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53 thoughts on “naughty_bigasslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Thank you for taking time and helping me. The problem is I know these things but I still cannot let go and I don't even know why. I should maybe do some research of the topics you listed above.

  2. Having divorce papers ready will at the very least let her know that you will not tolerate any further betrayal.

    She must know that there are consequences for hurting you.

    we have been good recently

    Do you anticipate that there will never be any hardships in your life ever again?

  3. It only makes sense if the “it” not making a difference refers to OP being hurt.

    He knew donating sperm to impregnate stepmom would hurt OP, but it wouldn’t make a difference (i.e., change his decision), so he decided to lie instead so she could be infinitely more hurt when she learned what he did.

  4. No they can both have sex with other people if they keep their emotions out of it (what swinging is), what op is doing is being in an adittional relationship! She has her husband and now a bf because she even admits they meet up and just chat ect. The husband is only having sex. There is a difference between sex with emotions involved and sex for just the sake of feeling physically good. If you can’t see the difference that’s on you.

    In this specific situation, both were wrong and didn’t communicate well. They both need to have a long conversation about what is ok and what is not and be on the same page. If op continues to see this person and keep the relationship against the husbands wishes then they would definitely be wrong . If swinging is not something op is up to (seems like it) then they shouldn’t be doing it.

  5. I think the thing that matters is compatibility rather than frequency.

    If you are asexual, but both happy, great!

    If you do it once a year, but are both happy, great!

    If you do it 17 times a day, but are both happy, great!

    The problems arise when you want a different amount of sex, and that's when you can get resentful/unhappy/generally unhealthy.

  6. u/personalfilmschool, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  7. it’s not that he’s not allowed to mean anything to me; he’s actually the first person i go to for advice or to let him know if i’m feeling over the top or at rock bottom. his opinions mean very much to me and i guess that that might be what took a toll on me in the first place. My apologies if i misunderstood your message— english is not my first language

  8. u/gayinthecorner, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  9. If both are true, that they’re in a cult and they’re sexist, isn’t it fair to assume that they’re sexist because of the cult teachings? Ergo, the cult is still to blame, not the individual.

  10. I agree with this. I've had to tell my husband I need at least one of my love languages met if he wants physical touch all the time. What's to make me want to touch him if he won't even spend time with me, compliment me, etc.?

  11. If you are disabled, the fair housing act with the Americans with disabilities should allow you to have housing that is safe for you. Not the top floor and safe for you to be able to get out if you need to. Ask your landlord to help you switch to an apartment that is safer.

  12. We’re bartenders, he’s a restaurant manager. she’s sleeping in bed right next to me right now. She’s can’t sleep It’s really awkward.

  13. So last I heard from her was that an issue she was having trouble living with her dad at home and she was staying at a friends house. I mean I guess I could see her at her work where she’s a bartender but I think that’s a bad idea

  14. So here’s the thing – No one is perfect and never will be, of course almost perfect people work together but what you’re describing are serious fundamental life differences and you are completely incompatible.

  15. You've got two options here:

    End your emotional affair (just because nothing physical is happening, doesn't mean that you aren't cheating) and work through this with your wife


    Get a divorce and look for someone who can fulfill your needs.

  16. You can’t control someone else’s narrative nor can you prevent being a villain in someone else’s eyes. It’s their pov, it’s their story. Just block her and move on. If anyone asks “this is between fiancée and friend, I’m supporting whatever fiancée needs” or something similar and move the conversation along.

  17. There seems to be a lot of energy invested into the wrong place.

    Surely the more salient point is to repair your relationship?

  18. OK so I'm gonna lay this out a bit. You don't know that she wasn't sexually abused. End of sentence.

    My mother witnessed her father raping her sister, my mother was raped by her father. The sister she witnessed being raped was the golden child, always defended her father and got spoiled rotten with gifts. She was a right cunt to my mother. My mother joined the military to get away and moved states. Her sister and parents told their kids my mother was a druggy prostitute. We found out because my cousins contacted me and we were getting to know each other, one was talking about her school work and I kept mentioning my mother could help. Finally she was confused and asked “why you you keep suggesting that” and I was like “well she is a high school teacher” and had to explain that she is a full blown Christian anti drug prude and told my cousin everything about her grandpa being a rapist. My point is, the golden child protected her rapist, she is a victim too but she used it to get stuff I guess.

  19. If you've known her for a while, then it should be fine to talk to her about it. You're both grown adults.

    I had a similar situation once, and I told my best friend. She told me she did not feel the same way, and she hoped we could still be friends like usual. I told her of course we can. Because I never did anything with those unwanted feelings, and I didn't give it time to let it grow on me.

    The faster you do it, the easier it gets. If you wait, those feelings will grow. Better to get an easy and fast rejection and work it out together so you can let it go.

  20. Its just sad to me that he was the one to say he would help me heal after my ex abused me and that he would beat up anyone trying to hurt me ever again, and comforted me when i cried but then turned out even worse than my ex minus physical assault 🙁 why are people like this

  21. I’m proud of you, OP. It often takes women several times to leave their abuser, if they ever do, but you managed to execute your exit strategy right away. It sounds like things are going much better for you now. I’m glad you’re safe.

  22. She cheated on you and kept it secret for years. Good on her for not letting you marry to her I guess, but you spent more than half your twenties with somebody who kept such a huge deal breaker of a secret for that long.

    I guess if I were in your shoes, I'd think back to the first two or three months & reflect on how I'd handle the situation back then. How do you think it would have affected your relationship if she told you a week or even a month or two after it happened? I know my own answer and I can only imagine how you are feeling. Anybody saying that it's not really a big deal is an inconsiderate asshole & I'm really sorry you're going through this.

  23. No. It is not enough evidence. A bad quality pic could have been photoshlpped and printed badly on purpose to hide the edits.

    But someone wants your relationship to end.

  24. He has reached the “resentment phase” and there is a long way back from that, and not much you can do.

    To withhold love and affection is immature and damaging for your relationship no matter if he is right that you are too messy or not.

    The standard of housekeeping is something you should discuss as partners, not something he can define alone.

  25. I think your self esteem would be best preserved by telling bf you know about the cheating and you’re DONE. Get out of the whole situation as quick as you can.

  26. She’s lying.

    She’s also toxic!

    Also, sweetie, you shouldn’t feel obligated to stay with someone if they’re having your child. Dump her and go have fun!

  27. You sound like a friend I use to have, her husband use to accuse her of cheating and stepping out, he couldn't trust her to go to the bathroom without talking to guys. She said she wasn't allowed to have friends for 10 years. She cheated two more times after she divorced him for her affair partner.

    She's currently living with her 2nd or 3rd affair partner. No one makes you cheat, you did that and enjoyed it. Seems like your husband had you pegged. Also, said friend was cheating the whole time and still tried blaming her ex-husband 3 relationships later. Divorce, therapy, stop being a terrible person. It's sad and pathetic and hurts more than just one person, always.

  28. Don't settle. You will be miserable your whole life because he will never deliver what you want him to. I don't think the marriage proposal was bad, but the fact that your birthdays are always ignored and he can't even make a reservation to a restaurant when you explicitly ask him to go out for your birthday doesn't sound good. You could communicate better and tell him clearly your expectations, but at the same time, he's not a child. You don't have to carry all the mental load of your relationship. He takes you for granted and he is inconsiderate of your feelings.

  29. Here's the thing: telling her would not be for her, you'd only be doing it for you, to relieve your guilt. That is selfish and destructive.

    You flirted, you ended it, you cut the guy out. Deal with your guilt on your own, by yourself, not by hurting your wife with it.

  30. I'm not hurt. But all also never let a few people dictate how my feelings are controlled. You have a good life. Besides by your comment, not like your words can ever do anything to me or matter.

  31. There is usually a central mailing place; it will be on the website. Helpful if you at least know what dorm

  32. You don't have to get on board persay, just be supportive. Beliefs are different for everyone. If you're listening when she speaks, and don't ridicule her for what she believes that is all she truly wants. One thing you could do for her is locate a New Age shop or group near you (New Age is what anything not one of the major core religions is termed) then direct her to them. New Age shops always have classes, and such that will have people who share her same beliefs. This may help her connect with others, and maybe relieve you of some of your discomfort because she'll be more apt to talk to them over you.

  33. Wait, you mean like 16 minutes and 1 hour? I'm confused.

    Either way, this person is messing with people. Their story doesn't add up in the slightest.

  34. Thank you to everyone who took time to respond. I am taking your advice. And I appreciate it so much. I am not feeling so great today, which is why I am not that responsive. But I do appreciate everyone who took time to read and respond.

  35. Did you read the post? It's not the answer that's bothering her, it's the fact that he criticized her skills but refuses to give her any feedback about how to improve even though she has asked multiple times. If you're just going to tell someone they're bad at something while refusing to offer them anything that might make the experience better, that's shitty.

  36. Sorry dude but these are the consequences of your own actions, I think she should walk. It’s what’s best for both of you.

  37. Any advice on how to handle her and her mom? How do I get my GF to see that her mom is interfering too much.

  38. He’s made it clear to me that that was his preference. He didn’t want me to be the one to propose. I also told him last time that every time I bring this up and ask about it, that IS me proposing and I feel like he has turned me down every time. To be clear, I don’t even really care about the paper…he could’ve told me he hates marriage and it would have been fine…my crisis is more that I feel like he hasn’t been transparent and if he doesn’t give a crap about how this is making me feel, does he even care at all?

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