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Kait-Coron on-line webcams for YOU!


for good start^^dance [Multi Goal]

Date: October 3, 2022

32 thoughts on “Kait-Coron on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Well good luck! Moving together is intimating, but it should be something you view as “looking forward too” and because you're here looking to 'prepare' for it. Things will go smoothly. Good track you're on.

  2. this is like my worst nightmare, ik my gf would never, i love her more than anything, but man this shit happens all the time, sorry to hear ur wrapped in this situation

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  4. My grandpa was a big tall bearded redhead with a unibrow and he once scared the fuck out of the local news anchor when the guy was doing a report on an abandoned church being tore down. It was about two houses down and covered in weeds/vines so my grandpa took his machete and his Coors and went to chop them down, already too drunk to talk and yelling probably incomprehensible shit to the anchor.

    One of my favorite memories lmao

  5. Hello /u/Throwaway283736282,

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  6. Your husband is 42. Not 2 or 4 or 2+4. He knows what he is doing. There is a good reason your dad doesn't like him but love is blind. Does your husband flip out if you hang out or chat with your friends/co-workers/neighbors too?

  7. Nobody can really tell you what to do because it’s ultimately up to you. We don’t know the extent of it from a couple paragraphs. What do you want? Do you think it’s reconcilable? Do you want out? How is the relationship without this indiscretion? Etc. Maybe the stress of new parenthood is causing some erratic behavior. Maybe he’s been hiding doing drugs. Maybe he hasn’t.

    Fent is some really dangerous shit. Pretty very hot stuff for someone who just doesn’t do drugs. At any rate, I don’t think it’s wise to wait until he potentially does buy drugs to have a conversation about it. But you should go into that conversation with at least a roadmap for how you’ll react to the different things that could arise from it. Have an honest conversation with yourself about your future and how you want that to look. Do what’s best for you and your child. Good luck!

  8. I know this must feel really overwhelming right now. I promise you your life will go on regardless of how this works out. Do you have any trusted older friends or relatives that you could confide in about this? I think you need to have a sit down and a cup of tea and talk through these emotions with someone in person.

  9. I would gently disagree here by saying it's not healthy for anyone if people in these positions offload on people at home as a regular thing. The traumatuc experiences and emotions that come with them shouldn't be permitted to permeate the home environment. He needs to seek the appropriate professional supports via his employer.

  10. He responds by saying “xxx something, it's too naked to remember”, while making an annoyed face

    Listen, I'm totally down for a fwb situation if it actually benefits all parties. But this is just some dude you had sex with once, in a car, who has no interest in even learning your name..

    I would proceed by not proceeding. It's been months. This is a complete dead end. I don't even understand why you're calling him a fwb? It was a one night stand.

  11. Alright as a guy I'll explain a couple of things ( you are by no means at fault here op) first there is a difrance in seeing things , he Probably sees it as fine given that there was nothing more then talking despite the emotions behind the conversation. He admitted to the lunch so he didn't want to keep that from you , i would advise you listen to him about the lunch , that could be the key thing here . He could have told her that you weren't comfortable with them talking and left at that . I wish you all the best in resovling this op .

    TL;DR listen to him in full and tell him everything you feel and why i detail .

  12. I live! on my own and get bumble ads. I'm not using a dating app.

    Advertising is sketchy and can be tied to all sorts of ridiculous algorithms. I've had some absurd things come up just because I've clicked on a link.

  13. She knows she lost a good man, her excuses won't make her feel good

    It was funny how an old divorced man thought she was a better partner than you. she just wants sex

    It's good that you caught it in the first step and got away from it

    she's just started out and this is her first try, she'll soon be a more experienced partner who enjoys male attention!!.

    You got rid of it before you learned to cover your tracks and be smarter in your lies

    In short she is a cheating and enjoying woman, it is not about age, personality and other things. she just likes the thrill of cheating, don't follow her but you will hear that she will have problems in all her relationships and will cheat in the future.

    live a good life

  14. Honestly…

    13 effing years…! What does he even expect from you?

    “Ne turned on as soon as sex god deigns appear in your presence”?

    Like what? Not even a TV celebrity would nanage to do this with me as to me sex has to do with my feelings towards the person and the mood the person puts me in.

    That guy sounds as if with me he could turn himself into a monk straight away.

    Nothing is worse really than a man thinking he is entiteled to have sex whenever HE wants to.

    And that the woman has to jump on him all set and ready. Like… what?

    “He bought you matching pjs”.

    Did he buy both of you a matching set of bunny slippers to go with also?

    That's so unsexy!

    Also… happy wife, happy life.

    What does he mean by you being selfish? If you keep.yourself happy and in a stable mood he sure profits from that.

    Instead of being happy he gives your relationship swing quite a mighty push!

    Didn't you give that list back to him with the words: “Wanna know which faults you have?”

    This sounds like a huge amount if bs projections.

    HE is selfish, because apparently he is only about himself!

    Try to phrase all there is on that list to match him.

    And see if this isn't better fitting on him than on you.

    And stop paining yourself as if one single word of that was actually true. None of this is.

  15. Because its a gesture that u care about someone. Like one of the love languages. And isn't chocolate the most basic thing to give to a woman who's on their period? Why would I want tea that I never drink and defenetly never drink without sugar or honey..

  16. A well done prenup actually protects both parties. They generally aren’t enforceable if they don’t. It’s preparing for the worst together so that no one feels slighted if things end or to protect larger family assets like a historic home or like a family business that would otherwise see it’s ownership diluted and effect multiple people. Unfortunately, people seems to want them as a way of fucking over the person they supposedly love should things go South, which is just bizarre. Either way acknowledging that things could change is very different than saying you think your partner is committing fraud.

  17. So first, does it bother you that she's planning to wear white? Or are you upset because you feel you should be upset? Also, what does your fiance say about his mother's dress of choice? If you still have an issue with it after answering that question, I would address it.

    Talk to your fiance. Tell him your reasoning why you don't want his mom wearing white to the wedding. If he understands where you're coming from, he might be more inclined to have your back (he should either way, obviously, but it's always a tricky situation when it's involving his mon and his partner)

    I would either have your fiance talk to his mom alone or you two go together and talk to her. Don't make it an attack, just calmly and lovingly explain why you don't want any of your guests wearing white. My therapist always tells me when I'm having an uncomfortable conversation or confrontation, to use “I” statements.

    Good luck and congrats on your upcoming marriage! ?

  18. Ah yes do you also enjoy the game “say uncle” also commonly used by bullies so the victim begs for mercy.

    Im just saying if I had a partner who watched me cry in fear while scratching his hands, and refused to stop until I said mercy to boost his ego he’d be a goner.

  19. Move on – depending on where you are, you can have the courts grant the divorce without her signature – not sure if will work for you as you obviously still love with her, but worth looking into.

    If it can’t happen that way, get another divorce agreement drafted with much worse terms for her, and give her the option – sign the old one now, or you will proceed with the getting the new one finalised and the old one revoked.

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