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Evelin111 online sex chats for YOU!


evelin111 Public Chat Channel

Date: November 24, 2022

40 thoughts on “Evelin111 online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Totally agree, I feel so many times this is why people get in the situations where one wants an abortion and the other doesn't, because they just didn't really communicate about their feelings on this until it's too late.

  2. I have bought a 5kg lasagna, I just cooked it and ate it throughout the week. I was also very embarrassed to be purchasing the lasagna for myself.

  3. Before anything else:

    Make sure the relationship is “open” on both sides. Make sure he isn't lying to try and cheat

  4. I’ve just had a read through the comments on this post. Based on your replies and general attitude, it sounds like you’ve not done any real work to help yourself and that you simply want a relationship because you don’t want to be alone. You have a lot of work to do on yourself before a long term relationship will be possible and remind me of an ex-partner of mine who would always victimise themself. It traumatised me more than I already was. In the nicest way possible, don’t drag anyone else down with you until you’ve worked on yourself.

  5. Exactly as you told us, say you feel like a rebound and you don't want that and think you should stop seeing each other for now.

  6. You can be there for the baby if it is yours but you deserve erespect. Your baby didn't do anything to hurt you, but you don't owe her anything.

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  8. That sounds pretty miserable. Well, I can say that you do deserve to be happy and if you have a girlfriend, that's pretty damn wonderful. Don't listen to any other opinion!

  9. You should go to therapy also bc it is not normal to get live! and bitch at strangers in this format.

    I guess I am looking for an echo chamber to tell me that i mean nothing to this man so thanks for that.

  10. Hello /u/Sensitive_Affect_492,

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  11. I’ve been with her year for a year, and no it wasn’t their birthday, they just helped me tremendously get to this position

  12. How would you know if you didn't date them? Do you know within minutes of meeting someone that she may be of “higher class”, whatever that is?

    If you are waiting for the right higher class woman, you could be going to parties by yourself for quite some time. They are probably judging you as much as you are judging them.

  13. What you would do doesn't matter, because it isn't you, and you don't always have to do the same as each other would do. You could easily flip it to she'd still go so you should still go, rather than you'd stay so she should stay. She might prefer you to not stay and assume you prefer the same. Everyone is different.

    The rest depends on how ill you are, how much practical help she'd be by staying, how far away the party is, how long returning takes, and how long it's been since she's been to a party. If you're only going to be asleep the whole time there's no point her leaving. If you cannot be left safely then she should stay

  14. Whatever the peanut gallery says, your initial take was correct.

    It's fucking mental for a friend to expect A FRIEND to cover their date.

    You're not a fucking genie.

    Honestly, unless reservations are made, I'd divorce the whole friend group.

    Enjoy Vegas.

  15. I am not following even after your edits.

    You drank too much and ruined the party. Yet, you seem to be deflecting bc he did not have your best interest in mind? You say you have accountability, but you don't display it.

    Your bf sounds like a pushover when it comes to the roommates. But, you're and adult. You are basically asking “I am not in a financial/physical position so should I stay with someone I do not trust and who does not emotionally support me!?”. So, you are willing to use him just so you dont have to upend your life.

    You are not looking to good in this whole thing. Just dump him and figure out your own life.

  16. Yeah I think this guy is just new to making shit feel naked and fun – I get it. Vibes are important for women. Sounds like he’s new to all of this. Cut him some slack and instead of just expecting the whole vibe to be right – try to be an active participant in creating the hard and fun tension. It’s like role play. Get out of your head and into a character – I promise once you’re kissing him things will change – or they won’t and that’s okay too.

  17. Hopefully she can get over it.

    this isn't a “get over it” situation. she was in abusive relationships in the past and this probably brought all of those unresolved fears back to the surface.

    this is gonna take a lot of therapy, not just a “suck it up” response

  18. That’s a good point. I know she wants us both to be happy, but I just don’t get emotional and I feel terrible when she does. I never know a good time to bring it up, and she physically removes herself from the room and will get a shower because she wont talk about it. We can/have always been able to talk about anything BUT this.

  19. “We” don’t have to do shit.

    HE needs to figure shit out. HE needs to heal. Or not? You CANNOT BE A PART OF THIS THIS WAY.

    I have all of that alphabet soup and a fuckload of trauma. Know whose problem that is? Mine. I don’t get to punch a cat because I’m sad. I don’t get to shout at people because I’m depressed. You are not helping him. But what’s more, you are not being responsible to a dependent anjmal. If you are hell-bent on staying with him and letting him use you as a punching bag, fine, but re-home the dog. The dog doesn’t get a choice here.

  20. Death is very different than a breakup.

    If this was a story about a dude crying over his ex, people would be saying he's not over her, and he's not ready for a relationship.

    Yet instead there are comments up to and including comparisons to a partner who died – in order to justify OP's gf crying over another guy who's moved on

  21. Look. I have adhd. I have to manage it or nothing gets done. He needs to figure out management techniques, phone alarms, post it notes, routines, lists, apps. There’s tons of resources. Adhd coaches exist. It’s NAKED. It is. But it’s not fair to expect a partner to be a parent.

  22. Pft. I just got an IUD and before she even touched my cervix she said it was sensitive. That was the first time I've nearly passed out from pain. I cramped for a week straight. IB Profin everyday. Just got to have sex last night. It was fucking awful. If I have to take it out I will never put one in again

  23. I wouldn't move into the house. I'd find another place to live! because he's going to tell you you owe him for fixing up the place. He's being very pushy. He's not treating you right, right now. Why did you get divorced?

  24. Ok.. but what are you doing to find that person? You think you’re going to magically fall into their arms? I’m your age and I just found my person. It’s not as naked as people believe if you have a lot to offer and you’re happy with yourself. People will know these things. If you don’t have anything to offer and you’re not happy with yourself people will avoid you.

  25. Nope. He's not sent me anything like that since before we got together. The photo looks like it was taken in our bedroom too, but I only know the date it was deleted, not the date it was taken.

  26. “I am with the sex god. literally the god of sex”

    “I don't believe you”

    “Experience the god of sex for yourself”

    Why is my relationship in trouble?

  27. How tf do you tolerate sex but have a higher libido? You seem to have a lot of mental shit you haven't worked out and are just making shit up at this point.

  28. Trying to get your attention probably, maybe also he’s pissed and that’s how he’s immaturely acting withot doing the healthy thing and move on. Do him one better and block him so you stop dealing with

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