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KrishaGibsonX live! sex cams for YOU!


FUCK MY TIGHT PUSSY AND TAKE OFF ALL MY CREAM MAKE ME EXPLODE / personalized 5 photos / personalized video of 5 min /I’m slowing the prices! Buy my media! [140 tokens remaining]

Date: November 6, 2022

29 thoughts on “KrishaGibsonX live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. First off, im very sorry about your experiences.

    But at the end of the day you dont “owe” it to him, to tell him. Especially not after onky a few weeks of dating. This is a very personal experience for you and imo you should only tell anyone about it a) when you want to and subsequently b) when you are ready to do so.

    I can only imagine that it takes a lot of trust to share this information with someone, so imo it makes sense to at first establish a foundatiin of trust where you can also feel safe to share these things

  2. There is things logical about bonds. It's logical for me to, for instance, want to help my friends, or see them succeed, or hang out with them. Those are things that happen. They are logical.

    And knowing how general bonds work, and being confused about a crush are two entirely different things.

    Also, “she would drop her guy then get with someone else” if she “had a better option”? While sure, that makes sense, but may I remind you, again, we had known each other for 2 weeks. And with the school system, we had talked for 5 days, 1 hour and a half for each. That's like 7 hours. You can't honestly sit here and think that a cumulative of 7 hours would be enough for her to drop a dude she's been talking to for a month.

    Never said hope was a strategy. Not that big of a deal if I sit here and have hope she likes me. It's not like I'm doing nothing but hoping, I'm making moves and finding new ways to progress while hoping for the best. Sometimes optimism is the best catalyst for a strategy. You could learn a thing or two about that.

    And whatever this “drop her if she doesn't like you” bullshit is, is just that, bullshit. Let's say I do confess and she doesn't feel the same. Alright, I'll be sad, maybe take a day to recover, boom. Just like that, back to being friends. Is it seriously unheard of for you that people have been rejected by their crush and stayed great friends? It's because people like that know how to control their emotions and not get pissy when someone doesn't like them, which considering your mindset, seems to be what you do.

    You've been in this position twice but, you haven't been in my head twice and as far as I know, the person I like and the minute details make your situations and mine, far different. Please learn anything about logic before you make any claims.

  3. This kind of sounds like he fetishizes bigger women. He might have even thought the comment was a compliment because he likes it.

    It was weird. I don’t really know what to tell you to do. It’s only been 4 dates and I wonder if this is worth pursuing further.

  4. u/Advicex7, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. u/labrattedout, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  6. I had already filed for divorce when I gave birth and they still made me put his name on the birth certificate. I was so mad

  7. Is that even a legal thing in France? That's the salient law. I doubt it!

    I think you have the right approach now. If you can give up parental rights and she wants you to down the line so a future husband of yours can adopt your French kid, that's a decision to make. No need to do so now

  8. This sounds like it’s adding to either a previous squabble or an underlying issue that’s been going on. Of course you have every right to say no and your boundaries should be respected.

  9. Yeah seriously I don't understand why you had to make it a big deal, unless you were planning to gob off the girlfriend under the table, what she does or doesn't have in her knickers is literally NONE of your fuckin business. It's not a matter of whether your sister trusted your or not (which after this is I guarantee she's leaning towards “not” from now on) it's simply none of your business whatsoever.

    And congrats, because you couldn't help yourself, or at the very least have this utterly pointless conversation another time where your parents aren't around to overhear, you've blown up the family and likely got your sister disowned. *clap clap* well done.

  10. Throughout our relationship there have always been issues with him telling the truth

    Trust is fundamental in any relationship. This is a big red flag.

    and with me having insecurities about his ex due to being cheated on in the past

    This is a “you” issue. Projecting the sins of a former partner onto your current partner is unfair. Look at your current partner based on his own actions.

    Anyways, I went through his phone last night and saw his ex reaching out to him from this past June and him responding back to her.

    Was there something he was doing that seemed shady, which resulted in your snooping?

    He lied to my face about it for this entire past year saying that they hadn't spoke since we first started dating.

    Their convo in June went on for two weeks on and off. Until she stopped responding when he mentioned having a gf.

    While he did lie about talking to her, what was the substance of their conversations? Was there anything to suggest he was cheating? Or was it her flirting with him and him shutting her down?

    Based on what you've shared, it doesn't seem like there was “smoking gun” evidence of cheating, so I'm not whether or not your fears of cheating are warranted.

  11. You’ve got this. *pats you on back *. Just make sure you’re not too inebriated. Or stomachs too full of junk food.

  12. Your boyfriend is human garbage, so from here you go…out the door. You leave. You dump him. You block him on every platform he's ever been on, and if any of his friends ask why you broke up, you tell them “I can't date a man that says it's a child's fault or a woman's fault if they're r@ped. That the victims of crimes had it coming. And if you agree with him, lose this number or I'll tell all of your families that you're just as twisted as he is.”

    Hell, tell his mom. She deserves to know that her son turned out to be a creep, despite her best efforts.

  13. You need to sit down first and decide, if he decides not to have bottom surgery, is this a relationship you want to stay in?

    Even if he does get the surgery, are you comfortable knowing he may withhold information from you when scared of your reaction?

    I would put sex to the side completely and deal with the relationship first.

  14. Are you talking about being a porn star or the fact that she never told him and he had to find out on his own?

  15. I had to move 3 hours away for my college. My boyfriend and I have been dating since we were 16, and we’re in our early twenties now. We set up a way for us to visit each other once a month for a long weekend or sometimes a week if we planned far in advance (enough time to give our jobs a heads up). We’ve been long distance for the past year, and it works for us! Just trying to give you some hope that things can work out!

    But like you also said, you mentioned that you want to be with other people before getting serious; if you really loved this guy and can’t imagine your life w/o him, you wouldn’t be having thoughts like that. Reconsider that before you make your final decision on what to do.

  16. Well of course the days all about you. Just because you sometimes go back on your “no' doesn't mean he has too.

  17. When your relationships end so does your consent to have their videos and nudes.

    Deleted that shit off your phone. I don't even know if this is something I'd be able to get past. She's probably thinking about why you even have those videos still.

    Yes you fucked up.

  18. But hold on if you’re in a relationship you should be meeting her friends and family

    If they’ve planned a vacation before you met that would be fine to go ahead with it

    But if she’s making plans with people after meeting you and won’t introduce you to them then I don’t think she’s being honest with you…..????

  19. While I agree with this, therapists are people, too, and some may not be great at separating their personal values from their professional advice. It's ok for OP to seek a second professional opinion if he feel like his therapist may not be considering what is actually best for him and his family. If OP's therapist did believe that repairing the relationship was best for OP, I would hope that they would be giving advice on how to set boundaries and communicate why OP is so hurt. But I imagine that's not happening if OP is turning to the internet for advice.

  20. Dude sounds like my husband a little. Half the time he doesn’t even realize he’s making the noises. I on the other hand am the opposite and hold back. He thinks I just have a stronger pain threshold.

    He also apparently only has one hand and constantly asking for a hand on something I could manage on my own. While I rarely ask for help. Let’s just say we don’t do a lot of DIY or tasks together.

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