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winniess40live sex stripping with hd cam


61 thoughts on “winniess40live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. He’s choosing her over you, you don’t get a say in that. Clearly he doesn’t value the friendship as much as you do. This is fairly common with friendships like this as it’s a dealbreaker for a lot of people. If you really were his best friend, he wouldn’t be letting her dictate to him who his friends are. You two have never dated or hooked up, so there’s no reason for her to be this upset except for her own insecurities. All you can do is talk to him and let him know what you expect out of your friendship. And that with all the restrictions, you don’t really see the point in continuing the friendship. I certainly wouldn’t. It’s going to dwindle until it’s gone anyways. That’s what she wants and he’s going to give it to her because of his own lack of experience. imo she is toxic and that’s why you should have the conversation. If they break up, it’s not because of you, it’s because he needs to stand up for himself and his friendships and learn to set boundaries with the people he dates. It just sucks that you two might lose this friendship because he’s not willing to do that.

  2. No. No one with a little bit of common sense will not blame you. You are 100% right in the way you are thinking. I would suggest that you ask her to join you for a marriage counseling. It's a must. There can be many reasons for her not wanting to have sex. The two reasons that I know of are:-

    Some women lose their interest in sex after delivering a baby. Some people fall in love with someone else and will not want to have sex with their partner.

    I would suggest that you check her mobile or hire a PI to rule out the second reason. If it is not the second reason then, get a MC for the both of you. If she do not agree to the MC, find the best lawyer you can find and serve her the papers. Tell her its either MC or divorce.

    I wish you all the very best.

  3. You have been with him 8 months. He is violent. You already have 3 other children.

    Any one of these three things should be enough to get an abortion all three of them together makes it a no brainier.

  4. If you're open with your wife, then you should tell her exactly what went on. I would want to know if something like this happened between my sister and my husband.

    You also shouldn't have stayed in the embrace while she was caressing your arm and interacting with you like that. You knew it was wrong, so why enable it?

    If something like this happened to my husband, and he didn't stop it in it's tracks (just as you didn't stop it), I'd literally feel betrayed, hurt, and upset. Feeling bad for someone in the moment isn't an excuse to not stop inappropriate behavior.

  5. I'm recently divorced, and the ladies I've been out with just straight up bought me drinks and food. I was really surprised at first. I'm very grateful for their hospitality and of course I've reciprocated.

    I was just impressed they volunteered to buy me shit

  6. She's actually pretty fed up. We are working with a therapist right now because of this.

    She gives a lot of feedback and is usually quite careful. Sometimes it really a stacks up and then I snap and then we spiral down. She gets less careful and I get more indignant. we both wind up exhausted and tired.

    I know she has a need to communicate with someone who can just listen and apparently I can't find a way to be that person. I'm not looking to put this on her, I'm looking for a way to take responsibility.

    Everyone has told me to step back and not take it personally but I keep tripping up.

  7. I would tell her lord knows what diseases he could be carrying just because he stopped with you doesn't mean he's not cheating elsewhere

  8. I feel like we need more information about the issues you’re having. While it sounds irreversible, has there been any attempt to try therapy or dig into to the underlying issue?

  9. u/Wilhelm0024, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. I take it your mom doesn't have high self worth and self esteem. She rather be someone's mistress than be alone and work on her issues. The only thing you could do is that tell no way you're going to support what she's doing. When she leaves make you she gets into therapy.

  11. Hello /u/kalea652,

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  12. The only part of where he will live! that you should be worried about is “not here”. He sounds like a dead fish.

    As for the pets, do they have a favorite? Perhaps where he goes (or where you go) won't allow pets. TBH, the pets should be the hardest part of the breakup, but don't let them stop you from taking out the trash!

  13. It wasn't necessarily okay then either, but it was more easily explained away at that time. I'm a reasonable and logical person so when our income was lower, or we had a year that we already had one major unexpected expense it made sense to say we didn't need to go anywhere. I think his lack of desire to go anywhere was always masked by something else but now that we're in a situation where those excuses don't stand, it's becoming more visible.

  14. He's possibly cheating. I agree with the others, he did that to alert her that you were in the room so that she would not say something she shouldn't. His behavior is seriously a red flag. I would be questioning their relationship and asking to see his phone. He needs to cut it off with this peer and keep any as needed interaction strictly to the work environment during work hours. There is no reason for her to be talking to him about a supposed work function during off hours family time. I highly doubt this is a work dinner. That is just the excuse he is using so he can take her out on a date and get around you.

  15. see at first i was going to say that he's in the right to wait three months because thats a good amount of time to be sure that someone's safe to be around….HOWEVER…waiting until you're right about to have sex? when you're in a vulnerable position? and he's MAD AT YOU FOR NOT HAVING SEX WITH HIM??

    fuck no. this dude's awful. no one should be mad at you for turning down sex. he should have sat you down and told you earlier that day, not springing it on you like that. my god.

  16. Your partner sounds like a classic narcissist hiding behind a mis-diagnosis. I can’t imagine putting up with another human who treats someone like this.

  17. Good idea on going to the party together and just trying to move on. I think you guys will move past this. Doesn’t seem like she meant it in a toxic or concerning way at all. It would weird me out too but it seems your conversation was really good.

  18. Does he get mad at waiters as well for bringing you food? How deep does his insecurities go?

    You went to a medical professional. You don't have to justify anything or make excuses. This is strictly all in your boyfriends mind. If he can't handle that kind of thing what about if you ever give birth? Females only in the room? I weep for your future.

  19. This has been going on for 5 years? She might be depressed because she's not doing anything, not contributing anything and you're enabling her.

  20. Why? Why do either of you want to keep up a relationship where you’re so clearly incompatible? He wants sex. You don’t. There’s not a middle ground. Just stop this ridiculousness.

  21. Ask him to repay what he owes you as a sign of good faith.

    If he doesn't come through you have your answer.

    If he does pay you back, which is the absolute minimum from someone you've lent money to, tell him you've decided not to get back with him.

    My guess is he hasn't found anyone as gullible as you to leech off.

    Please do some work on yourself to understand why you would go without food just to lend him money. I suggest a very popular book called 'Co-dependent No More' by Melodie Beatty.

    Just because someone asks you to do something doesn't mean you have to say yes.

  22. Whatever is going on between them, you should be a priority. Clearly that's not the case and he believes her bullshit about you being controlling so easily. That's not BF material. I've known plenty of guys with close female friends who immediately put clear boundaries with them once they got into a relationship, to prioritize their GF. It's not controlling to ask for boundaries.

  23. Similar thing happened to me about 10 years ago. We aborted, it was the beginning of the end of our relationship because nothing could go back to normal after that.

    You’re at a fork in the road. There is never a good time and you need to either take the left turn and become a parent and just deal with it like all the other parents in the world doing the best you can; or you take a right and carry on with your life until you meet someone else.

    Slightly brutal answer, but that’s the reality of where you’re at.

  24. The argument would be that the OP was not in any danger and therefore it was not self defense.

    I’m not saying I agree, just that would be an argument.

  25. We started out as pretty equal with chores, but over time I’ve taken more and more on as he does them so poorly. Thank you for your insight

  26. the texts for a while seemed like friends. and I even talked to the ex and she said it was friendly. but once things blew up and a ton of drama happened, it turned out he was talking to her as if they could possibly get back together. Keeping both options open which was hurtful.

    I don’t know what happened but over the past two weeks (I said I was going to break up with him) he decided to fix his shit. but he expects me to get over it so quickly.

  27. He’s embarrassed about you. You don’t meet his parents standards. Red flags everywhere leave now before he leaves you for the wife his parents want him to have.

  28. Welcome back user mrinkyface, and thank you for revealing more about your own relationship trauma that you are clearly projecting onto me. I hope you realize your hyper fixation on me isn’t going to help you get over your own past issues. Kindly troll someone else.

  29. I am playing always with her.. but every time she is bot frag and has 0 kills or something she always gets mad at me…

  30. You have been together for 5 years now, and you are still not sure if you actually want to be with him or not?

    I'd take a step back from this relationship and figure out what you actually want.

  31. get out while you can. i’ve been in this situation. it’s only gonna lead to ruin. i’m not saying this for you to become a self-fulfilling prophecy or anything but if there’s any advice i can give you from my own mistakes it’s to sit down with her and lay everything out – absolutely transparent – and see how she reacts then. i’m sure from that you’ll get all the answers you need

  32. I’m pretty sure that 11 weeks is the last point when you can use medication for the abortion. And even then, it will depend on ultrasound aging.

    Medical abortion and medication abortion are not synonymous. Medical is usually used to denote an abortion that is not spontaneous.

  33. not from undergrad but the past 2 years of law school. Travels a lot and the restaurants he dines at the bills usually come to 100-200 dollars. dines out all the time.

  34. She sounds toxic. I don't feel like you should get married.

    It's totally understandable that you feel kind of rejected that she doesn't want to give your last name to your child.

  35. I'm sorry you guys are dealing with this. And I love the sense of humor you're taking. You're a good one op. Maybe just a slight elbow and some ether to knock her out.

  36. I have been trying to get him to do his share of the housework for over 3 years now, but everytime I bring it up his reaction is the same. He gets angry, he throws a fit, and then he threatens to kill himself.

    He's been emotionally abusing you for at least 3 years. That's enough time to notice something is wrong with your behaviour – and since he doesn't give a damn, he had to be like that before. He just hid that from you.

    As for the age gap, he can't be blamed for that, he's actually the youngest I've ever been in a serious relationship with, and I asked him out.

    He should've been the one to react here. Tell me, do you see 18 year olds as potential partners? Or do you think of them as inexperienced children?

    Stop making excuses for him.

  37. They wont let you back in unless it's safe, otherwise they become liable so you dont get an all.clear until there is no risk to you

    It's just anxiety if you're not used to small fires

    Enjoy the smell and start thinking of the repainting and disinfecting you have over the next few days

    It will be fine 🙂

  38. Talk to your bf about how you are going to deal with your mother over the next 25 years. Get on the same page whatever it is.

    I am assuming you are both financially independent and don't need her for anything.

    I would tell mom that she could do whatever she wants but it would be sad if she never got to meet her grandchildren, but you respect her choice.

    That out of the way, Generally the engagement party follows the proposal not is the proposal

  39. Actually it’s not a joke to me. I’d break up with a death grip porn addict in a second. Women deserve better.

    Like OOHHHBB POOR BABY… you couldn’t keep your hands off yourself and away from watching porn ? And now your pee pee doesn’t work? SAD.

    Then you find someone who actually has a functioning penis.

  40. I'm starting law school, which I'm having second thoughts about and (it's a 5 year program) I will look into internships next summer probably

  41. ok??? did i say that? or did i give MY personal experience and then said that she’s going to think and act like she’s 21? like duh not every 21 year old is going to want to go to the bars but i have not met a single 21 year old that lives the same lifestyle or is in the same stage of life as a 28 year old. sorry you felt attacked but congrats on your reading habits i guess lol

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