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Kimmy-San live! webcams for YOU!



Date: November 4, 2022

28 thoughts on “Kimmy-San live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Just insistent staring is quite enough to be frightening. Perhaps you have never experienced walking alone and being stared at by groups of men looking at you like they are hungry dogs and you are a piece of meat.

  2. I agree completely. I would just stay home and keep my peace and money. You didnt have input on location and they're rich AF so why do they need your money?

  3. It might be terrible for me to say but you can abduct your children…If he doesn’t know where to find you, he’ll have a hard time taking your children from you.

    Please call a domestic abuse hotline and/or a woman’s shelter!

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  5. You’re struggling with forgiving him because you shouldn’t be.

    The cheating was an active choice. Not an accident.

    Have some self respect, cut your losses and leave. Things will never be the same and this will slowly eat away at you. You will be much better off moving on alone and getting over this without him.

  6. For her birthday you can get her a necklace with a different girls name on it. You can wear your new cufflinks every time you wear a tuxedo. Who the hell wears is cufflinks anymore?

  7. Then I can't imagine why she really would want that. When being in love, there's so much going on, and as a sexual being, waiting for 10 years until going further in the relationship seems really weird to me. I can't imagine why she would want that and do that to herself and her partner.

  8. Perhaps, but what's worrying is this

    Also she does none of the things mentioned and says that its the mans job to be romantic and stuff and that those things are what she wants from a man.

    If she wants a traditional man, she then needs to be a traditional woman.

  9. Yea i gotta a work mom i usually talk to n follow around. I'll try being more firm about it with her around i guess.

  10. Planned Parenthood is typically the best bet for something like this. Some doctors, particularly GYNs, will have emergency clinic hours which would also help here.

    I was also recommended to take the pill, The studies are pretty new and a lot of doctors struggle to keep up with literature. It might have a small effect in some people but it doesn’t seem to be significant. There are a lot of possible variables that can change from one insertion attempt to the next!

  11. Firstly, yes saying that first before everything else was a misstep. And you should at least apologize for that.

    Secondly, have you talked to a professional about this phobia? What steps are you taking to manage it?

  12. Tell her right away, and imply that you're giving her plenty of time to find other arrangements.

    Also, if she finds someplace she wants to move to sooner than November, offer to let her out of her contract as your boyfriend would be okay moving in sooner. (Unless he, too, is stuck in a contract.)

    In life we sometimes have a few conflicts. Six months notice of a lease ending is not something a person needs to be upset by. If she has problems with that, she's not able to adult.

  13. They have commented once or twice about my personality (I am shy and introverted ) and used the term “boring” . The vibes are also off I KNOW they don’t like me but expect favours from me like as If they hired me. They’re also quite rude in general as they’re rich spoiled brats.

  14. He’s trying to get back together with her. That’s why he hasn’t told her about you. Even if he can’t, you know as soon as your relationship hits a rough patch he’ll go out pursuing the next woman, just like he did with you.

    I hope you didn’t sign a lease.

  15. So what exactly are you looking for with this post? Validation that you’re right and he’s wrong? The only thing you CAN do about it if it bothers you and he won’t agree with you or apologize is either break up or let it go. Would your boyfriend saying “yes I reduced you to your skin color” make you feel better? Would this have bothered you if he was black?

  16. So do you seriously think you’ll want a fourth kid??? Or are you just giving her a hard time for no reason? Because you realize that a vasectomy is a quick out-patient procedure with – at most – one day recovery time. It’s literally a little snip and staple. A tubal ligation, on the other hand, is an invasive surgery requiring general anesthesia, cutting through the abdomen, and several weeks recovery.

  17. He doesn’t respect you or your marriage in general. This conversation he had with someone he is likely attracted to and attempting to get closer to is so disrespectful it’s mind boggling. You should be done with this guy.

  18. His feelings no longer matter, what matters now is that YOU do what YOU want to do and don't ask his opinion on anything.

  19. You know what's the 'special thing' those men see in you? Vulnerability.

    They are predatory men who want to be with you because you are young and don't know better. What's more, you are extremely insecure and rely on them mentally and maybe financially, which makes you even easier to control than other young women.

    What's stopping them from becoming abusive to you and you taking it like a doormat later because you're insecure and think you can't do better? Nothing.

    What's stopping them to divorce you when you're older and 'swap for a younger model'? Nothing.

  20. My husband travels a lot for work also. Some months every weekend. His employer sometimes flies him to where he needs to go. But if the plant (factory) my husband is going doesn’t have the equipment he needs to make repairs he has to drive the equipment there and often drives several states away. I have the ability to track him if I need/want to (which he is aware of) but not once have I ever done so. I trust my husband. Now if he as on his way home from a job and I didn’t hear from him and he didn’t answer a text and I was worried that is the only scenario where I can see myself checking to see where he is. She violated your privacy in a major way and IMO abused the privilege of having your passcode to get into your phone. My husband can track me if he wants to also but he never has. We have been married 20 years. I would bring this up with her and ask her why she did this and how it made you feel. She needs to know that it is not ok and you did not consent to this.

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