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EIlaSmithlive sex stripping with hd cam


56 thoughts on “EIlaSmithlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It's a manipulation tactic, illness or not. Don't put up with that and leave. As safely as you can.

    And when you do, have a sit down with yourself to figure out why you like men old enough to be your father. There's plenty to explore.

  2. Lmao this is the reach of the year. He could’ve been just nervous, reasonably anxious, high on something who knows?? Don’t feel like these behavior put together in context of the situation is enough to pin it on the result of something so deep. With that being said, keep searching for clues haha make used of that education!! ??

  3. I call this the “stinky fart syndrome.” I could let out a big ol fart, tell ya it stinks to high heaven. Nothing says you don't believe me, but until you walk thru the fog, it's jus talk. Then it hits like a weighted pillow.

    She didn't know until she hadta go thru it. Now it's just not the life for her. Without you there constantly showering her with sweetness and roses, the luster has been lost.

    What would I do? I'd bid her an easy and honest farewell. Walk away, with one final look, pause, tip the hat with a smile of what used to be and let her have that peace.

    If she IS your best friend, you'll give her that.

  4. I think showing him the letter would be the best even if you and your ex aren't together. Maybe then in the future he can use this as a teaching moment. That he needs to prioritize his partners and establish boundaries with his Mother. It would also put things into perspective for him. If he would get another partner he would likely have to explain why he had the last break up. This would give him closure he needs to move on as well.

  5. Trust me, I know I could’ve done better! I tend to catastrophize things that really usually aren’t a big deal. But space I know is definitely the answer right now!

  6. It’s called love bombing and unfortunately you’re a victim of it. You should research about this. It’s extremely common and gaining more knowledge of it will prevent you for falling for it.

    Just know that he probably really liked you as you did him. The reality of it is though is that you have to realize you both liked the idea of each other, and not who you both really are. If you’re falling for someone’s words, and not with their actions it is only an illusion. You might have an anxious, insecure attachment style that lures you to people that know how to make you feel secure, not people who actually want to be secure with you.

  7. thank you for understanding. and to the commenter up top, I am very much not selfishly saying “this is mine, don't touch it.” in fact, I'm being taken advantage of because I'm not standing up for myself and my personal purchases enough.

  8. Also she did give you her number, if I did that it's because I want to be contacted. So do follow through! Find out where she stands in a gentle way, that way you aren't burning a bridge at work.

    Also add fashion choices to that list.

    Observe what (any) appearance things it is that you like in others and use that as inspiration to try on yourself.

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  10. Its not about “allowing” or “forbidding” anyone anything. Boundaries are not a tool to control others. It also is a huge difference if she is talking to a male college, a male friend, a ex or a guy that she met recently with very clear intentions. When she also sais she would delete him if he wants this clearly shows that she is fishing for any sign of him taking a tiny bit of lead. It also is not for teenagers. I do not know what people you know but look at married couples that are married for a long time and still together. Do these women hang out with other single men alone frequently or don't they?

    And I clearly answered the question. You will start feeling again once you get out of your dream fantasy world where your simping will make any woman stay with you. There might be women who want that kind of men but I promise you its not a lot and the chances to find one are slim.

  11. you see no difference between your mother's 31 years sober (is 31 more significant than 30 or 32) and your partner's hypothetic own child's rehearsal?

    They are very different and it's strange to me that you can't see the difference

  12. Please go with her to a Dr. To confirm that she is 100% really pregnant

    Either way leave her instantly

  13. I would honestly wait until the last month to break things off and give him 30 days to work out new living arrangements. You don't want to be miserable for the next 4 months, living with someone who oscillates between trying to be a suck up and show you how much he's, “changed,” and then his angry outbursts when you refuse to, “recognize,” what he contributes.

  14. If he uses the rings for masturbation he wouldn’t need the viagra. It’s mostly the viagra that make this sus.

  15. I prefer never to ask from woman or gf about sexual fantasies. They are not likely for men most of the time

  16. There are 2 things going on here

    Your bfs relationship with his “friend” is inappropriate whether you are financially stable or not. It wouldn’t be ok if you paid cash for a new luxury car and had thousands in your bank account.

    Your financial woes are not your bfs problem. You are an adult. I say this from experience because I lost my job last year and it took 5 months to get a comparable job. My middle aged self went from a 6 figure executive role to doordashing, waiting tables and freelancing. I took money out of retirement to pay my rent next month until I get my salary again in a few weeks

    Now my bf paid for all our meals when we went out and covered me on a few things we had planned. He paid zero towards my rent, utilities, groceries etc and I would not expect him to.

    You have 2 separate issues here.

  17. I literally said that I am not saying it will happen in this case but that I found it disturbing because it was the start of worse and worse behavior and is designed to frighten and intimidate. If you read OP's other comments this is the same man that on another occasion veered in and out of traffic at ridiculously high speed, which could in fact have killed them.

    I am saying to look at patterns of behaviour that are worrying in someone who has displayed dangerous and potentially harmful behavior previously. I have worked with abuse victims for a long time now and based on my own experience this person is potentially dangerous and she should get away from him, which is what I said. Someone who does not respect someone's boundaries and acts in a way intended to frighten and intimidate is not safe to be around.

  18. I've worked for 52 years. White collar worker for 35 years. I have never given nor received an expensive gift from a co-worker. It would make me feel uncomfortable to receive one. There is more to this story I suspect. This needs to be a sit-down, serious discussion between you two.

  19. If you don't want to have sex, that's fine. If you don't want to have sex with your partner because they are not adhering to shallow societal standards of beauty or grooming, that's a different problem.

  20. Unfortunately once you share a child with someone just walking away isn't an option. You can break up but you'll have to go through the legal process of codifying a custody/visitation/support agreement. You've been through this process before with your other kid so you know how it works. But you seem to be on this guy about things you shouldn't be just sitting back waiting for him to do. If he oversleeps wake him up. If you want to get a life insurance policy just go find one and have him sign the papers. You're capable of making your own drinks and it doesn't take two parents to go to a playgroup. You picked this guy to not only make a baby with but to expose your older child to. Bet if you were more proactive instead of just waiting around for him to do things you'd have an improved quality of life.

  21. To me it sounds like she wants to be intimate with you. She's extending an olive branch and you're not seeing it. Maybe she's tried in the past also and your perceptions are off base.

  22. You wrote a whole ass post about your nasty predator friend, I don't know what else you expected. You can lash out at me all you want but you're the one who's been friend with a fucking creep for 2 decades

  23. And still 21 or 22. So still a crime in 17 US States, if you’re in the US. And Federally if he ever crossed state lines with you.

    But like I said, you’re too old for him.

  24. You cheated and regardless of the situation that led up to it, that makes you a POS.

    Did you deserve to get beat up for cheating on the face of it, no in my opinion. But the second you start throwing hands then you’re responsible for the consequences afterwards. I get she poured her coffee on you but you could’ve just walked away the whole time.

  25. Giving ultimatums in a relationship is one of the most toxic things a partner can do. It’s a control tactic.

    Why don’t you ask your husband why he has such little faith and confidence in you that he thinks you witnessing your best friend in an extremely unhealthy relationship dynamic is going to make you want to cheat? I feel like there’s something deeper at play here.

    Has he said nothing about her husband cheating on her during all this and is now suddenly pointing the finger at her as a “cheater” if she agrees to this open relationship?! When she’s literally a victim?! Because that raises even more red flags to me.

    You need to sit down and have a coming to Jesus talk with your husband.

    Do not cut off and abandon your friend.

  26. He's a loser. End of conversation. Run and never look back. Trust me. You WILL NOT regret it down the road.

  27. usually maybe once a week, probably more like 2 weeks. it’s not something i just ask for no reason, usually only when he looks like he’s feeling physically unwell. and i always ask in a concerned tone so my intention is clear (well at least i think it is)

  28. Man, I feel for your situation. Nothing about it seems right or beneficial…to anyone. It feels like you've got to rip the bandaid off and have a conversation with her, as grown adults and figure out a way forward. Whether that's divorce or reconciliation, an amicable way forward helps everyone in this situation. I wish you well.

  29. Invite each set of parents out separately so that you can answer and questions or concerns they might have. Ask them for their advice on how they think you should address the situation.

  30. You go to the graduation.

    Weddings have dates chosen, graduations (mostly) are the same time every year, so they could have chosen a date that wasn’t around graduation time, but didn’t.

    And tell your family that anyone who doesn’t attend your graduation, will be cut from your life.

    Cause you know as soon as they want you (medical diagnosis, money, to brag about) they will come crawling back.

  31. This is his girlfriend seeing what bullshit lies he's posting, he beat me up so bad he broke my jaw my fave and I have permanent scars too. Not to mention hundred of bruises and multiple black eyes. I cheated not even after all that but after he cheated on me with some girl trying to be friends with me. He's disgusting.

  32. It's been THREE months… you don't let things flow naturally. Expectations are okay but you need to communicate them and he might not be in love with you – yet. Communication is the key here.


    When I feel loved: -Spends a lot of time with me and wants to do fun things and eat good food with me (like going to trips) -Sleeps over at my place and asks me to cuddle with him -Pays for meal sometimes (well we take turns)

    There's more to love than this ⬆ I get the feeling you need to grow up a bit more, for being 25 years old you come across very immature. Sorry for being so blunt.

  33. Get couples' therapy. However, why aren't you taking responsibility for your own bed time? It's 12:15 am, people need to sleep. Why is it an expectation in your relationship that he sits next to you, ignoring his own bed time, while you don't take responsibility for yours? Not quite understanding why your bedtimes need to align, in your mind?

  34. The courts aren’t going to go to joint custody that quick. The kids are old enough to have a say as well.

  35. Yes, I know the difference, because she actually says those words “I hate you” which more often than not coincide with the day that the cycle tracker app predicts as her ovulation day. That’s all I’m saying. Dunno why you, and everyone else on this comment section are being so rude. On every other day, she’s just a normal loving gf. As was the case with my past relationships.

  36. Imagine how bad it would suck foregoing the trip of a lifetime, and then down the line, you and BF break up anyway.

    There's no point playing the 'I couldn't possibly cheat' card because this whole thing is rooted in trust, and at 6 months, unwavering trust is a lot to expect. Just lay out the situation as it is for your BF: you are going on this trip, you have no intention of canoodling, you would like to come home to your relationship intact but the last bit is up to him. There's gotta be a line in the sand drawn as the petty bs will just make everyone miserable. If your BF chooses to stay, then continues to make the comments, then just end it.

  37. Well, nobody here is going to be able to tell you how to feel, but seeing as how you opened this post up by saying he was emotionally manipulative, I’m going to guess that not much has changed for him. Block him and move on.

  38. Ok- I know you think you're being virtuous here, but if your attempt to keep people from doing things for you include forbidding your partner from having events which don't include the groom (bachelorette, bridal shower) and being insulting and violently opposed to accepting gifts to the point where you're willing to damage relationships to keep people from giving you something, then it's no longer about not wanting to impose on them. At that point, it's about proving how morally superior you are, and I promise you that doing it the way you're doing it is far more tacky and imposes on people much more emotionally and mentally than just allowing them to show they support/love in traditional ways. You're just going to look like a jerk if you send a “strongly worded email” about it.

    What someone would do in your position who actually just wanted money not wasted on them, instead of making themselves look morally superior, is they would redirect people's good intentions to someone else. I.e. send out a letter with the invitations that says you have been very fortunate in your life and need nothing other than their love and presence at the wedding, and that if someone was dedicated to making you a gift, they should make a donation to a charity you support in your name as their gift. That way you have put no expectation on them, but left people who want to do something an avenue to make their gesture, help the less fortunate, and avoid you feeling awkward about receiving anything. \

    Also, you don't get a fucking say about whether she has a bachelorette (as long as it doesn't cross boundaries regarding adult entertainment) or bridal shower. Those are events for HER and her family and friends. Your want to not be the center of attention doesn't mean you get to take attention away from her and cost her part of her wedding experience. Honestly, I hope she realizes that this is 100% about your ego and need to control everything around you, and thinks long and hot before tying herself to someone like you.

  39. That seems like a really clear cut and obvious way to break up with you. I wouldn't do anything but block her and move on.

  40. SMH…Why was I never lucky enough to find a woman like you? Maybe being an A-hole brings reverse karma as some kind of cosmic joke.

    In all seriousness; this man has proven time and again that he can’t be trusted and doesn’t love and respect you. Listen to what he’s not saying. Leave.

  41. When we met my boyfriend was quite overweight. I didn’t mind it because I didn’t want to be shallow and I was attracted to him as a person

    You were never physically attracted but learnt that is was more important than you thought. A life lesson that took to long to understand but a lesson still.

    You are perfectly normal. You avoided typical needs out of a broken principle.

    There are normal biological and psychological reasons for wanting it.

    Time to end it.

  42. Not after they shut up, humans automatically look to the person they have an interest in or have a secure connection when laughing in general but more understandable in groups. Ask if y'all can go together, maybe get a quick bite before or after.

  43. I really don’t know to say to all these answers besides you all are choosing to ignore my question, just to share your opinion. Regardless of knowing me or how it makes me feel. But somehow think you’re in the right for expressing he is selfish. Ok.. I’m going to stick to the parenting forum my bad ?

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