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VanessaKimnishlive sex stripping with hd cam


41 thoughts on “VanessaKimnishlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I do, too! If it's alright with you, I'm gonna message you.

    She does. As does my own. But they can't see it that way. ??‍♀️??‍♀️ and it sucks, but at the end of the day, all you can do is love her son and online a happy life with him. If she can't appreciate that, that's her own problem.

  2. Unless you ask him if he has a copy, you're never going to know.

    Unless this man is a psycho, he isn't going to be holding on to it to embarrass you.

  3. OP said he wasn't interested in confrontation.

    I wouldn't tell everyone because frankly while I find it repulsive, I have better things to do than participate in interpersonal drama. I'm not on some righteousness crusade either. If someone were in active danger that wasn't repulsive comments made at a pool, then I would draw attention to it.

    Frankly it's just not worth my time. The situation OP describes happens literally every day, it is happening now while we discuss it. I'd rather just get on with my own life which has enough drama as it is.

  4. The brutal facts are that:

    A relationship cannot happen if one of the two people wants to leave the relationship. Even if you could miraculously fix all shortcomings and issues – if she doesn't want to, there is no more relationship.

    Feelings don't magically come back, especially if they were trampled out. Just like you can't magically stop being in love with her, she can't magically make herself fall in love with you again.

    It's proven that women tend to leave relationships only once they have really and truly checked out and all hope is lost. They usually try to fix things before that, so that leaving really means that it is over.

    Please think of a relationship like a vase. Whenever you argued, whenever you drifted apart – no matter who was at fault – the vase got knocked over. Slowly, more and more cracks formed and pieces broke off.

    Some people, like you, want to put the work in to glue the vase back together. They can rebuild trust and rekindle feelings. Sure, the repaired vase will always still show the cracks where it was glued back together, but to these people, the fixed vase is something they are proud of – it's something they worked nude on, something that is truly theirs and which has stood the test of many challenges.

    But there are also people to whom a vase, once it has reached a certain state of damage, doesn't work anymore. Even if the vase would be glued back together, they don't trust it to be stable anymore and hold water. On top of that, seeing the cracks causes them to remember the situations which caused them; it is a source of bad memories and anxiety to them now. To these people, happiness with such a damaged vase can't be re-grown; too much has happened. These people would rather start over with a new vase, which doesn't come with bad memories and trust issues.

    Your wife has decided that your shared vase is too broken and that she doesn't want it anymore. No matter how much effort you put in to glue it back together – you can't make the cracks invisible. It will never be like it once was and to your wife, there was too much damage. The vase she once loved is no more. And there is nothing you can do to change that – she wishes to put it away.

  5. He is the reason women are underrepresented in STEM…

    In my batchelors degree of the 12 people who graduated with first class honours only 1 was male

  6. Hello /u/SysVis,

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  7. The car is in my name. He asked me to quit my job back in June to take care of the new dog he had gotten. Which worked out well because that job was getting mentally and emotionally exhausting. However now it means I don't really have the funds to pack up and get. I'm thinking if I can get a new job and work for a few months either things will get better by being around people that aren't just him… or I'll have enough money I can plan to get out.

  8. No, she's not right. She can be 100% wrong that the other girl was any threat to the relationship before OP destroyed the relationship.

  9. Do not forgive this. Counseling won't help. She cheated, lied, tried to explain it away and downplay her actions. End it. You deserve better.

  10. Why would leaving be an asshole thing to do? He took your money so he could give her money. He was cheating. Said he loved her. You would be asshole to yourself if you stayed. Leave and grieve the man you thought he was. His mommy can his new love can take care of him.

  11. Tbf whenever I sleep at someone else's place, I have a habit of bringing a spare piece of underwear.

    Number of nights plus one kinda deal.

  12. I think you need to get your anxiety under control see a therapist. Once you are calmer and clearer it will be easier to figure out what to do

  13. You're wrong; the pact is to pay for your wedding, which objectively everyone else contributed towards. Just because your marriage didn't last doesn't mean you didn't have a real wedding that your friend contributed $550 towards where as you offered a measly $5 that your friends gave to you out of pity.

  14. What? I'm not getting upset at her, I'm upset for her, so I'm not really sure how you're getting that I'm mad at her when I'm trying to find ways on how to comfort how when I can't physically be there.

  15. Wtf are you doing in nightclubs with a boyfriend

    There has to be at least half a dozen red flags in your original post alone, can only imagine the other ones you have

  16. It's not worth it. Move on.

    I get her position regarding her ex going out with one of her friends as I wouldn't be happy either. But I think the reason for her uncomfortableness seems to be jealousy rather than being uncomfortable that someone you trusted would entertain straining your friendship by dating someone you've been intimate with.

    Also her continuing to reach out to him despite telling you otherwise just means you're never going to trust her again and for good reason.

    Just tell her you're out and you can't waste your time dating someone that immature and hung up on someone else.

  17. I hate what TikTok is doing to people. Rotting people from the inside out and promoting degeneracy. As if social media and dating apps hasn’t ruined dating as it is, now you have the worst form of social media brainwashing people to think that committed relationships and marriage are bad things.

    These are dark times.

  18. Because a lot of men demand a change based on arbitrary beauty standards and do so in a way that makes women feel ashamed of their bodies.

    I’m not saying I’m crazy for it. I’m saying I know it’s natural and is not a big deal (in most cases).

  19. In a perfect world there would be no nagging, just perfect communication. Breakups aren’t easy, folks typically try to not to break up until it becomes obvious to them that it’s hopeless. What they are currently experiencing is that point in negotiations for the future, they are finding out who’s willing to bend and who isn’t. So while nagging is unpleasant it’s also helping OP decide what he wants in a relationship.

  20. Perhaps at first but the idea that someone would stay in a 17 year friendship where the other party has shown no interest in it becoming more than friends just for the chance that maybe they’ll change their mind is absolutely asinine.

  21. Why are you assuming that you did anything wrong? You both decided to break up, and now he’s feeling positive about where his life is going. It sounds like he was really ready for this breakup. That’s okay. Would you prefer he was suicidal or something? I had to double-check the ages because I figured this was posted by a teenager or a young adult, but you’re 33. Who cares what he posts on social media. You said you don’t want to be friends with him, so why are you even care if you’re blocked? Focus on you and your own life, and not on him. He’s moving on, and you need to do the same.

  22. Everyone is telling you to communicate and you're being super defensive.

    I mean can you blame the guy?

    The woman he was dating just started crying when she heard that her ex was getting married.

    On top of that, this isn't something that happened in private, it happened in front of people.

    He not only felt like the second option and got his ego hurt, he felt like the second option got his ego hurt in public.

  23. Lord if 3 hours of fifa time is cheating i better get a damn lawyer my husband's been an unfaithful bastard since we were teenagers!!!!

  24. He has a crush on you and a fetish. He def stayed there watching you and probably pleasured himself. Sorry man.

  25. Honestly, I would get it. My husband is my family, and our kids will one day add to that. I love that my husband is considered family by my parents, but they've also known him for nearly 10 years.

    I also wouldn't expect my parents to consider my husband's family as their family. My husband's parents and siblings aren't my parents' family.

  26. Since you are both retired can you online half the year in one place and the other half in the town you online in now?

  27. He sounds like a bad guy. Also, at this point he's your bully not your bf.

    Dollars to donuts he also picked someone too young for him on purpose because he wants to feel superior and women his own age are way less likely to let him bully them.

  28. Lol, she won’t be a fully developed adult until she is 25. They are at a complete DIFFERENT stages on like! She is finishing college, he has been out of college for at least 5 years! He wants someone to be at the same stage as he is in life…yet he is choosing to date someone who isn’t. That’s on him.

  29. From my own experience, I would be incredibly distrusting of someone who has such “bad luck” with jobs. It's not impossible that it's just luck, but it's far more likely from what I've seen that it is something about the way that person works that makes them a bad employee. Whatever plans you make should not assume that she'll be keeping the next job she gets for long, either.

  30. Yes, you're in a toxic relationship. He doesn't respect you and he sets weird rules that require maximum effort from you and zero effort from him. I'd be sprinting away from this relationship.

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