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Sabi-Ryder live sex chats for YOU!


doggy style and shake ass [Multi Goal]

Date: December 14, 2022

52 thoughts on “Sabi-Ryder live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Taught? What? Lol, its literally just a bit if skin at the tip it doesn't make their whole dick like a shar pei. There is still plenty of friction.

    Overwhelmingly precum is case by case but there is additional lubrication natural to the head that circumcised guys simply no long have.

  2. Q. How do parents “force” a 29yo old adult child to do anything?

    A. Short of a gun to the head, they can’t.

    She has made her choice. And assuming she’s not lying about things this is a HUGE red flag. You didn’t sign up to date her parents and if she can’t impose a very reasonable and common boundary of “parents stay out of my love life”, she will always allow her parents to disrespect you and interfere in your relationship. This is your future if you stay with her. Is this really want you want?

    Breakup and date someone who doesn’t require you to date her parents too

  3. If you’re not comfortable dating someone who pursued your friends the same day as you, it’s totally in your right to not be open to a relationship with them

  4. I'm sorry you went through what you did. I know how much it hurts.

    I'd like to mention that currently, he is at a point where he wants to get clean, and has wanted to for the past 6 months. He has realised what it's doing not just to his life but mine and his parents too. He's been going to therapy and working on himself and genuinely WANTS to be a different person. Whenever he has a slip up there is a tonne of guilt and apology from his end–something that never existed before the previous 6 months.

    I wouldn't say he's an addict, because the usage has gone down to once in two months. I think he just likes the high but he realises its not worth it and has his moments of weakness. Does that change anything?

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  8. My advice to you – go to therapy and work on yourself and on how you communicate.

    He has very valid points here.

  9. Eh personally I think 4 can be left out, sometimes you apologize knowing forgiveness won’t come or at least not for a long time. Apologies should be made with enough empathy towards the other person, forgiveness is not anticipated. In AA this happens all thins when “making amens” “I’m sorry I got drunk punched a hole in your wall and pushed on your couch after I tried to kiss your GF, I’m not drinking anymore, and hope I never do again” Friend: fuck off Inevitably next AA meeting “my friends and family just won’t see how much I’ve changed since I stopped drinking a month ago”

  10. I'm just curious, what part of me saying that we've been dating for six years are are going to get married this fall make you inclined to believe I'm trying to control another human?

  11. No trauma justifies the cruelty. I don’t have sympathy for your husband. And as a woman long married with children you can’t afford to be playing the ingenue. I think you know very well what’s going on here.

  12. Serious and sincere question, is being a furry a sexual kink or do folks think they’re an animal, or perhaps both and more?

    Thank you, want to learn.

  13. If you have to ask if you should break up, the answer is almost always yes. Everyone gave great reasons for you to abandon the leech, but trust your judgement girl. Breaking up is on your mind anyways.

  14. I loved getting massages. Shoulder massage, back massage, the best is a foot massage. Find out what your GF likes. My daughter like having her hair brushed.

    Find out her favorite things. Does she like fancy coffee drinks? Favorite foods? Pastries or desserts, a cupcake? A bowl of fresh cut fruit? Music CDs, or downloads? Surprise her occasionally. If she is having a really bad day drop off something she would appreciate.

  15. Well, this is my first relationship lol and I had no idea I would be this way going into the relationship, hence why I'm looking for advice. Thank you though!

  16. Eh… Its over, you guys broke up so let it go for your own sake.

    ‚Breaks‘ and ‚well get back together once X happened‘ type deals never work.

    Youre not doing yourself any favour in still talking and obsessing over her. She clearly seems to have other plans.

    Going no contact will hurt but its honestly the best thing you can do in this situation

  17. Its ok mate. I feel for you. Having this happen is really naked to take because it makes you second guess other past interactions you had with him, in light of what you now know he was thinking about you. That's hurtful.

    For what it's worth I'm a decade older than you are and a couple of my favourite people are friends I made in the last few years. It's harder to do but it's still possible to make meaningful friendships in our 30s and 40s..

  18. You just listed all of the reasons maybe someone who is trans would not want to disclose that. Trans women are literally KILLED by angry partners. If she passes and her genitals match her gender presentation, what the fuck is the issue?

  19. Wash your hands of this. It is not your problem or fault and interfering is a very bad idea for you if he is a cop. It's just not worth it and you have to do what's best for you.

  20. How long have you been married and did you have a wedding? Did either of you post it on social media? Did he start this job before or after you got married?? I would lose my shit. Your very calm about this. This is extremely demeaning and disrespectful to your marriage. You need to start talking to him and not take no for an answer. If you went to the courthouse and got a marriage license and had a ceremony Then I’m the eyes of the US laws, you are married.

    You need to protect yourself. Make a Dr appointment, go and use your insurance card and let the dr file a claim. See what happens

  21. Stuff those feelings down and don’t ruin your friendship. If she’s not into you the last thing most women want is for someone to try to “win them over”

  22. You are completely right.. I am being extra careful now.. and decide to look for another agency to go to for distancing myself at this situation at least.

  23. Here's the thing. Let's say I kick your dog every day, and it hurts you. But, I say, that's how I grew up. My family and I went out daily and kicked dogs. That is not an excuse. If he knows it hurts you, he should stop. If he won't, you have to break up with him. Tell him in no uncertain terms it hurts, and you are not okay with it. If he still does it, then end it.

  24. It's the drinking that is going to take your relationship down. That should be the focus of your concern and I would consider leaving based on that alone. Expect something like this to happen again unless changes are made.

  25. It's the drinking that is going to take your relationship down. That should be the focus of your concern and I would consider leaving based on that alone. Expect something like this to happen again unless changes are made.

  26. NTA but you‘ve definitely outgrown him and he knows it. He wanted a wife who’s easy to control because she doesn’t have other friends or hobbies. He wanted to feel superior. And now you‘ve gone and changed your life for the better, the only thing that’s missing is a better partner.

  27. Easy. Couple's therapy, first. Then your wife needs to clear up her lie by telling the community that it's actually your son, and she needs to explain why she lied about it.

  28. No way I'm gonna help you reconcile with a violent partner. If you wanna salvage something, then teach yourself how to disagree without saying things that both common sense and common decency say you shouldn't.

    Don't rationalize these outbursts by saying the other provoked you. Do two wrongs make a right? Do you like the way these arguments end?? Next time you hear whatever turns a difference of opinion into a war of words (or worse), walk away sadly, in silence.

    When you think you're ready to put this into practice, try it on a new partner. Violence is unsalvageable. Better prepare yourself for whatever you call a very aggressive breakup. Might wanna have friends there with you.

  29. I just deleted a message on the default Messages app and it appears to be gone for good with no sign it was ever there.

  30. I'm thinking she took a brave step trying to explain it to you, meds do change you. I felt numbed and hated it. I could cope better but I definitely felt I lost myself and didn't have the ability to care or enjoy my passion. It takes a long and often difficult cocktail of trial and error. Maybe she needs to vent to someone other than you so she doesn't scare you about how she's struggling with these changes. Doesn't mean she's cheating. Respectfully ask her to jot stay over and say it makes you uncomfortable.

  31. You can't go to therapy to learn common sense. Therapy only works if you can at least comprehend a rational point of view, she clearly can't.

  32. i think he's lucky you're pretty open minded. rather than making this an issue maybe you can actually enhancing your sex life.

    maybe brainstorm what you both can do to experience the thrill together. maybe if it's involving stranger then do some light exhibitionism together for a start.

  33. Why is that though? Why is your entire sense of self-worth connected to a woman you briefly dated who was completely honest with you about what she wanted from day one?

    It seems like she enjoyed your company, but you wanted to get serious, and she didn't. So, she did the right thing and left you. That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you or that you aren't worth having a relationship with. It only means that she was not the right woman to start a relationship with.

  34. I honestly think this is the reason he’s mentioned it this way, it’s a desire he wants me to fill and instead of discussing it with me like an adult he’s trying to trick me into it through my obvious insecurities. I’m so broken hearted by this.

  35. WE chose to date each other. Can’t exactly date someone without their consent. And it’s not a limitation. There’s absolutely no reason that she needs to know everything. Best friend or not. There’s certain things that should be kept private between the two partners.

    If I give him head on a Thursday afternoon around 3pm there should be no reason that she should have knowledge on that information. Putting the blame on me isn’t a solution.

  36. You’re both young. He wants to see what’s out there and enjoy his twenties without having a commitment to anyone. There’s nothing wrong with that. What should you do? Take a little time to feel bad. But then get with your friends, go out and have some fun, and do the same thing yourself. Go enjoy your twenties without being tied down to someone.

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