#@@#@!![27f][27m]My husband hates our son because he doesn’t look like him and mentioned ‘your son not mine’

Tldr; my husband plus me have two kids and one of them looks the of him and the various other doesn’t really look like possibly of us. This makes him pick favourites between our sons.

Today he stated ‘your son not mine’ about our son which usually really upset me. This was after he was mocking our sons appearance stating he had ugly eyes when compared with his. I said something similar to ‘you need to stop getting so cruel to our son’ and then he said ‘your son not mine’.

He is always been horrid but this was the cherry on top of the particular cake. He’s always disparaging our son. He’s generally favouring our other. It is awful

I just don’t discover why or how to stop this. Can someone tell me how?

submitted by /u/throwRA5212
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