(29f) (27m) A client offered me personally money to have sex do I tell my boyfriend

So I am a bit of physical fitness enthusiast and also a personal trainer. This particular job lets me determine my own hours and charge what I want so I love working in this field. Also i take exclusively female customers so this is something I use never had to deal just before. Here is what happened.

I have been going to my client' s ( f late 40s) home twice a week for ninety minutes sessions for two several weeks now. Yesterday after the workout as I was getting ready to get out she suddenly requested how much I charge pertaining to " special services". Now I know what that means since our field has become (in)famous with this kind of thing. I attempted to be polite and mentioned I dont offer individuals services but she once again said she will pay triple for what she usually pays for my regular classes if I agree for just one " special services" session along with her. It really pissed me off but my very first concern was to get away from there safely so I mentioned I will think about it and got out of there,

Now I are determined to drop her as a customer because I dont really feel safe going back there again and also because it feels she doesnt respect what I do. But what I am trouble deciding is whether to tell the boyfriend or not? He is a fantastic guy so I think he can be happy I got out of there safely but I also know my profession is definitely somewhat (in)famous for hookups between clients and coaches. And I am worried it might give him the wrong idea about what I actually do. But on the other hand I am feeling just a little vulnerable after what happened plus would love his support and comfort. Also I dont want to keep something like this from him. Makes me personally feel icky. So I am stuck on what to do.

More info- We have been dating intended for 15 months now and I really think this guy is the 1 I want to marry. I would appreciate any advise.

submitted by /u/throwRAopst
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