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Room for online sex video chat avis_12
Model from: ve
Languages: es,en
Birth Date: 1997-10-20
Body Type: bodyTypeThin
Ethnicity: ethnicityLatino
Hair color: hairColorBlack
Eyes color: eyeColorBrown
Date: October 2, 2022
If she helps with the mortgage, let’s say it is $700 (her part) , she will essentially be buying be getting a market value of the house for a $700 a month. And guess what? If she stops paying you, it’s not like you won’t continue making the full mortgage payments. It’s only a win for her. Why doesn’t she want to wait until later? Why is she rushing it? Been together a little over a year?! Really? And you putting her name on the deed. What’s wrong with YOU for this even being a question?
In real life sure. You don't have people posting to relationship advice when it is working out.