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Azahara22 live sex cams for YOU!


Azahara22 Public Chat Channel

Date: November 4, 2022

6 thoughts on “Azahara22 live sex cams for YOU!

  1. I mean i can see his reasoning, not that its okay but i understand it.

    Getting them pierced is one thing, you actually need that other person to do it right for you so of course theyre gonna see it. But the friend seeing them is a different situation, they arent the one piercing them and this was something they decided to do just for fun/just because

    Hes still dumb though, its not like its a guy she only somewhat knows. Its a girl who also got hers pierced too and they were checking to make sure the piercings glow like they should

  2. My ex absolutely adores our dog. It doesn't make him a good dog owner because the man doesn't know how to take care of himself properly.

    After we broke up, I'd let him take our pup to his shitty rundown apartment overnight or whatever. He'd feed him, water him, walk him. Sounds great! Until I'd ask what brand of food he'd bought. “Oh he just had McDonald's with me,” or “a can of ravioli,” then, “we walked to (a literal crack house).”

    Probably an extreme example because my ex suffers from chronic addiction, but he was like a dad who only saw his kids on Christmas, all fun and chaotic and no actual idea how to take care of a dog.

    I brush his fur, I brush his teeth, I've trained him, I clip his nails, he goes to the vet, he gets bathed. He has allergies, chronic ear infections, needs to get his anal glands emptied. Things my ex never did once in 5 years. Wouldn't have a clue where to start.

    I have no doubt my ex loves my dog. I just literally cannot in good conscience let them be together because we have very different views of what caring for a dog looks like.

    I don't know how to make the conversation any easier. I just know you've gotta keep your dog's best interests first.

  3. You posted on Reddit….in a relationship subreddit…………

    But trust me, I don’t want to hear about your predatory relationship with your underage ex. Major yikes!

  4. I suggest journaling these emotions and maybe trying to have this convo again later in a way that comes off as wanting reassurance rather than condemning her past actions.

    And remember porn isn’t real. There are lots of porn stars who do stuff for pay that they wouldn’t do/enjoy in their personal relationships. There are lots of porn stars that are queer and do straight porn for pay and vice versa. What happens in those videos aren’t a reflection of real life.

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