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Dana-Ford live! sex chats for YOU!


Topless [Multi Goal]

Date: November 23, 2022

31 thoughts on “Dana-Ford live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/BuckyBarnes_0310. We do not allow submissions that involve minors. Should you have any questions, or if you feel this was in error please contact our mod team.

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  2. I ultimately decided not to in the end.

    So, you had no protection and just kept having sex?

    Why? Why would you do this to yourself?

  3. Oh yes she talks about him frequently. From school, schedules, the weird cartoons they watch. She just has a good reason for me not seeing him or evidence of him all the time. For instance, I went back to her place one night after a date and she said he was staying with her mom. The place was immaculate, so I asked if she cleaned and was expecting me to come back with her that night (to be funny and since I know how messy kids can be). she said no, she hadn't cleaned and that she just contains his toys and messes to the basement where his bed/playroom is. As a parent that weirded me out. But yeah, almost every time the excuse as to why I don't see him is that he's staying at his grandma's or in school. Never met grandma either

  4. Don’t hate yourself. If things happened the way you say it did (and I can genuinely imagine that to be true from your post), then it seems like your wife is kind of troubled. You weren’t trying to harm her, but her mind created another story. She definitely requires therapy, in all honesty, and I hope she gets it. It just seems like you’re a loving and caring husband. Many people would just have left. ??‍♀️ Best of luck.

  5. Nothing wrong with this at all. Nobody’s entitled to give gifts to anyone and honestly i’d care more about spending time with family vs giving gifts.

  6. Nope that's it for me

    How long do you think this is going to last when he finds 14 year olds suitable , you are positively middle aged

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  9. Hello /u/iknoimabadprsonsueme,

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  10. It has nothing to do with blaming the ex. She did nothing wrong. Someone who was one of my closest friends should absolutely know that someone I was in a 5-year relationship with is totally off limits. They can see each other, but ex-bff should know that requires the end of the friendship.

  11. You just described my ex's sister and my entire relationship with him. She was very subtle about her constant jabs and made me out to seem crazy when I tried to call her out on it. She treated me like I couldn't even do laundry and housework ffs. When I called her out and told her to stop treating me like that it waswHat?! I'm jUsT TRyInG To HeLp!

  12. Not everyone finds funky makeup and hair colors/hairstyles attractive. You can choose to do those things and he’s allowed to not find it attractive. He’s not in the wrong for feeling that way.

  13. Step 1. Eat a bunch of pickled eggs and drink a bunch of draft beer. Step 2 start ripping ass too and take it from there.

  14. She’s been not happy about the decision from the start. At no point has she mentioned breaking up either. You do understand that most people would rather work through their problems rather than leave the person they love?

    Nice flip-flop there. I never suggested that they should break up, but it sure seemed like that's where the conversation was going there.

  15. Yeah me (mid 30s M) and my sister (also 30s F) have shared beds when on family trips. Ski lodge doesn't have enough couches, other family member we're staying with doesn't have a large house, etc.

    The fact that the husband immediately went to “They fucked” is the real issue here, not siblings sharing a bed.

  16. Okay run!! Run as fast as you fucking can!! His got sleeping pills in his apartment which it seems he has used on you, you need to leave him!!

  17. That’s not why he dumped you. He obviously found you attractive enough to date. It’s more likely that he thought he could control you with enough begging. So when he eventually realized you weren’t enough of a pushover or were to smart for him to manipulate with shitty comments like “you’re not very hot enough,” he lied about why you are breaking up to cover what a total piece of garbage he was.

    He’s a monster, I’m sorry you had the misfortune to meet him. You dodged a bullet.

  18. Most of this didn’t come out until the last month (we dated for 7) and he was by far the most romantic guy I’d ever met. Lots of flowers, love letters, gifts, elaborate dates, talks of marriage, being super thoughtful and sweet, etc. I cannot express to you how much this all took me by surprise, and how stupid I felt when I look back on signs.

  19. My fiancé never learned to drive (well not true, he was taught, he just didn’t get his license because he didn’t have a need) and we live! in a city, but obviously that isn’t going to work for you. One of his past relationships ended because he lived in a place where he couldn’t go anywhere without a car and so his partner resented him similarly but he also felt isolated and trapped because of it, so it was a lose/lose. Now me? I have a license, but don’t own a car, I also prefer driving whenever we need to anyways so it works out well for us because our needs and our skills and priorities are compatible. If this isn’t going to change and he isn’t going to change it, then it sounds like you guys aren’t and that’s OK.

  20. Sounds like he doesn't really want to put the effort to change. Doesn't matter then what you tell him, he himself needs to realise it.

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