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Samanthaoconner online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: November 6, 2022

50 thoughts on “Samanthaoconner online sex cams for YOU!

  1. This is why you record and document everything with the cops. The local news would love to ask the police why they think this way.

  2. The physical abuse you mentioned (glazed over) is concerning. Also is the fact that you are pretty much holding these “recordings” over her head and threatening her with divorce and a custody battle after an argument. She didn’t take it there, you did. If you are concerned about her abusive behavior, you should divorce her and seek custody of your child to avoid putting him through a potential abusive parent situation. If you are not worried about physical abuse any longer (I. E. This has been worked through and resolved and a one time thing or whatever) you should probably offer an olive branch by offering to delete the recordings and apologizing for jumping to divorce right away.

  3. Throw her away in the garbage, u'll not get any benefits from her at all.

    just u realize that how can I get experience from this relationship that's all

  4. It is embarrassing; he’s just shy of being old enough to be your father. And guys who are interested in much younger people are usually, just, odd. At best.

  5. This sounds like you are both not getting what you want from this relationship and neither side is willing to compromise. Sorry to seem blunt but maybe you aren't a good fit for each other?

    I'm going to take your bf's side because my last relationship was truly suffocating with how much my ex controlled my life when it came to women. I lost a couple of best friends because of it. Relationships aren't meant to be this complicated every single day.

  6. You need to seek therapy for the last part. You shouldn't be waking up every few hours to check.

    If he always messages you every day with never 24 hours gone by without a check in, what will learning at 2am give you that learning at 10am won't?

  7. Hello /u/HoovenXD,

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  8. OP -what is your definition of love? Because it's not just a thing for ONE person to feel. It's something that should be between TWO. It's called “relationship” for a reason. “LOVE” is not a word. It's an action, and I see your actions as exemplifying love, but your fiance doesn't even try to match your level of commitment.

    OP -you do realize that you gave your reading audience ALL kinds of reasons you two should NOT marry, right? Why are you not reading back over your own misgivings about him? Because your misgivings are just as important as marriage. And you should not enter into a marriage with this many misgivings.

    I've seen it before, OP. “I was too scared NOT to marry you!” So if you're soliciting advice now, it's pretty clear that you say you're in love with a man who seems to behave like a child. He is immature and lazy. If that's who you want in your life -GO FOT IT. We cannot stop you with good advice from doing something that you will most likely regret -and sooner rather than later.

    Or maybe you'll learn to ignore ALL of his shortcomings and put up with mediocre sex and all the other crap you listed here.

    You delineated a couple of behaviors above which ought to indicate to you (because your reading audience DEFINITELY sees it) that you should not marry this man. If things are this fucked up before you even get married, do you honestly believe they will magically resolve AFTER marriage?

    OP -you are kidding yourself. Don't do it. And if you can't see what I'm saying here, then go to counseling.

  9. It will take time and effort on your part to do something to take your mind off Nick everytime he pops into your head. Spend more intimate time, not just sex, with your husband should help

  10. Do not change your plans or drop out of the performance or make a big deal out of this. Ask him if there is something locally he would like to do to celebrate his bday, given you have a performance that day. Let him come up with an idea, if he wants. If he doesn't, that's perfectly fine – he's always said he doesn't make a big deal out of bdays, so take him at his word.

    Or, tell him to go celebrate with his friends but you will not be able to join because of the performance.

    Just don't set aside your goals and dreams for a guy who didn't do anything for your own bday.

  11. I don’t wanna rule anything out, and maybe what I’m seeing is a result of either. But she’s great with the baby, and we had even started trying for another.

    This weekend. I got in trouble for her not showering for two days. But there has been so much time to do so. Not even taking nap time into account she could literally say hey imma shower watch the baby. I wouldn’t deny her that basic need

    So it feels different. Again I maybe it lead back to PPD

  12. How are you so casual about this? This women isn’t just copying you, she’s full blown stalking you… actually I’m not sure if stalking is the correct term, but there’s a ton of red flags. No mentally sound person would uproot their entire life across the world to follow a friend. Even if she cherishes your friendship a lot more than you do, and sees you as her closest of friends, this is still unhinged. I’d cut all contact with her.

  13. It's not mentally ill to not want to hear about how hard your partner's exes were. That's just basic consideration. They had a conversation, she realised it made her uncomfortable and she made a totally normal request that he just not bring it up around her. If that's impossible for him then he's the problem.

  14. Thank you, I honestly think I might be past couples therapy, I feel like I'm still processing but we've had a rough year and this kind of feels like an ending event to me. Thank you for letting me know what I'm feeling is valid, for some reason it doesn't feel like it is.

  15. Okay. I'll be more specific this time because you're dodging the question.

    What event happened that caused you to go no contact so soon after meeting.

  16. Boundaries like getting consent first before sexual acts?? It’s not a boundary anyone needs to establish. Sexual contact without consent is sexual assault.

  17. I'm not one to lightly suggest divorce, but it seems like you're already parenting and doing the housework as well as providing the income. So what exactly does your wife bring to the table? If she's mentally ill and doesn't want help, she is an adult. The only thing you can do is get divorced, use her mental history to request primary and majority custody and do your best to shield the kids.

  18. I don't mind hanging out with party people but it's not my cup of tea. I also don't like drinking where I don't know people.

    She's already mature i feel. She accepted me as is. A slightly chubby, recently divorced father. She was very empathetic and allowed me to vent to her about my divorce.

    She came to visit me at my job ans brought me food and we talked throughout my lunch break. I went back to my office and cried. I haven't felt that in a while

  19. What crimes? Being in love is not a crime. Most likely she is still in love with him and thats why this news hit her so hard. Now there is no way for them to go back.

  20. Wanting to keep you a secret, not introducing you to friends and family, not talking about you is a huge red flag that indicates a lack of commitment. “I’m a private person” is just a vehicle for this. A guy who’s committed wants to shout about you from the rooftops to anyone who’ll listen. I’ve had two relationships where the guy behaved like this, both ended in heartbreak for me. My other two boyfriends were the opposite and the relationships were much happier and more secure as a result. You’re right to be concerned.

    Does he go away often? I’d be worrying that I was the mistress to his actual relationship, that he was keeping me hidden to allow himself to cheat, or he’s keeping one foot in the door of being single so that he can leave you easily when he decides to. I’m not an advocate of snooping, so you need to sit down and talk to him about this and how it makes you feel because it won’t change if you don’t raise it.

  21. Yes, of course. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about their attitudes towards it, they make it sound like their partner's plans, wants, desires supersede their own and they are beholden to them. I view a relationship as more of a partnership where both person's needs and wants are equal.

  22. Plenty of people are with someone with different political views, it's totally fine. As long as you address the things that could make problems in your relationship.

    For example, what would you do if you had a child with him by accident. He clearly wouldn't want you to have an abortion, would you be ok with keeping the child. What if someone you know or close to you have an abortion, will he be respectful about it?

    What if one of your children or someone close to you is LGBTQ? You say he is respectful of them, just don't agree with certain aspects. This could mean a lot of things. From he is respectful to stranger but don't want to have any type of relationship with them, to he might just think that trans female in female sport is unfair for girls. The first one might affect you or people around you, while the second one not so much.

    Having opinions, but respecting others for having a different opinion is the important things here. As long as you and him don't threat other people badly because of those opinion, that's what matter.

  23. No, more like a mash up. She has a pretty long last name so it would be taking part of it and combing it with mine to make a new one. No hyphen.

  24. I told her and it turns out that the boyfriend isn’t treating her in a proper way and they are about to break up… so better that I told her because otherwise I would have lost a sister and the guy would be out of my life as well for not having a proper care of my sister.

  25. I agree with you, Op is not in the wrong and not being weird just might seem a little odd if you added a romance side to it but as far as friendship goes I game with people my age+15 and -15 from time to time. It is just people having some fun and winding down. All good in my books!

  26. Sounds toxic and like you have no trust in your partners

    Everyone deserves privacy, even when I’m a romantic relationship

  27. Platonic friendships are only platonic if neither person is interested in the other.

    If one person is in love with the other, that's not a platonic friendship.

    Limiting non-platonic friendships is a pretty reasonable boundary for most couples.

    This isn't a normal friendship, this is one side of the relationship expressing romantic feelings which is pretty substantially disrespectful to your marriage. Were I in your wife's shoes I would have shut that down fast and distanced myself from the person. However, there's a chance your wife enjoys the attention, or returns the romantic feelings.

  28. Oh I see. Ok so it really comes down to how the video made you feel then right?

    Ya that does suck and she's shitty for doing that but it doesn't sound like he did anything wrong so the only thing you can do is your best to remove it from your brain or come to the conclusion that you can't overcome it.

    I'm sorry you're hurting girl

  29. You said yourself that you’re not ready for this. Wait until you are because if you don’t, you’ll just end up regretting it and resenting him

    Listen to your gut instincts, they’re rarely wrong

  30. You fucking take them and out them somewhere he can’t get them. Tell him you’ll be happy to help him look through HIS video games to see what he can donate, but you cannot donate things that don’t belong to you – that’s stealing.

    You’ve been with him 7 years – have there been no other signs of him being disrespectful, not seeing you as an equal, being controlling, or assuming his word is final?

  31. Hey, I’m really sorry you’re going through this, but at this point, I think you know you can’t continue this relationship. He didn’t just emotionally cheat on you, he physically cheated too, and only told you about it when he got caught. You will probably never be able to have a healthy relationship with this person, and I think it’s in your best interest to move on and find someone who will devote themselves to you and not make you feel like second choice. It’s hard to see when you’re in it, but you do deserve better than this, I promise.

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