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Lesliemoore live! sex cams for YOU!


Suck dildo [Multi Goal]

Date: December 18, 2022

14 thoughts on “Lesliemoore live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. u/throwaway59301777, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Really? You are a dirtbag cheat and you come to the internet and ask for advice on how to be an even bigger dirtbag?

  3. Run. Fast. She has the ability to manipulate people into thinking they're going crazy. It would be in your best interest for you to move on now, instead of sticking around in a relationship where you have to “tread carefully” around a person who makes jokes about you.

  4. I don't think this is a question of SHOULD you leave but a matter of WHEN. And that was yesterday. He will not change. You said it yourself that you don't want to have kids with this man, so why are you with someone you don't see a future with?

    He can be filthy by himself and not drag you down with him (which as far as I'm concerned idk how you have stuck around as long as you have with all of this nastiness)

  5. Or just be spoiled like that, I am assuming, but when it the last time her husband did the same? Even if it was to a small restaurant.

    Given they had multiple kids, it’s probably been a while or rare to have gotten time for themselves or to have continued dating

  6. It doesn’t have to be a confrontation. “I really care ally you but I have concerns about finances. If we want this relationship to progress I think we both need to be open with each other

  7. Thanks! I don't think I am less intelligent, just somewhat less sophisticated than he is I guess. Less than a lot of my peers. But maybe that doesn't matter as much as I've been thinking it does.

  8. That's the idea. How could you ever be mean to such a “nice guy” who praised you and brought you flowers? Nevermind his archaic unhealthy desire for control, he brought you flowers. You deserve an actual nice guy, not one masquerading as a decent person.

  9. It just sounds like you guys aren't compatible. You have two very different expectations for what a relationship looks like.

    It's not any one party's fault, it seems like the 8 minutes was the straw that broke the camel's back for him and it isn't wrong for you to feel upset by that. You're just not compatible

  10. You’re giving off a vibe of someone who thinks it’s “cute” to want your partner’s attention every free moment that they have, as though this is a sign of how deeply you love him. It’s not, and it’s not cute

    just reading this made me feel like running away and i am in a very happy relationship with lots of my own space, lmao

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