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Shasta the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Shasta, 22 y.o.


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Shasta live! sex chat

Date: November 24, 2022

42 thoughts on “Shasta the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Humen beings are humans and not angels. If she repents and you still have feelings. (Ask yourself). Then I think taking her back would streghten your relationship. Give it a chance ……

  2. They've now done several weeks of vaguebooking on the subject. u/BelmontIncident once suggested this is a chatbot — starting new accounts, practicing a lack of specificity that would make a politician envious, and then just walking away — and his interpretation certainly fits the facts of the matter.

  3. u/SnooPandas1703, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

    Please create a new account that starts with ThrowRA in the username and try again. Please note that we will not make exceptions to this rule.

    I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  4. I second this. I’m diagnosed BPD with PTSD from sexual abuse/trauma. I do also agree this may be a part of a trauma response to past rapes, but she may need to see someone if she believes she’s getting assaulted on a regular basis.

    It’s not your job to save her from this. Express your thoughts and leave if she continues self destructing. Sometimes that’s the best thing to do.

  5. Especially because the law was written at a time when there was really no way to prove paternity – it went through hundreds of years of evolution under the premise “we can never truly know who a baby’s father is.” Don’t expect the law to have changed in the last 2 decades or so that we’ve been able to prove paternity reliably and cheaply.

  6. You talk about OPs ego, but I wouldn’t want to be with someone that I would have to coddle because gos forbid they can’t handle losing a silly game of chess.

    Ya’ll are reading way to much into this. OP should just play and be a good sport. It’s really that simple. Lying and coddling another grown adult is not the move here.

  7. u/M1crazyshack, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

    Please create a new account that starts with ThrowRA in the username and try again. Please note that we will not make exceptions to this rule.

    I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  8. Ngl, my ex and I started dating as teens and then he gained lots of weight in his 20s.

    I’m now dating a boy who eats healthy and enjoys exercising with me.

    Weight and health can be a real sticking point and if she starts to become unattractive and/ or unhealthy, I think it’s totally fair to ask for change; or leave.

    A relationship with a difference of opinion that great will eventually collapse.

  9. Although well intentioned in just trusting him on his word, you are indeed a huge fool for doing so. Stop speaking with him and just contact a lawyer already. No matter what the outcome is, you will definitely be on the hook for child support but you can just waive your rights then and there which will make it easier to get him to leave you alone. It sucks but you had to have some inclination that this would not be that easy right? Especially because he wants the child. If you didn’t want to put up with any responsibilities pertaining to that then you should’ve just aborted. But this child now serves as a lifelong connection to this man so good luck.

  10. This is no separation. It is the end of your marriage. Just find an attorney, file for a divorce and move on.

  11. Just tell your fiance and let him decide if he wants to call his friend back. Don't create drama that doesn't even exist. Fir all you know the call was a mistake.

  12. Thank you for your response! I am certain he is not with his baby mumma, she has remarried and had another child since. I met some of his extended family at Christmas time, however, he has met all of my closest family members. I have had to try bring up conversations about meeting his 2 sons, or his siblings, 2x brothers and sister. He is always dismissive and says yeah one day, or is very hesitant and says just chill babe and leaves it at that.

  13. u leave the house, and if still follows go to a public place. I guarantee that it's not


    people will be staring at. When you get your own home never invite her to your place. Don't speak to her directly. If your family wants you to make peace DON'T. Her peace is your destruction. It's unfair and selfish that your family sacrificed your mental health for



    I try not to blame my parents. The situation just seems odd to me and I reached a breaking point

  14. If you want to stay with her talk to her and find out what you guys are. Then cancel with the other girl

    If you don't want to stay with her tell her you thought you guys broke up and have moved on. Then go on the date.

  15. It feels like it’s one of two possibilities. 1) he’s the massive flirt to everyone he’s listed not the other way around (he has a tendency to cheat) so it’s manipulative telling you this or 2) he thinks any girl that smiles at him wants him. Both of which are huge red flags to me.

  16. Why would you turn a blind eye to someone doing drugs and sleeping with other people?

    Is this really stable to bring a child into?

  17. He is very mature for his age – has had no parents since the age of 14 and was forced to grow up quite quickly. These thoughts did enter in my decision to date him in the first place.

  18. If I had a nickel for every time I accused my husband of cheating because I “saw/heard proof” when I was in between asleep and awake.. I'm often convinced he's told me something when he didn't and I jerk wide awake and snap at him for what he “did” – poor guy is usually still asleep and snoring but it was incredibly realistic to me

  19. It doesn't sound like you have a girlfriend at all.

    I'm not sure why you would want to just sit around and be miserable in a relationship like that.

  20. Cultural differences are definitely no excuse at all to assault another human being with bodily fluids either. That is especially disgusting. I don’t blame the boyfriend at all. And this isn’t about culture, as I have some Nigerian friends and they would not treat someone else like this. Also, some married Haitians instead of other Nigerians. The parents behavior is a prejudice thing, not cultural.

  21. You will put yourself at risk. He's a scumbag and she deserves to know, but don't put yourself at risk from him and other cops harassing you (or worse).

  22. Aside from making you lose weight, what has he done lately that signals to you that he wants to save the marriage?

  23. NTA

    You’ve been doing this for years and it’s important to you. He doesn’t need to be “consulted” before you plan a trip like this. I probably would have told him a put it before committing just to make sure there wasn’t something else we as a couple were committed to (I’m not great at capturing everything on my calendar) but you’re right that you don’t need his permission to go and he’s wrong to try and stop you.

  24. Well. Kissing is an important part of a romantic relationship. I don’t think you are ready for that. Obviously you should never do anything that you aren’t ready for. Don’t force yourself and don’t allow him to force you. But. He does deserve someone who wants to kiss him. It’s okay that you aren’t ready for a relationship.

  25. Your hobbies when done to the extreme are juvenile as is this story. YOu are a grown man who promised for better or worse you would a husband, not a gamer. It is one thing to play video games, it is another to do it instead of a marriage. Grow the heck up, You are a married man, not a child. Though your post would say otherwise.

  26. “Call me when you can legally buy a beer…” /j I would let her down gently. Tell her you think she is great but you aren’t comfortable with the age difference right now.

    She’s going to argue with you on it- but if she is fresh out of high school she really needs to be on her own a bit. Catch up in life experience before she gets serious with someone.

  27. She initiated to make the relationship monogamous. Which is why it's so surprising to be asked whether I'd be interested in swinging!

  28. Around “them”. I would not want to be around my husband anymore if he did this. Being drunk in not a valid excuse.

  29. You guys have been together one month and this is a good opportunity you have been working towards.

    I would understand if you guys had been together for years and were thinking about marrying or whatever but take the opportunity

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