you. It’s not something they do to form an exclusive group to keep others out and constantly compare themselves to the neurotypicals. Understanding neurodivergence and the ways it affects people helps them understand themselves and feel like they belong when, likely, they’ve felt like the odd ones out for a long time.

    So of course she’s hyperfocused and fixated on this. She’s trying to figure out how the puzzle pieces fit together now that she likely has them. While that may be a lot for you, it’s something she needs to navigate and she’s going to want or expect your support in the process.

    If you can’t offer that to her, then I’d say you probably need to reconsider the relationship.

  62. She’s not a med student, she’s a resident which means she is already an MD.

    To the OP, if you are reading this, you know what you have to do. Don’t fall for the sunken cost fallacy. He is who he is and this man is not going to change. If you know you want children and you don’t want him to be their father then there is literally no other choice, you have to move on. It will be stressful but so is living in limbo. You will eventually feel much better.

  63. He definitely cheated. You're 25 now, would you go after a 19 year old or do you recognize he was wrong for that Are you capable of being a single parent? Because that's what you're going to be.

  64. I feel the same way after being formally tested for autistic spectrum recently and being in the middle of the scale. Just understanding I'm not socially stupid or slow or weird, I'm just wired different and knowing that helps. I had been gaslighting myself for 23y until now into thinking I didn't work enough for my skills as others did.

  65. Agreed. If I found out my bf had mad money, I wouldn't be asking for cars and houses lol more like “hey, any chance I could pay you back for some Lasix and a trip to the dentist?”

  66. Try and get prod before you confront him with messages.

    AND FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST, USE SOME SORT OF CONTRACEPTIVE. How are you 19 and about to be a mother of 4?

  67. You sound controlling. And you’ve made all sorts of assumptions about his career path that aren’t necessarily true or different from other careers he could be pursuing. Are you as stringent on your own career and making sure yours isn’t breaking any of your rules? I’m not saying this to be condescending, it just sounds like you have put expectations on his career options that aren’t fair to do to a partner you care about.

    If you don’t want him to be a police officer and that’s a relationship deal-breaker, that’s totally your call regardless of your reasons. But YTA for the reasons you gave.

  68. Are you the guy who repeatedly holds her down and comes inside of her after she says not to? And you had an argument about it and she got a little heated and spittle was flying and you said “hey don’t spit on me” and she said “oh really? You don’t like body fluids on you when you’ve said no?” And THEN spit on you? Are you that guy?

    Cause if you’re that guy then FU rapist.

  69. I experienced that in a previous marriage and it was so freeing after that marriage ended. I thought for so long there was something wrong with me (which is the way she made me feel).

  70. I was harsh. I admit that. But you are a lovely , well-spoken, eloquent, young woman. Even the way you answered my comment shows grace and dignity. I’m old enough to be your mom. I want better for you. I want the very best for you. This man is trash and you are an intelligent woman with your whole bright future in front of you. Go on-line your best life with a decent young man that is capable of conducting himself with dignity. That is what you deserve and that is what you should be aiming for. You are valued and you are worthy.

  71. Same. 50 year old male and have been to dozens of weddings. Never knew this and honestly don’t remember what anyone was wearing at any of the ones I attended. Except my wife at our wedding.

  72. They shouldn't. But if they did choose to stay, they would be better equipped for it than someone with decades less life experience.

  73. Wtf did I just read. I had a read pick me up (because it’s required) stayed with her for a night and then went home and took care of myself for a week. She didn’t take time off, she didn’t have to do anything except wake me up for meds the first day. The rest I handled.

    You taking PTO for something like someone’s wisdom teeth surgery is crazy. And then her having “rules” that you can’t do anything else is more crazy.

    The craziest part is you agreeing to any of this like this is normal. Major surgery? Sure. But this? Girl no. You really need to ask yourself why you let yourself be pushed around like this in your own house

  74. Sure, of course I can’t tell him what to do, I just told him how I felt. Thats his choice at the end of the day and we’ll see how I’ll deal with it

  75. Youre not over reacting. You are under reacting.

    Of course youre not comfortable around him. He doesnt respect your boundaries.

    He literally tried to blackmail you that he “can not be sexually intimate” with you if you don't ALWAYS have sex when he wants to.

    OP you can do better than this creepy guy.

  76. Adults over a couple days just making out? Means they fucked. Do more investigation. Check conversations. Even confront this other guy.

  77. Stop blaming yourself and justifying what he has done. In a way this is very endearing, but also very worrying. You have done nothing wrong at all, he should be loyal to you full stop. There is nothing more to this, it is the basis of any relationship. To me you say he is a great guy, but he isn't, you know this because of his actions. A great guy would think about your feelings, and if he had low self esteem he would not do anything to lower yours. This incidentally doesn't make sense. If he has low self esteem, and feels you are out of his league, he would not cheat at all. Why would a guy cheat on his nude gf?

    I think you like the set up that you have in the US, the lifestyle, his family and friends, but not him completely. Leave. His cheating will continue, especially as you have already accepted it previously.

    Sorry, just remember you will find the happiness that you deserve.

  78. That’s a really important thing to realise and start working on. You sound like you’ve had a lot of trauma and your brain has been running on hyper alert for a long time. Maybe it’s time to put some of that energy you’ve been putting into relationships into being kind to yourself?

    If you’re still dealing with court related DV stuff there should be some sort of victims support or counselling you can access – maybe that’s an avenue to pursue?

  79. Depends on what your expectations are. If you want a relationship of equals where you learn and grow together it’s too big a gap. If you just want sex and to have her show you the ropes knock yourself out but accept the situation for what it is.

  80. Lmao this isn't ADHD. He's blaming all his problems on it. He's fully capable of doing things on his own. But he never will because you do it all for him. Stop putting up with this. If his ADHD was so debilitating, he would've gotten help

  81. His dad actually has a great job working in a plant. Idk like what he does exactly but he works over people and gets good money but the job requires LOTS of overtime, manual labor for long hrs and not lots of days off. I don't really know how it works we usually don't talk about his work when I am over, I think it's a stressful job

  82. I was just about to say that they looked like the classiest and nicest box of condoms ever. Apparently they weren't as tacky as today's in the seventies.

  83. You're allowed to change your mind. You don't have to stay in a relationship that isn't working for you just because you're the one who asked him out first.

    Dating isn't a lifelong commitment. Dating is a trial run to make sure you're compatible before you lock yourselves into a lifelong commitment.

    Just be honest with him. You can't do it without hurting him, but the longer you lead him on, the worse it will be when the truth finally comes out. “I really like spending time with you but I've realized I'm not comfortable being in a relationship with a man”

  84. It has been a year after the break up, and I had already asked they distance themselves from EX but that didn’t happen.

  85. He actually likes me to be in my feminine energy, he likes to do all of this. He just wants my love and nurture in return and has stated that

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