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Blonde-yen live webcams for YOU!



Date: November 25, 2022

5 thoughts on “Blonde-yen live webcams for YOU!

  1. Per your post history you have a dead-bedroom (haven't slept with your wife in ages), you weigh almost 400 lbs, and your wife has come out as a asexual… she even told you to look outside of the relationship to satisfy your sexual needs.

    Given these circumstances it is likely she is sleeping with this guy.

    Forget about your wife for a moment and think about why your life is currently like this and how much longer can you continue to live! like this?

    I can tell by your post history that these life circumstances are killing your self-esteem.

    Start being more honest with your wife. Tell her the effect that the dead room is having. Tell her that you don't like this new friendship of hers. Tell her that you don't like being in a relationship with no sex. Stop sacrificing your desires. Too many men fall into this trap of self-sacrifice to appease their woman and all it does is cause resentment and makes your lady treat you like a pushover

  2. I was on her phone doing something with her consent but she was out of the room. I obviously didn't have her consent to click the notification when it came through which is why I feel bad.

  3. Unfortunately, only by pretending he has these feelings to begin with. He's obviously got a lot going on and you're clearly not at the top of his priorities list. So to try to talk yourself into being “confident” about a situation that isn't worthy of that confidence is kind of a form of self delusion on your part. Don't set yourself up for sadness. This is a casual thing for him and if you can't be okay with that then you should probably protect your own feelings by not seeing him anymore. It's never good in the long run to try to see things that aren't there.

  4. What do you learn, really though? Every human of drinking age knows not to drive drunk. The only time you learn from that “mistake” is after you or someone else is dead or injured.

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