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Nick Maxx & Louise GC the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Nick Maxx & Louise GC, 32 y.o.

Location: Queensland, Australia

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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Nick Maxx & Louise GC

Nick Maxx & Louise GC live! sex chat

Date: November 23, 2022

48 thoughts on “Nick Maxx & Louise GC the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. 100% normal. But getting through this season takes time and commitment. Flipping the switch from mom to woman to wife isn't easy and 9wks is still a little early. If she's okay being away from the girls, YOU arrange childcare for a couple hours and let her choose how to spend her break. She might need alone time, a soak in the tub. She might want a date night. If she isn't comfortable being away from the girls yet, YOU handle them and let her have alone time. Whatever the case, she needs time to transition. Not just from mom to wife. She's got to nurture herself every once in awhile so she'll have the soul energy to share with you. Also… If you want her to act the way she did when you were dating, treat her the way you did when you were dating.

  2. Divorce! Holy shit! A 20 year gap is fine when you're an established adult (think mid-thirties and up) but right now? That dude could be your dad, easily. He's got nothing in common with you. He has so much more lived experience and is taking advantage.

  3. Why does she have to listen to you? She’s your ex. You have broken up. It is her prerogative to make mistakes or not on her own. It’s really bizarre that you think that wearing make up is a shallow form of happiness and she can’t possibly be happy and that’s destructive somehow like it’s a huge leap.

  4. Thanks for taking time to write…. I know you are right… just had to try and rationalize something I could do to save or something… but realistically it’s over and now need to try and get the kids in the best situation

  5. Even if his intentions are ok, a 30 year old man should know he has no business talking to a teenager. That’s the red flag, right there. If he doesn’t have that boundary, what other boundaries is he lacking in?

  6. That’d be a deal breaker for me honestly. I can’t believe you e had 3 kids with this dude. The fact he’s not even subtle about it either- does he wish to insinuate that you’re a cheater in front of all the hospital staff? Really.

  7. u/simvanilla94, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. I think what you did was kind, although you could have given your friend a heads up first. I think the negative reaction you are experiencing here, as stated by this commenter, is the reaction of insecure men getting triggered because of the thought of being emasculated/ that someone can provide more than they can

  9. no, maybe it wasn't articulated clearly enough for you, but I don't want to have sex because of this. I feel awful about it. I have tried to push myself before and ignore the voice telling me not to and he stopped it because he could tell I was about to cry. I am not teaching him a lesson, I am not doing this to be vindictive, I'm very sad about it and want to know what I should do

  10. You need to find your own friends d group and your own life so you’re not so claustrophobic with him and his friends.

  11. Cant trust women then date a man ? but no in all seriousness dont let the actions of bad people define who you are as person

  12. Well has your partner come out of a difficult relationship before you?

    That is something common before a transitional relationship.

    But what kind of relationship do you want?

  13. You can't control what other people do or whether they're willing to do it.

    Not everyone is motivated the same way. If it means that much to you, then leave. Weight and someone's relationship with food is complicated and she's probably struggling within and with significant weight motivation is really nude.

    Also, I can say that when my ex made me feel shitty about myself I was resistant to his “helpful” suggestions because it's not pleasant to feel criticised and unattractive and it makes one feel like there's no point in bothering because your partner already sees you as gross (women often take it to 100 when men make then feel unattractive or unwanted)

    I suspect that your gf feels some of these ways. Just leave her if you can't see past the weight

  14. And he can be missing OP which she can talk with/comfort her son about instead of making manipulative videos.

  15. Look up the case of “Cheaters, cheaters everywhere”.

    If you hear hoofs you should be looking for horses, not zebras.

  16. It is exactly like that and you can say nothing to excuse your actions here. She deserves someone who isn’t a pedo, who wants her to succeed and be her own person with goals and ambitions. She deserves better.

  17. At this point, just call her and make it quick. “There's never going to be a good time to do this. We've been growing apart for a while now and this isn't working for me anymore. We're no longer compatible and our relationship has run its course. I wish you the best in life and hope everything works out for you.” If she starts yelling or demanding anything, just hang up. Do not let her drag it out or suggest a break or anything that's not a breakup with no contact. You don't want to be friends or keep in touch. You need some peace.

  18. That’s also a weird side yes, I wish I could go back but I would definitely not for self respect. She wants to stay friends as she still has a lot of feelings for me. I have this gut feeling she wants to get back at me when she’s back in the country.

  19. It's nothing to do with bipolar. What she said actually makes sense, it's just that the OP in particular didn't understand it. If I were pushed to diagnose I'd guess maybe on the autism spectrum, some people with autism are so centric that they assume that if they know something then everyone else does too, hence leading to the frustration she's experiencing.

  20. In a perfect world I won’t have any future dates because the 2 of us will be together. If things don’t work out, it’s nobody else’s business.

  21. Hi since you decided to call me a massage in us I was hoping you could quote something I've said to me that fits the description of misogyny. Before you do you should look up the definition of misogyny.

  22. Walk. the. stage.

    attend your brother’s wedding on-line via livestream or something – my friend literally did the same cuz his older brother was in med school in australia, life happens – a wedding is meh and anyone can have one at any time but finishing med school!? Congratulations- seriously, its a HUGE deal

    Weddings are social and last pretty much the entire day anyways… so what if you miss some boring sermon at the beginning and them saying a prewritten vow to each other, later in the day you’ll all just eat/drink, get drunk and your brother will literally not even have time saying hello to you because of all the other guests, you’ll spend the rest of the night stuck in conversations with random people you haven’t spoken to in years, dancing with random sweaty uncles, or having to entertain grandma and babysit her all night…

    all the while regretting (possibly for your whole life) that you missed out on the one moment and day you’ve been working for the last 8-10yrs

    you SLAVED 8-10yrs for a med degree – culminating to this moment of receiving a piece of paper so you can start working off your possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars of school debt… – walk your stage.

    sorry for the passion – i sincerely loathe ppl who value weddings so highly, you’re not the center of the universe just cuz you’re saying some words and putting rings on each other

  23. Your cheating is horrible, but you own up to that and some couples do manage to get past it.

    It is the kids issue. When when is so dead set against having kids, it's doomed right from the start. You need to be on the same page on that. This I know.

    Let him go find someone who does want kids. The heartbreak for you will fade but the regret of not having kids will be a heartbreak that will never go away.

  24. WHATEVER the frigg she wants/ needs to put on.

    How is this even worth commenting?

    The point was to -if at all possible- go to her grad first. Grad prio. Totally.

    And IF special dress be needed she could chose one she doesn't need to change from to attend the wedding.

  25. Sounds like he isn't quite over that relationship and ready to persue one, especially marriage. I get once in a while, and still being hurt by it but every couple days is a big yikes – go to therapy.

    On the other hand, you shouldn't ask questions you don't want answers to. Could he have lied? Sure, however you would have seen through that with how much he talks about her. The truth of the matter is though if she didn't cheat, they would provavly still be together. She fucked the relationship up and he had respect for himself to leave.

    Have you ever told him how much it bothers you when he brings her up? Is it just her or is it all his exs?

  26. Not crazy, or controlling.

    What she did previously you forgave her for, the continued disrespect when she told you that she was going to use your birthday present to take her affair partner out is just cold and heartless of her.

    Proves that you shouldn’t have forgiven her in the first place. Good that you have already ended it again.

  27. Just on one point in where you seem to infer your girlfriend is “easy” cos you had sex so quickly- I wanted to bang the guy I'm seeing ON SIGHT. haven't felt like that before, or since

  28. If you do have BPD it can be very difficult to diagnose. And I know from experience some psychologists and psychiatrists won't even treat BPD because they don't believe there is an effective treatment for it. Some believe DBT can be effective but my understanding is it is ass effective as AA is for alcoholics. In that it has the highest margin for success but that margin is still very low.

    However, you need to see someone to get a diagnosis before any of that. In the meantime, I would look into codependency support groups. Because even if you aren't borderline you definitely sound codependent.

  29. I just think about what happened, if he would do it again, why wasn't I good enough. He kept telling me it wasn't my fault and I am good enough, he was just dumb.

  30. That's not a boundary,that is you being controlling. It's gross and unacceptable. If you don't like what your GF does on-line, you're free to break up with her. You've told her it bothers you and she doesn't agree that it's a problem. (Spoiler,it's not, you're being weird) So you either deal with your feelings about that or exit the relationship.

  31. Drinking doesn't make somebody cheat. It's just something people sometimes use as an excuse if they do. But she's not cheating. Not even close! She doesn't even talk to anybody. She plays on her phone and has some “me time” and drinks one beer before going home.

    Honestly, one coffee at either Starbucks or the local coffee shop near my house is just as expensive as one beer during happy hour, so the prices probably aren't all that different, either.

  32. I definitely don’t want to break up, and I’m not trying to go about it like “do this or else.”

    I just know (from some experience too) that if he decided to get close with her again or see her, that I would definitely never feel secure in our relationship and that toxicity would bleed into our dynamic. So it’s more so a boundary that I couldn’t stay with him for my own sake if it were to happen again…

    But hey tell me if I’m just catastrophizing here. Not deleting off of Snapchat within 2 weeks doesn’t automatically equal them getting close again and that situation happening.. right?

  33. Did your sister receive anything from your grandma? If it was something stereotypically masculine that she doesn’t relate to, she can sell it and buy herself a ring in homage to grandma.

    But no, this ring was given to you. It’s wild she wants you to give it to her 7 years later regardless of the circumstances.

  34. Your vet can scan the cat (chip) most rescue animals are chipped or tattooed. Can tell you the cats age, any moles, marks, surgical scars, etc… see if it lines up with the animal on file. If it's a small vet, and you take your cats in regularly, the animal they are familiar with.

    Check with local Facebook adoption groups to see if anyone has recently taken in a cat like yours. Check local rescues, shelters, etc to see if they've recently taken in a cat like yours, or adopted one out to your boyfriend.

    Call your cat by name, does he respond in any way? Does he respond to you in general as he would since you've been his person all this time?

    If this is your cat, a serious behavior shift could indicate a problem. He should be taken to the vet and given a thorough exam. Could also be something like a medication, or drug additive. (Not your boyfriends call, see your vet) Could just be you being gone and having to rely on your bf.

    You KNOW your pet. If this isn't your cat, you know it isn't your cat. If you know something isn't right with your cat, you know.

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