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Okkarika live! sex chats for YOU!


Okkarika Public Chat Channel

Date: October 30, 2022

35 thoughts on “Okkarika live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Wtf? No, of course not. Maybe the fact Is that I care too much. Having that fuckin bear on my table means staring at that butt-bugging action all day. And I hate it

  2. Yes. You're being childish and a diva. You're 24. It sounds like he's done allot to make your day nice and you're being unappreciative and a brat

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  4. I’d tell you to find one of the many thick girls with boyfriends pestering them to be slim and lithe, and trade. But actually, neither of them is ready to date or deserve a girlfriend.

  5. I should’ve mentioned that the one separate friend isn’t as volatile as the others and think her concern comes from a place of not wanting to see me upset again sort of thing, however the group are very much men haters/feminazis in general so feel a bit more strongly about it which I get that’s their own views etc but I just wish that didn’t come into effect with my own relationship. Regardless I think the group would react badly whether it was him or a new person I was dating hypothetically. Idk if that makes sense.

  6. yeah no forgot to tell you guys he already probably gave me herpes because when he found out he had it he kept it from me. He kept it from me for 3 and a half months having unprotected sex, and then confessed in a drunken haze one night. He claimed her didnt tell me because he “thought the doctor was lying and it was just a rash from the fever”. Of course he did have it and he was just being selfish. so hopefully I didn't contract within that time frame that he didn't tell me about it. I wont let him come back with promises of change; people don't change their deep rooted behaviors. thanks for your comment!

  7. No. None of this applies because it's an absurd request. You don't compromise on things that don't affect other people. And no, being “uncomfortable” doesn't count.

    And what the fuck is wrong with actually talking to the daughter? It's the only logical thing to do, to confirm that it is indeed just the girlfriend being a psycho.

  8. I’m having trouble believing you’re 25 and this ignorant. You can’t lead guys on like this and then get surprised when they feel let down. He’s right, you’re a tease.

    It sounds like you just don’t know what you want. It’s totally your right to not have sex, but I think you need to figure out exactly what you want, what you expect from your partner, and then clearly communicate that to them. You should probably stay single until you figure this out.

  9. Not only do I not really want a kid, I know that if we raise one together, I’m going to end up doing most of the work myself

    I already do 70% of the housework. Sometimes when we plan to do something together (watch a movie, go somewhere, have a friend over, etc.) she forgets and I end up texting her 20 minutes after we were supposed to meet and ask her where she is.

    I mean, if you dont want a kid why did you move in with an 18 year old? Not surprised you are doing the lion's share of the housework, she probably just left her parents house for the first time.

    What do I do? Breaking up with her is not an option.

    I mean, if she isnt willing to get an abortion, and you are adamant about not breaking up with her, I suggest you start getting a baby room painted.

  10. This is setting off all kinds of red flag alarms to me. Make sure that your friends and relatives know exactly what’s going on.

    Stop filling out the paperwork, and take a nude look at how he acts. If he keeps pushing you to continue, break up with him. I don’t want to see you featured on a True Crime Missing Women episode!

  11. Just confront him and be direct, but just remember he might outright reject you.

    “Hey fuckface (or whatever you call him) what is going on with our dates, I am not interested in being flaked 3 times the next date is (time,place & activity) either come or move along”

  12. Yep video game player . My first guess was right about you, still mentally a kid. Yeah stick to video games , we call you when need how to play pvp

  13. Either OP is a serial troll after some karma or he is in trouble. Wife tried to kill him, is obsessed with him, and is now jealous of an inanimate object? Hmm. But oP says they don’t fight and their relationship is “normal”

  14. While yes, he’s allowed to not like it, and it being a deal breaker for him, the bf is insulting and threatening with a breakup OP over it rather than just breaking it off or coming to some sport of compromise (like maybe she could get a clear one eventually and it’d be less noticeable, idk, not sure what else could be suggested that’d be a good middle ground) or just overall handling it properly. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean you gotta insult it.

  15. Damn everyone’s burning you at the stake here. Yeah it’s too late they have to find out and it’s gonna blow up everything. Sorry my man. You got married way too young though. I kinda wonder if that’s what this is about. it’s gonna suck but hopefully over the long run everyone will be able to rebuild their lives. Probably for the better too

  16. So I don't understand the problem. Your wife isn't your sister. You didn't grow up together and your parents met through grief and divorce and found each other and they're happy.

    You're so gross for even trying to spin negativity on this. I mean you're acting like a giant baby.

    How very dare they fall in love with another adult. How dare they want to be happy.

    Well there's only one solution here. Let them get the toxic people out of their lives (that's you and your wife) and then they'll be happy.


  17. Are they related? Do you live in Alabama? How's this family circle work exactly? If they aren't related and 2 grown single adults, then I see no problem with it. If you want to start introducing your wife as step sister or think of her as your sister, that's a personal choice and each to their own. I think that you are thinking of her as your sister is more disgusting than anything your father is doing.

  18. My heart goes out to you. You absolutely should leave this man, he knowingly entrapped you into a relationship and a child with him. That's disgusting. You deserve better. Get tested for STDs. Go see a lawyer. Don't say shit to your husband until after you've seen a lawyer.

  19. No, he can’t at the wedding. Really, he should risk causing a fight or drama and steal focus? Even when ppl are polite, others might not be. Why risk it.

    If he comes, just avoid him.

  20. Sit down, have a serious conversation about it. Separate finances, divide expenses by percentage of the joint income. Assign chores and make a schedule. Stay living in a fair relationship or end it.

  21. Boys who are not real men do this. He's doing it too wear you down and make you unsure of yourself so he can mess with your head more and more until you think you're worthless and he's the only good thing in your life. Don't stay with him. He's going to destroy you

  22. This isnt about trust, my issue is her not able to give a honest answer to the dude on instagram why she doesnt add back. It's a dude that had a crush on her in the past, it's a dude thats shady so why the fuck would one just give a shitty lie like that i cant add back its laggy on instagram hours later?.

  23. Yes he is gaslighting you and No he will never admit it. I was with a man like this, and I stayed for 21 yrs. Yeah I know. He never admitted shit. The lies just got more and more, and the excuses more ridiculous. But he knew I wasn't going anywhere so he continued on doing what he did. The last time I caught him, I yelled at him asking what is wrong with him and if he wanted an open marriage. He said yes, I said fine! He continued doing what he was doing, and I thought cool so I got live to see what was up and it was just a matter of 3 days before he started slinging “you're a cheater!” accusations at me. It's best just to get out now.

  24. I really want the wife's update! Hahaha! She didn't have a low sex drive. HER needs weren't being met. Therefore, she had no interest in sex from OP.

  25. This is what I came to say. OP needs to play their cards close to the vest and get a tail on her STAT.

    My MIL is a PI and this situation is checking a lot of boxes in the “So you think your mate is cheating” doc that she shares at intake meetings.

  26. You’re being taken for a chump. I know you don’t need the internet to tell you that. Think with the correct brain, my man.

  27. I understand that, and I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking that. However, I don't know how to tell him that. No matter how I word it, it sounds really bad. I just look at the title of my own post, and think it is a shitty thing to tell your partner

  28. Dude you need a new therapist. What kind of therapist just says to “let them in” after all you have been through?

  29. There's a solution for this:

    It's called restraining order. Get one ASAP. I'm quite certain that stalking and harassing are good enough reasons. Collect evidence and then have it done.

    Talking is obviously not working, so it's time to pull off the kid gloves.

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