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Daisy-Burn on-line webcams for YOU!


FUCK MY ASS [1335 tokens remaining]

Date: December 6, 2022

46 thoughts on “Daisy-Burn on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Was she manipulated or did she want to fuck this dude that she was attracted to? Your partner is a human being capable of making her own decisions. Based on the situation you described about her being intrigued in her friends' alternative lifestyle, she was not manipulated into wanting to hook up with someone else.

  2. Talk to her. I know I’ve said I only want fwb when I really wanted more because I figured that’s all the guy wanted, and didn’t want to make things weird

  3. Well all I cab say is she was single and blowing off steam and looking for a new partner. Too bad one asshole took advantage of her and shared his sti with her. We all have our way of healing after a bad breakup

  4. You simply are cute. You are what's doing it.

    Ok ok, what do you feel for the guy? Is your heart just burning from not knowing, or is dude neo and is he pulling THE ONE vibes ?

  5. u/Whole-Link4060, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. Lol. Oh no. A brand new car that was completely paid for.

    Other than insurance premiums, what are the added costs? Likely no maintenance needs on a new car. In fact, they probably will be less over the next 5 years as opposed to the used car.

  7. Because at some point, you can still move in together and rent one place out? If he threatens breakup instead of trying to find workable solutions, I'd take him at his word and leave.

  8. Yeah that’s true but just not even all the time just let me know she got to work safe because both of our commutes are around 30-45 minutes and I just want to know if she got there safely

  9. I'm honestly adlibing a bit here as he has both said that he is bothered by it and that he doesn't like to talk about it so I don't force him to too much. That's a good catch though, I'll make sure to really be careful about the wording and how in reassuring him.

    As for acting that way in bed, it's tiring and I'd rather just be myself and not an actor. I can keep it up for a while but sometimes I just want to have sex and not perform.

  10. Clearly you two have personality differences. That’s fine! Most couples do. I don’t think anyone is being an asshole in particular, I just think the way that this is being handled is childish.

    You two need to discuss why this is an issue. Perhaps she feels lonely, because clearly she wants to spend time with you. Perhaps you feel overwhelmed, because being with one person for days on end is really draining for some people. Both of these problems are very valid, but your reactions aren’t the greatest.

    She maybe shouldn’t get mad at you. This is such a trivial problem to complain about, and it could easily be resolved with a conversation. You shouldn’t have hung up on her, because clearly you realized she wanted to keep talking and your action simply exasperated the problem.

    I think we’re pretty similar, in that I’m introverted and I find extended contact draining. However, that isn’t an excuse to ignore your gf. Rather, you two should talk it out and come to a solution.

  11. Alright op I'll be honest.

    This seems fake, like you seriously expect us to not only believe such a bizzare move from your bf but than you also just happened to find a post your boyfriend made about this?

    Definitely picking up some bait post vibes.

  12. As someone with an arranged marriage who is thriving after two years, these are not your friends. My friends who had never heard of arranged marriages were so happy for me when I told them my husband was the best thing to ever happen to me. These people who think you married for money will never try to understand you, they've already made a fixed viewpoint about you in their minds and any time you spend will them will just be an exercise in futility in trying not to second guess yourself. You deserve better. I hope you make good, new friends on your training programme!

  13. Unfortunately, she used you and doesn't need you anymore. You provided stability and safety in a place that she was alone. Now she has her degree and a whole new world of possibilities. It sounds a lot like this is a classic narcissist discard. I would block her and never speak to her again. She may try to get back in touch after her life starts to crumble. Move on, she's a trash person.

  14. Do these steps. Break up with her and get tested. If you want tell your parents or what party's matter what she did because if she did it to you she well do it again.

  15. Oooo and also disconnect all devices from the wifi. Everything. Then change all your passwords. Start with your email. Make sure you get to your clouds and Google accounts ASAP.

    Then create a NEW EMAIL and switch everything you use to your new email. It’s time to declutter your life! Spring cleaning! Say good bye to spam emails and creepy boyfriend!

    Social media next. Don’t forget things like Whatsapp and GroupMe.

  16. Good solid points. How was this woman was treating her mom, friends, siblings, co workers, family during those 9 months is very telling about her and her level of self control.

  17. I guess people think he’s neurodivergent because this is exactly the experience of a lot of neurodivergent people…

    I’m on the spectrum, I got masking down to a T so I appear pretty neurotypical in most settings. But I struggle a lot with relationships and generally I am not a popular person. Got excluded from a lot of things over the years, had friends indulge in my hobbies without inviting me, have my offers of help constantly turned down, etc. Those who don’t know me well enough or love me don’t see why this is happening, they all think I’m great. Which is fantastic, I do love these people. But the majority of people I encounter simply just don’t vibe with me since I can’t 100% behave the way a neurotypical person would. It sucks, but such is life.

  18. Seeing what a creepy stalker you are, somehow finding his reddit account and trying to pose as an anonymous person to get close to him again.

    I can clearly see why he blocked you. Leave him alone, respect his boundaries.

  19. No, it's not a good idea. Respect his boundaries, you're blocked for a reason. Trying to talk to him anonymously in some last ditched attempt to rekindle your relationship will do nothing except pour cement on top of the coffin; your relationship is over and it is time to move on.

  20. I have had a lot of surgeries some were major requiring general anesthesia. In some I was give drugs that don’t put you total under it called twilight sleeps. Those surgeries were usually outpatient and carry less risk etc. you seriously can’t be comparing a few simple cuts to knocking someone out cutting thought layers of skin tissue muscles then removing a part of their body and then sewing them backup. But again this back and forth doesn’t matter in this case until they decide what there future will look like. And op said he was Will to have the procedure. If they get to a better place again he should be the one to take on the burden of a medical procedure as a form of birth control. He’s not child less he has 3 kids even if they break up down the road, it’s not he would lose a chance to be a father.

  21. I was referencing my salary. If I practiced in the private sector my salary would be at least double what I make now.

    I went to a private, top 10 law school which is why it cost so much. I would do it again given the amount of opportunities I’ve had and will continue to have. Plus it’ll all be forgiven anyway because of PSLF.

  22. It would have been easier to read if you had punctuated & made paragraphs for such a long post. I was unable to finish it because of that.

  23. Delete / private all social media for a while. Maybe even a few years until all this blows over. He’s a piece of shit got the vile things he said accusing you of cheating being pregnant with another man’s baby and then saying you were an abortion girl or whatever. I would never give him access to these kids.

  24. No kidding.

    And it is going to explode all over the place soon if she doesn’t lance that boil first and let it drain.

  25. Wow, your husbands is as delusional as you, I think your meant for each other. What ever you do , I think your kid is in for a difunctional life, as long as you and husband are your Childs roll models and caregivers. Hopefully sometime in your childs life they can raise above it.

  26. OMG, you are only 27. What's this “at this age” crap? You may on-line another 60 or 70 years.

    It isn't fair to him if you feel this way. He deserves to have someone who is 100% in on him. Don't waste his time.

  27. Well, either you deleted your reply or reddit didn't think it was worth showing so I'll just point out that she's already tried communicating with him about it. He said he isn't comfortable giving her oral. She's continued harassing him over it.

    So the only options are to break up for for her to shut up and deal with being sexually incompatible.

    If you have any other ideas, feel free to offer them up instead of just calling everyone else's ideas terrible.

  28. She’s not working on her trust issues and has said that if he doesn’t let her read all the messages the relationship is over. How do you work with that exactly?

  29. There are so so many things wrong here

    -you thought showing your girlfriend a video of you with an ex was a good idea

    -you thought it was a good idea to show your girlfriend a video of you having sex with an ex

    -you thought it was a good idea to show someone a sex video without the person in the videos consent

    -you continue to have videos of your ex in a very accessible location

    -you kept sex videos of your ex when in another relationship

    -you showed your current girlfriend you want her to give you blowjobs like your ex and thus implying how she does it just isn't good enough by comparison

    Seriously, your lack of awareness, boundaries and kindness is mind boggling. Bro, I was drunk isn't an excuse for the depth of this horrid behavior.

  30. OP, By actions what she did, she put her marriage ( I think so ) and in family jeopardy. Yes a good mom and wife indeed

  31. I would probably just stay away, citing school and work and such until their relationship is on firmer ground. Don’t hang out with him alone, always in a group, preferably with his new gf.

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