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SteffaniaJhonson live webcams for YOU!


SteffaniaJhonson Public Chat Channel

Date: December 8, 2022

40 thoughts on “SteffaniaJhonson live webcams for YOU!

  1. I’d break up with him. I have a disorder that makes vaginal sex very difficult. If someone can’t handle the possibility of little to no PIV sex, they are not the person for me. Your partner should love and respect you, not cheat on you and make you feel like it’s all your fault. I’ve been there, and it is a horrible feeling.

  2. Hmm, here is the thing, whatever is going on with him, he didn't feel he could discuss it with you and work together. If he cannot confide in his chosen partner, then why is he with you? What confidence does that provide for the future? Life is full of stressors (children, debt, retirement), will he be able to ride the waves with you or leave you to handle the bad on your own?

  3. This is a highly abusive relationship. He already threatened you and is now black mailing you in giving him what he wants. Leave him, call the police and cut all contact.

  4. Yeah, she cheated since the beggining, she cheated on him for 1.5 year and only stopped and cut contact after they bought a house. I would never trust someone like that.

    Be glad you found out before propose and before she become your wife. Break up with her, sell the house and split the money or ask her to buy your part.

    You deserve someone who respect you. If she wasn't ready to a relationship she shouldn't have started one.

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  6. Honestly. How the husband feels about what you do for your friend is none of your business. You’re her friend, not his.

    You did something for your friend. If I was her husband I would be happy she has other people who care about her. Who cares about being upstaged on top of that, he can also use the car.

  7. Mm doesn't get to tell you to keep her secret!!

    You found out from others, so it is no longer her secret!!

    Call John and tell him he is as bad as your mom for doing this to your dad and he is never to talk to you again.

  8. This is a poor, defenseless animal who was already mistreated for the first six months of her life… now you’re going to let this monster BEAT HER??? Dude, leave him! And protect your poor dog!

  9. They are both very young, and probably have a lot of growing up to do, and sure there very well could be and probably is a lot more to the story here. I would feel uneasy about this as presented though. Maybe I am old school, I have been married and or in a LTR for most of my adult life, but I have never asked for consent to kiss a girl, with both of my wives, they kissed me first, and after that it was a natural thing. I could totally understand if they had been together only a date or two and had only kissed once or twice. But if all the sudden we were backing up to “you need consent to kiss me” and I brought my friend so I feel safe. Well to me that would be easy to solve. I'm going to make sure you ALWAYS feel safe, and exit the relationship. I don't want to make a woman feel unsafe.

  10. Do not open a joint account with him, especially only after dating for 9 months. I think the default should be separate finances unless you’re synced with your partner and in a healthy, stable LTR or marriage.

    I wonder if he’ll

    Your boundary is that all of your finances go to surviving. It gives you massive anxiety. I think it says a lot that he’s not empathetic to your situation. But he can either accept that he will have to pay for dates for a while or leave. Do not stretch yourself thin just for a few hours of fun.

  11. 5 months is fairly short IMO. How long were you going out prior to making things official? It’s possible he’s losing interest and not being honest about that.

  12. Check to see if you have unemployment insurance on your mortgage. That could help ease tensions.

    You'll be working again soon enough. She's reacting out of fear and insecurity.

  13. but she doesn’t want to give it to me because I won’t like it and I don’t appreciate her and stuff

    She’s playing the victim and acting fucking ridiculous. You said you wanted to buy it for yourself. If she didn’t understand when she first ordered it, that’s fair. But she damn sure understood after the second conversation. It’s important to you to but it, and it’s not hot to understand. She shouldn’t be pouting because you can’t get excited about her potentially stepping on that.

    says I should be grateful

    Ok, as soon as she stops giving gifts that are more about her “credit” as the giver than your actual enjoyment of them.

    So it came back in stock and they shipped it anyway? After it was already refunded?? I find it very hot to believe a store would un-refund and item once refunded. I’d hate to think any out of stock purchase I ever got a refund on could just be pulled out of my account at any time once back in stock, without my permission. But no matter…

    Sounds like she’s making it out like she’s “stuck” with it now that it’s shipping, and that’s just bullshit. She can return it. She should have planned to do just that…quietly. If not cancelled the order immediately when notified it was back in stock and shipping…again, quietly. But she “doesn’t want to give it to you now”…what? Neither do you! That sounds like a setup to guilt you into taking/appreciating it from her anyway.

  14. He treats you amazingly because you are confirming to his expectations of women. The second you stop doing that either because you want to or you can’t, you stop being considered a person worthy of respect and you become a target.

    This means that when you choose to do something with your appearance or life that he doesn’t like or agree with, he will stop being nice or supportive and you’ll be getting the brunt of his sexism. You don’t really know a person until you see how they react to either rejection or the word “no”.

  15. You got into marriage way too quickly. Looks like you were looking for hook ups a year ago. Maybe you rushed into this one. Throwing everything away just shows her that you’re not serious and are willing to throw everything away quickly.

  16. Honestly, not to invalidate you but this is just not a significant issue.

    What’s the point in confronting her? Your husband doesn’t like her and you don’t like her so you probably won’t be spending much time with her. The real issue is your MIL blabbing about things you tell her in confidence. Watch what you say to her from now on and just keep it moving I say.

    There is very little reason to confront some annoying girl that calls you stupid. Unless you’re going to do it right then and there, but you’ve missed the boat.

  17. Sounds like your girl is being a total tool about you dating her friend. Like what the actual f*ck, she can't just tell you who to date or not date. It's not like you're hurting her or anything. If she can't handle you dating her friend then that's her problem not yours. You should be able to talk about your dates with him without her getting mad. I would have a serious convo with her and tell her how you feel and that you're not gonna let her control who you can and can't date. If she can't handle it, then maybe it's time to find a new bestie.

  18. it’s still hot for him to understand what my SPD is like.

    Because he can't, or doesn't want to? He is the one making the choice here, you do see that he is picking his beard over you, right?. '

    I would suggest you get this resolved before going on with marriage which will lead to life of discomfort on your part, or resentment on his.

    I have asked that he at least try beard softening products and he says “what’s the point if you’re going to find me less attractive with a beard anyway”.

    He is not acknowledging the true nature of your issue and dismissing it as something you can control (attraction vs. pain). He needs to not put himself first here.

  19. Has your boyfriend ever had a psychiatric evaluation? I was dating someone who would get severely sick and all of the medical tests would be normal. Turns out he was bipolar and his symptoms would manifest physically. Sadly in my case his illness only got worse even with treatment and we are no longer together. But i am wondering if this is an angle to explore with your partner.

  20. I thought I was with the love of my life at 22. He was a bum, but I loved him. Then he cheated on me which gave me the motivation to leave.

    Five years later, after dating around a little, I met the real love of my life. I wouldn't have been able to recognize him as such if I hadn't been mistaken before.

  21. If your goal is “lots of sex”, then breaking up with a woman who has sex with you is the wrong move just from a logical perspective. The average married man gets laid more than the average single man. (Why do you think divorced guys get remarried so quickly?)

    The way to have more sex is to improve your relationship with your current female partner.

    (Also, you need to work on your mindset and not obsess about sexual frequency and attach it to your sense of personal happiness and worth.)

    I don't feel comfortable with the prospect of making her have more sex than she wants, so I feel like I want to just break up.

    There is not some kind of magical limit on how much people want to have sex. It is largely contextual. If our living situation is stress-free, if our life is exciting, if our partner is confident and sexy, we will want more sex.

    If you are unconfident (which it sounds like), if you are unsure (which you are), and if you are hesitant (which you are), then you will have less sex.

    I know a lot of single guys. I know ATTRACTIVE single guys, and a consistent 2x/week is something many of them would kill for at this point.

    Honestly, if you were the type who was going to go off into the dating pool and just get laid 3+x/week you wouldn't even be posting here.

  22. I don’t have to read his mind – i read OP’s post. OP’s boyfriend keeps saying “soon” to marriage but isn’t actually following through. That’s a form of manipulation.

  23. If there was no feelings it wouldn’t bother her, in fact she would’ve been happy for them if she’s not one to hold grudges. Ditch her mate you’re not number 1

  24. The girl isn’t my best friend and my bf knows me well than she does. So idk what’s there to learn. He told me multiple times he doesn’t like her as a person, before I found out.

  25. Yeah…what did your friends do to her? This isn't some case of a crazy jealous insecure gf. She just straight left the relationship when she realized you couldn't give her what she needed without being told so you suddenly get it but apparently don't have this problem with your friends, or I'm assuming, this other girl.

    She laid out the breadcrumbs and you still got lost unfortunately, so she left. No ultimatums about your friends and she didn't even ask you to drop them after whatever they did to her.

    Not sure what you want here. She's clearly washed her hands of it and is ready to move on.

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