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Brooklynn Ray on-line webcams for YOU!


FRI-YAY , ? SNAP 50% OFF #milf #squirt #lovense #lush

Date: December 2, 2022

2 thoughts on “Brooklynn Ray on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Long story short the guy (24M) I (29F) liked started dating a girl younger and prettier than me.

    We were on and off for a year but I felt like it was only a matter of time until he met a girl that was cooler and prettier than me. I won’t get into much details but let’s just say this guy used me a lot and I also accepted it thinking it would make him fall for me. This man put me through so many mind games to go and be everything for her that he never was for me.

    We chatted today and he said we could meet in person and chat but then when I asked him when he never replied and recently posted a picture of her with his friends. I then texted him saying “I guess we’re not meeting up then, take care”.

    I’ve been crying on and off for the past 8 hours. I am feeling like a zombie. I’ve vomited and I feel like dying. I called in sick tomorrow. I’ve never seen him be in love with anyone. I know he’s in love with her.

    Please help me, please give me some advice, I don’t wish this pain on my worst enemy.

  2. Ya, I did. I explained that I looked it up in a different comment, but just to reiterate, I showered the person that I thought was real with love and attention, but after about a couple weeks realized that she was a scammer. This was after I finally looked her up, and found that no one by her name existed where she said she was from, but the same site gave me an extensive family tree of myself that was mostly accurate. I know a couple weeks is a while for a scammer, but that is just how convincing “she” was.

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