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Nicole Fox on-line webcams for YOU!


Let’s have some fun together! [Goal Race]

Date: January 14, 2023

17 thoughts on “Nicole Fox on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Yeah so it sounds like a massive argument where they both said awful stuff about each other and a bunch of stuff they didn't mean.

    I wouldn't read too much into what he said tbh.

  2. OP, do you remember that one parent, family member or parental figure you had growing up that you always looked up to? The one that once told you that they were disappointed in you because you did xyz? Do you remember how bad you felt? How much you apologized? And how you tried to gain their trust in you so that they could believe in you again?

    Well, your fiancée should be feeling and doing that with you now…. BUT….. she is not doing so!!

    In fact, she “refuses to prove that she stopped”.

    Bro, really?

    It's hot to believe it which is why you are in denial. You still have this image of this woman you've been with for several years now and you're still hopeful for the future you've dreamed about with her..

    Unfortunately, it's now a nightmare. A dystopia nightmare of sorts. She is not remorseful nor cares to do so either. She is making zero effort to make it up to you for this terrible transgression against your heart.

    I will be the one to tell you, it's time to end things. Thankfully, she showed her true colors before you walked down the aisle. Would you really want to be married to someone you don't trust? Someone who may step out on you while you are at work or out of town trying to get that promotion from your boss? Do you want to go through all that only to go through the pain of a divorce and then be forced to give her half of your belongings, retirement money, investment account monies and alimony on top of it? Do you want to risk any stds from her? (btw, get checked out now just in case.. Hopefully you are in the clear). Do you want to have kids with her and then always live in fear if they are truly yours?

    End it bro. You may lose the deposit on the wedding venue, cake, etc but that's much cheaper then the scenario I described to you.

    Once it's all over, take some time to just improve upon yourself thru the gym, or advancing your education, improving your health, take a vacation sólo or with your friends. Delve into your hobbies. This will all help the healing process. And don't be shy about seeing a therapist if you feel you need the help.

    Take care and good luck.


  3. This is so real though. I fell for a few F boys when I was young who pretended to be good guys and then “turned” after I was in love.

    This dude is just pissy that he can’t be a traditional F boy and trick women the old fashioned way so he turned into a passport bro to try to coerce women in poverty to sleeping with him.

  4. She thought he was a doormat who when it happened didn't react strongly enough so she could push the envelope further. Notice he said he put in the work to fix things. Not they put in the work.

  5. “Over the next few weeks, we talked. Worked past it. I strongly believe I would have left her if we didn’t have kids. It felt like such a violation of my trust. It took a long time for me to come to terms with it, and to ultimately forgive her.”

    His gut was (and still is) clearly telling him there is more to than this than she is letting on. And he has chosen to rug-sweep that feeling.

    For that reason, e) is really the only immediate option here. She has already proven how manipulative she can be, and how easily she lies by omission. Anything she says at this point is unreliable at best. Nothing is to be gained by a confrontation until he has the conviction and strength to stand behind what he knows in his heart to be true.

  6. You mean that you’ve thought about the consequences of cheating/ break up with your BF and you decided that it wouldn’t be beneficial to you.

    Try again later I suppose lmao.

  7. He didn't hit you by accident. His behaviour is domestic violence and it will escalate if you have a child with him. Think about how is behaviour makes you feel. Now think about how a child will feel if they are subjected to this behaviour.

  8. You say you go home often, so if thats true you do get to see your mom a lot.

    I get that its frustrating and you probably resent her for not showing up to your school events. That really sucks and im sorry she wasn't there for you for those.

    But the way to get her to spend time with you isn't throwing a fit and telling her to never expect you to see her again. I think the best thing to do would be to apologize for your behavior, but explain how you feel you never get to spend quality time with just her and then plan something to do together.

    If she still refuses to spend the time you want with you, you are always within your rights to go low contact. But it might be a good idea to try therapy at the very least to address your feelings regarding your mom leaving you behind.

  9. Take the trip. It’s ridiculous that he is trying to stop you from a long weekend with friends. It is healthy for relationships to have space on occasion, including time without the child or the spouse. Offer to him that he can propose a similar trip where you will take primary responsibility for your baby. If he doesn’t want to do that, it’s his choice, but you both deserve a short break from your respective roles.

  10. Be honest. But also be prepared to lose him as a friend as well. If hes got deep feelings for you being your friend and watching you date other guys could be too much for him. But you gotta do whats best for you and if you're not in love with him you deserve to be with someone you're in love with

  11. Yeah. Find out if SIL is even having it. Then stop this fkg nightmare .she can tell your wife if she wants.

  12. It won't change. In fact you'll wish you had done it sooner. She doesn't want to change. She likes the way she is. You are not partners.

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