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SamantaNicohls on-line webcams for YOU!


SamantaNicohls Public Chat Channel

Date: November 1, 2022

3 thoughts on “SamantaNicohls on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Stop before it escalates and say you don’t feel what he is saying is appropriate and that you won’t engage any further when he uses that type of language. See how that works and maybe try and get some therapy to help you not feel as bad.

  2. I’m sorry for what you’re having to go through.

    But be clear about who this man has spent a few years telling you he is.

    He has been in contact with her for years, even foisting himself on her when she had no real interest. He has flown out to see her, flown her in to see him, and romantic holiday adjacent no less.

    He has told you point blank that he has no interest in cutting off contact with her. Even when you told him it was a nude boundary.

    Now that he’s had his fun, what??, he gets to come back and try again? Did the other girl dump him? Is that why he’s begging and pleading?

    He’s a liar. He’s a cheater. And he’s unrepentant. And he’s willing to foist himself on women to get what he wants. If he’s blocked her, I’ll eat my hat. She may have blocked him when it got too real and he was sudden available.

    Ultimately, you don’t trust him. Why stay in a relationship where you’re questioning everything all the time? Who’s he going to fuck on this trip? He took his phone to the bathroom, who’s he texting? And eventually you’ll be exhausted from all the watching and verifying, and he will feel resentful for not being trusted, and everything will finish falling apart then.

    When someone repeatedly tells you who they really are, believe them.

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