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SWEATCHANTELLE live sex cams for YOU!


HELP ME REACH MY GOAL [1890 tokens remaining]

Date: December 11, 2022

24 thoughts on “SWEATCHANTELLE live sex cams for YOU!

  1. I think her pushing you to do it is weird. I don’t think it would be weird if you did take the sister (could actually be a nice way to get to know her and show interest in her family) but the fact she is pushing so very hot and won’t accept no is weird…

  2. Sometimes he is… Sometimes it's something in the freezer that I don't really have plans for until that day I'm feeling lazy and just want to throw in a pizza or warm up some frozen pastries for breakfast and realize they're gone when I go to get them. -_-

  3. This sounds like my relationship with an abusive ex. Being told I’m abusive because I don’t vacuum the floors right, I use utensils the wrong way, and I’m evil for having emotions. You’re not the abuser, OP.

    She blows things out of proportion to make you take the blame for things that are either no one’s fault or out of your control. You trying to be responsible with money and using it for immediately necessary things (food) over things that have to wait and are expensive is smart, nit abusive. Her telling you how you think and feel no matter the truth is abusive. Her telling you what your actions mean instead of letting you explain yourself is abusive. She’s treating you unfairly at every turn.

    Get out while you can.

  4. She had a baby. And you resent her weight and getting pregnant? Did you use a condom? Responsibility falls on you too.

  5. Him being grossed out by the fact that women are humans is a him problem. It's absolutely insane that he gives you grief about it. Do you have to do your number two at the gas station down the road?

    Tell him to deal.

    His weird hang-ups are not for you to fix, acommodate or traipse around.

    OP, do yourself a favor and learn to get angry. I promise you, him bringing you a buttplug is a good reason to get mad as hell!

  6. Lmao, I actually don't think that lives are being put at risk right now. I think the laws allow for lifesaving treatments and that has been figured out by this point.

    Post-roe confusion can't have lasted this long. I think it's likely that there was some confusion from unclear direction from the government at first. But that should have been clarified by now.

    And no, not from shitposting on reddit, confusion from unclear governemental direction, and mainstream media uproar about this instead of objective reporting to try and inform people.

  7. If you actually have an issue with that, you should press her on it. Don’t bring up this whole “I did this so you should do this” thing, but just tell her how it makes you feel that she still has him added. Be vulnerable. If she’s not able to remove him after that, then you should reconsider the relationship lease or not. Breaking a lease before you move in together is way easier than after.

    That being said, the way you brought it up in your post makes it seem like you didn’t care about her having the ex added. You see it as a double standard now that she’s asked you to remove someone you slept with, but had she not asked that it wouldn’t be an issue. It’s okay if it is now and if your feelings changed, but it shouldn’t just be because you want it to be even. I do get not being okay with it though, I don’t think I would be either, you just need to understand your motivations and make sure you’re asking her to do it for the right reason.

    Also, never ever call someone else’s feelings an overreaction ever again. It doesn’t matter if it factually is, it never ends well, never fixes things, and almost always makes them worse. Especially in a relationship. I’ve cried about dropping a piece of toast before, definitely an overreaction. If my partner told me I was overreacting, or even said it now later, I would be pissed. If their reaction seems strong to you, it’s probably because it’s important to them or because they’re dealing with something and they deserve empathy and support, especially from a partner.

    Also, while you’re at it stop talking about your previous sex lives. In my experience there’s literally no benefit. Best case scenario the other person thinks your story is a little funny, worst case scenario it starts a huge fight or breakup. You can talk about dates and such, but sex with other people almost never goes over great. I would just stop bringing it up.

  8. You need to have a conversation about your relationship, or just skip the conversation and break up.

    This isn't about a guy she's talking to. The guy is irrelevant.

  9. Men being pieces of shit sperm donors and choosing to have less custody because they don't actually want to have responsibility of their children? “Not all men, not all dads.” Sure. But a large enough percentage that people make assumptions and whose going to be doing a majority of the childrearing. I'm sure I'll get a response from one of “the good dads” about how much they sacrifice for their child but…it's not about you. It's about all the pos men out there.

  10. He is getting mixed signals. You spend time together and say you care. But you don’t have sex or initiate communications. You might want to take it slow because of past experience, but sounds like he is running out of patience.

    The more you try to reassure him, the higher the cognitive dissonance he experiences.

  11. If hiring isn't your decision:

    go for it now.

    If it is: wait how she does at the interview.

    Everything else inbetween: she scared you witless, because she seems to be more outspoken than you are.

    Grow some balls and man up to her courage, if you like her. To go out doesn't mean to hook up at the first date.

    She didn't propose or ask to adopt you… just go and have a great date together.

    People can also be friends, huh?

  12. If it bothers so much , you stop doing what she likes it move on. Selfish people has to taught a lesson

  13. This is where insisting comes in. She may need therapy to feel safe leaving your kids, but she needs to be able to spend time away from them for all of your sakes.

    You need to tell her what you need – fun nights out. You can start with baby steps, but you have to start somewhere.

    I cannot state strongly enough how important it is for the two of you to take time alone together sometimes if your real goal is to be together forever.

    You also have GOT to dig deep and muster some compassion for your wife. She’s not just hashing your mellow, dude. She sounds freakin’ paralyzed.

  14. I'm sorry to word it that way but grow a freaking pair and kick her out. Ask friends to come over and act as witnesses, and throw her shit outside. Change the locks. Contact an attorney, serve her an eviction notice.

    Get her out of YOUR place. Dont sleep on the couch, dont go nowhere. Its your house, and shes out.

  15. He tells me similar things, like he would never mess up our relationship like that and he doesn’t even want anyone else like that. That’s why I get so mad when I overhear him saying something very different to his friends or says something contradictory to what he previously told me.

  16. I think she’s just scared about coming out. Her family isn’t super conservative, but they are church going folks

  17. Your boyfriend is a sexist, insecure, controlling piece of crap. He’s a walking, talking double standard.

    You will never be able to do the things you want to do while you’re with him, because he will ALWAYS use your gender against you.

  18. Yep this. OP isn't in a relationship with this man. He's basically a paying customer at this point.

    OP this isn't normal. You shldnt have to fucking pleasure him or see to his sexual needs all the time. You aren't his sexdoll tho he's treating u with about the same amount of respect I'd assume he would a sexdoll.

    Like this person said there are men who actually would give a shit about u. And u knw take u out to dinner to spend time with u not because they expect payment after.

    Have some self respect jesus.. why are u making yourself an object for this man to use like a dirty cloth he can just get his use out of and throw on the side when he's done?

    Do u not see yourself as more than this?

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