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Sofhi_a20live sex stripping with hd cam


18 thoughts on “Sofhi_a20live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Your ex-boyfriend is a douche he doesn't social anxiety because if he did he would not have been able to pick up the phone dial for escort have sex with her. Then he calls you to make your Christmas f***** up to tell you that he's a douche you know what we do with douches after we finish using them we throw them in the f****** garbage

  2. Okay I havent seen this anywhere so idk if it's just people inexperienced with your situation or not, but I think this stress is eating at him and probably you too.

    Some people get divorced over a renovation to the house let alone moving to a new town and starting a new job.

    None of this excuses what he said however, I'm curious as to the transcript of what you BOTH said and did.

    He might be so stressed out that hes done with life so to speak and not just your marriage. And then walking into a house without electricity that was, what I assume your responsibility by how you wrote it, probably set him over the edge.

    The guy probably needs some counseling or a hobby that doesnt stress him out. He might just need a break, idk. But to me, that sounds like his mental health is spiraling.

  3. It's definitely not all on you. Communication takes two people. If this was something that was bothering him he really should have talked about it before and express just how much of a problem it was to him and perhaps even supportively expressed some potential solutions to this problem for the health of your relationship as opposed to bottling it up and bringing it up now.

    On the flip side as a male myself I know that our culture does not at all support men having feelings, beyond hungry, horny, and angry, or opening up at all, or showing any signs of weakness even in very enlightened areas of the world. So trying to be the partners that we need to be requires attempting to live within the rules we've been given while also necessarily overriding those rules because of the toxic masculinity that they create and all of the hurdles involved in trying to attain healthy communication.

    It does sound like he has reservations about marriage aside from the financial concerns. It's quite possible he just doesn't want to get married but also has the financial concerns and those are easier to talk about than it is to tell you he doesn't want to get married. The thing about a marriage proposal or serious talks about marriage is that the end of being an all or nothing endeavor. If someone says no, that's pretty much always the end of the relationship. It might take a while to settle into that ending and resolve it, but at that point you know we're both parties stand. Plus let's face it, nobody wants to have to convince another person that they love dearly to want to marry them. You want them to want to marry you on their own. Not to have to be finagled into it. It sounds like that has just not been in the cards for him. If you have to convince someone into deciding to marry you I feel like you would always have a voice in the back of your head wondering if they resent that, and how committed they really are to the relationship. I mean if they didn't really want to get married in the first place how happy could they possibly be afterwards?

    Either way I don't envy your situation and however it plays out I sincerely wish you the best of luck.

  4. You said went to visit your family & your comment history says that you were talking with someone else to start a romantic relationship.

    I don't know what kind of support you expected but it is apparent that you are not a great wife at all & I hope you remove yourself from these good people's lives immediately.

  5. Let me tell you it won’t get better until you put your foot down. He’s going to be better for two weeks and then become the same person again. Things like this is a nude engrained habit and it’s going to take him months to years to do anything to your standard so unless you want to wait that long and actually be ruthless it’s best to force him to learn to live on his own.

  6. You say you don’t judge people, but you are judging the shit out of this girl. She viewed/views sex differently than you but you’re calling it a lack of morals.

    If that’s how you see it then do her a favour and break up. She doesn’t need to be with someone who is judging her and thinks she’s morally bankrupt and you’re never going to be happy with someone who you think of in this way.

  7. In 6 months you never touched his “vagina” and realised something is off.

    You are right to be upset, she lied to you for 6 months. Leave and never look back.

    I also don't believe this is a real story by the way, way too suss.

  8. Breaks rarely if ever work and the only times they do is often when the couple have been together for a long time and need to do a reset to find themselves again.

    If you two are already at this stage after just 6 months of dating, I think you need more of a “breakup” than a “break”.

    By the sounds of it though, you seem to be doing all of the heavy lifting in this and have a lot more at stake in keeping the relationship ticking along than he has. He really just seems to be along for the ride.

  9. He also said he doesn't want her to push in any direction and would completely accept any decision she makes. He is allowed to have a preference as long as it doesn't try to influence her to choose his preferred choice.

  10. I definitely am willing to compromise I just won’t compromise on the kids thing. That’s the only thing I don’t want to compromise on only because I don’t have any myself. I feel like children are a huge commitment and I don’t want to waste anyone’s time.

  11. Dude, this means your GF has been telling lies to her, and will defend your GF cheating by saying she said you were an asshole.

    This is what cheaters ALWAYS do. The demonize their partners so that if they get found out, they have an “excuse”, especially women. The don't always do it consciously, it's the guilt they feel slipping out.

    Cheaters project their shittiness onto those they are with.

  12. Thanks for the the criticism and not even trying to answer the actual question i asked.

    All i want is a friendship, where the effort is mutual.

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